Garnet whers must be at minimum one full season younger than Garnet Kelsk, since she was the first known Garnet wher to hatch. Garnet dragons must be at minimum one full turn younger than the Fantasie Group, as they were the first Garnet dragons to hatch on Pern.
Adoptables maybe found HERE if you find there are no creatures of a certain color that you want.
Clutching Greens are not allowed at Fort or Semaca. Staff will announce when we are accepting them for High Reaches, and unless otherwise noted, we are only accepting non-clutching greens. Greens hatched on-screen from High Reaches may be designated as clutching if they were not marked as such beforehand.
Selecting something from the Accepting List can be used to make a new character.
You may not request a baby dragon/wher because the color is available on the accepting list.
Fort Weyr Healer Crafter Riders/Handlers - 0 Bronze - 2 Brown - 3 Garnet - 2 (hatched adopt only) Blue - 9 Green - 9 White - 2 | High Reaches Weyr Healer Crafter Riders/Handlers - 0 Bronze - 1 Brown - 2 Garnet - 0 Blue - 8 Green - 9 White - 4 | Semaca Weyr Healer Crafter Riders/Handlers - 0 Bronze - 3 Brown - 4 Garnet - 0 Blue - 10 Green - 9 White - 2 |
Fort Weyr Gold - 0 Bronze - 3 Brown - 3 Garnet - 0 Blue - 10 Green - 10 White - 6 | High Reaches Weyr Gold - 0 Bronze - 7 Brown - 1 Garnet - 0 Blue - 9 Green - 10 White - 3 | Semaca Weyr Gold - 0 Bronze - 9 Brown - 6 Garnet - 0 Blue - 3 Green - 6 White - 5 |
Firelizards of any color but gold, mutations, and chimeras may be made at any time