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Post by Navigator » Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:18 am



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Highs and Lows
Flux has brought ruin to Pern. By disrupting Pern's magnetic field, it has severed the bonds between rider and dragon, causing death to all dragons affected. Thread now falls unchecked upon Igen Weyr and its territories, destroying plant crops, ravaging herds and threatening to kill those whose shelter cannot withstand the onslaught.

Igen Weyr’s orphaned clutches, left behind after this cataclysmic event that, has hatched. Not without its problems, the hatching featured a serious mauling, the death of several dragons including a bronze and many duds, but nevertheless there were survivors, and the Weyr has living dragons in its walls once again. Most controversial were the unprecedented number of grey dragons that hatched, more than anyone could have expected. These presumably fertile females may be the only hope for regrowing the dragon population, but their association with bad luck and the fact that many of their Impressions occurred close to the deaths of other hatchlings has led to whispers that the appearance of so many is an ill-omen.

But overall, the hatching can be called a success, and the Weyr settles in for the very serious business of keeping the new dragons alive and bonded. Many struggle with severe difficulties arising from flux that make them all the more vulnerable to losing their Bonds, but it’s hoped that most will pull through.

But there are distractions, many of them, and all unwelcome. The last rainfall was many months ago and weak then, and while the Weyr has stores a-plenty from when the rains were last strong, people have started to notice whiffs of an unpleasant odour in the water brought up from one of the underground reservoirs. It’s faint but decidedly off-putting, and the leading theory is that someone left the well cover off by mistake during Threadfall so that it has become contaminated with dead Thread and perhaps a carcass or two of spooked animals. Workers will go in and do what they can, but it may be that the water is thoroughly spoiled already, useful for watering plants and mushrooms and not a lot else. If so, the Weyr may struggle to make its remaining reservoirs last until the rainy season. As if all this wasn’t bad enough, there’s rumours of sickness spreading among what herdbeasts the Weyr has left so far un-culled.

And so the Weyr faces many challenges, and it must deal with them while struggling by on much reduced tithes. Thanks to brave and clever efforts of the Weyr's master craftsmen, things are being put in place that will hopefully make the Weyr a little more self-sufficient, both in terms of food and in the materials it needs to make agenothree for the ground crew, but their plans will take some time to bear fruit. Yes, the Weyr has dragons, but things are still bleak.

Dragonflux is a semi-canon Pern RP with one non-canon rank (plus a unique take on whites) and no sexuality-based Impressions. We feature an evolving setting and plot that will be shaped by member-driven in character events. We are an 18+ site hosted on Jcink Premium, and try to maintain a relaxed, easygoing atmosphere.

Join now in the wake of a unique, world-changing event, and, perhaps, via our adoptables, be a part of the weyrling class that brought dragons back to life at Igen Weyr.


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