" And who knows: starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, and they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny. "
NAME: Kairi
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2749
AGE: 21 as of Late Fall 2770
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Healer / Rider
WING: Healer's Wing
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Auburn
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'5", slender
PLAY-BY: Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Kairi is a little on the small side for now, though she'll grow up to be around average (she's a bit of a late bloomer). She has a round face with large, dark blue eyes and a small, straight nose. Her hair is straight, an auburn edging slightly more toward red, and down to just past her shoulders. She occasionally ties it back when she's at her Healer lessons, but ordinarily she prefers to leave it loose.
She prefers pink and purple clothing when possible, as they're her favorite colors.
Kairi is a sweet young woman, usually thinking of others' happiness and safety before her own. She dislikes conflict of any sort, though she encourages friendly competition. Emphasis on friendly; when things actually get heated, she wants them to stop immediately. She's extremely loyal to her friends, almost blindly so, and when she likes someone can tend to overlook any faults in them. She's supremely trusting, believing most people to be inherently good.
She's always been interested in going to other places, but has never wanted to go to other places alone. She likes to be surrounded by familiar people, regardless of what her surroundings are. She worries often about failure, but isn't about to let that hold her back. She, in fact, worries about a lot of things, mostly the people she cares about, and she very much wants them to succeed.
She's cheerful, friendly and outgoing, and tends to make friends with people quickly, though it can take her some time to get to be really close to someone. She holds most of her emotions close to her chest, and tries not to let anything but happiness show. These other emotions, worry and pity and regret and more rarely anger, they are her secrets, which she does not share.
Cousin?, Yatari, Fisherman
BIRTHPLACE: Cothold near Fort Hold
Kairi was born near Fort Hold, but her parents died of an illness when she was young, and she was sent to live with a distant relative at a seahold near High Reaches. She often regrets that she has no memories of the place of her birth or of her parents, but she's been happy with Yatari and so it doesn't bother her overmuch.
Luckily, she made friends fairly quickly: two boys, Riku and Sora. She was around the same age as Sora, and about a Turn younger than Riku, and the three became a near-inseparable trio. The boys were competitive and often played on and explored a nearby island while she tagged along, making sure that neither of them got into too much trouble. It was, for her, paradise.
Until Riku got Searched and left them behind. She still had Sora, but things had changed. She decided to apprentice as a Healer, but there was only so much she could learn at the little cothold. Still, she was determined to stay there, where all of her friends save Riku were. But then Sora was Searched as well, and she was left mostly alone.
She stuck it out for at least a little while. She threw herself into her studies, but as before, she was limited by their location. She had only a single journeyman for a teacher, and he didn't have the time to devote to her training that either of them would have liked. So, with regret for those friends that she was now leaving behind, she departed for the Weyr, to find Riku and Sora. To go somewhere that she could learn more, to help people. And, while there, she met a dragon who was oddly interested in her; thought she might make a good Candidate.
- Was mauled by white Saupeth, Sora's dragon. She's forgiven Sora, but not Saupeth yet.
- Is worried that Riku is growing even more distant than before.
- Impressed to Shiloth, who is small and sickly, but hers
- High Reaches has a particularly disastrous Threadfall and even Healer's Wing riders wind up fighting Thread. Shiloth is unaccustomed to flying formations and collides with another dragon; her injuries lead to her right hind leg being amputated. Kairi loses her left arm at the shoulder after it's crushed between two dragons.