" What you plan and what takes place ain't ever exactly been similar. "
NAME: Fraelynn (formerly Flynn)
GENDER: Agender
PRONOUNS: They/them/their
ORIENTATION: Aromantic gynesexual
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2748
AGE: 27 Turns as of Early Summer 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Dragonless
WING: None
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'2", wiry
PLAY-BY: Labonya Siddiqui
Fraelynn is not really the most impressive of people. They're short and skinny, with the sort of wiry muscle that speaks to a lifetime of work with a body that just won't get buff. They have black hair, largely straight and just a little past their shoulders; they're quite glad they don't have the unruly sort of hair, though it's usually tied back anyhow. Their face is rather feminine, oval-shaped and with a delicate nose and narrow, dark brown eyes that sit below somewhat thick and full eyebrows. Their skin is of a dark taupe sort of color, though a childhood candlemaking accident left them with heavy scarring on their cheeks, chin, lips, neck, chest, and upper arms, which is paler in places, and most obvious at the base of their neck.
They have rather short limbs for their height, and a long torso. Their fingers are a little crooked in some places, as though they've been broken a few times (they have). Their wardrobe consists of whatever they feel like wearing at any given time, mostly in drab colors, though they have a rather bright knit hat that they're quite attached to.
Fraelynn has the soul of a mercenary shoved into a rather tiny body. They're competent and resourceful, well able to take care of themself through just about any crisis. They're often vulgar, both in terms of their propensity toward swearing and the subject matter they choose to talk about, and the more explicit they're being the better. They're not really well versed in subtlety or subterfuge; they say what they think, and what they feel is readily visible on their face. They don't really care what other people's opinions of them are, with the one exception of rather liking to be feared. They also don't particularly care for other people, and are sometimes outright hostile when someone has annoyed them.
For the most part, despite their attitude, they're fairly calm. They enjoy listening to and reciting poetry, and meditate regularly; this is pretty much the only thing keeping them from flying into a rage at the slightest provocation, and it's still a knife's-edge line they walk trying to keep their temper. Once they explode, it's unwise to underestimate their capacity for anger or violence, or how efficiently they can do harm despite their small size. When they really put their mind to it, they can be absolutely ruthless when they want to destroy someone. When they decide someone is worth the effort and a part of their "family", they can be viciously protective, though this has less to do with blood than it does mutual trust. Not that they're sure they're really the trustworthiest of people. They're extremely slow to trust, and don't even fully trust their own blood. The way they see it, people are only nice when they want something from them, and won't hesitate to steal if they let their guard down for even a few moments.
They're not really fond of sitting still. They much prefer to be moving, walking, going somewhere. They're still nearly only when they meditate, and that they do only until they get too restless for it to be calming. They're not really interested in making things, and much prefer action to sitting still doing "arts and crafts". They're extremely derisive toward the "frivolous" Crafts, which they consider to be most of them. They do recognize the value of weavers, cooks, and healers, but that's mostly because they don't want to walk around naked, hungry, or bleeding. Smiths can be occasionally useful—knives are good, and the pointier the better—but a lot of what they do is wasteful and pointless; who needs gold-filigreed knives, anyway?
Mother, Lynn
Adoptive older brother, Fraenkie of Blue Vagneth
Younger brother, Ly'nk of Garnet Neozeoth
Others would call them "Holdless", but Fraelynn would argue that the Igen Caves met all the criteria for being a Hold save for being called one. Also lawlessness frequently reigned, and unsavory sorts were allowed to stay for extended periods of time. Their parents already had a son, sort of, of the adopted variety (though it took Fraelynn several Turns to realize their brother looked nothing like them or their parents), and another brother was born only a couple of Turns later. They were never close to their older brother, the age gap being far too insurmountable for friendship, and despite being closer in age to their younger brother, they preferred to keep their own company. They were young when their older brother was Searched, and they hardly noticed his absence.
From a fairly young age, they saw little point in being called either a girl or a boy, but tolerated being called a girl. Most of the time. Sometimes they'd fight kids for telling them to wear a dress like they were "supposed" to. They did their chores as they needed to, first little things then bigger jobs, until one day when they were ten they were helping to make tallow candles, for glows weren't always plentiful enough. They were sitting on the floor, tying the ends of wicks, when a pair of younger girls dropped the heavy pot of rendered fat they'd been carrying to cool out of the way. The hot fat splashed up onto Fraelynn, burning the lower part of their face and the front of their body badly. They spent several months recovering, including two near misses with infection, and were lucky to have survived at all.
All they knew was, they never wanted to be that still ever again. As soon as they were able, they started trying to get their strength back. They learned to fight, really fight, from one of the transient mercenary women, and learned to hunt from others. Over a few Turns, they got to be pretty good at what they did. They might lack size, but they were tenacious and quick. Slowly, politics in the caves started to shift, and lawlessness grew. They spent more of their time fighting older children off from what they and their family owned, and once had to stab a man to keep him taking the wherry they'd killed. They saw him a week later, bandaged and angry, but alive. They found they wouldn't have minded if they'd learned he hadn't survived. Still, they began to wonder why they put so much effort into a place with folk as brutish and ungrateful as those in the caves. They stopped helping with community chores entirely, and only helped their own family. The only ones really worth helping, apparently.
When they were fifteen, they returned home from hunting to find their mother in tears. It took two hours to get the full story out of her: their father had been murdered in a dispute over the food they hadn't shared with the rest of the community. Everyone knew who'd done it, and he was briefly made to sleep outside, but Holdless folk didn't tend to be picky about who they associated with. When Thread came, he was allowed back; half the folk there had done worse in their lifetimes anyhow. Fraelynn started planning their vengeance. They'd prefer that the man live, to suffer and remember what he'd done. Their initial ideas involved breaking kneecaps.
Perhaps fortunately, they were Searched by Igen Weyr before they could carry out their plan, encountered by a bluerider when they'd gone to get water. They thought they might even see their brother again; maybe he was even some high and mighty person who could "lend" them some marks they had no intention of ever returning. However, only a couple of days after arriving, they got into a fight with another Candidate, and immediately left before they could be kicked out. The way they figured, they had the skills to make it on their own, and besides, nobody at the Weyr had ever even heard of Fraenkielynn. They found that odd, but not all that important in the end.
For a couple of Turns, they wandered, fending for themself and unknowingly moving toward Fort Weyr territory all the while. By providence, they managed to avoid Thread, and by one late summer, they'd made it there where they'd meet someone very unexpected.
- Met up with the rest of their family and has soundly rejected all of them. They want nothing to do with those people.
- Impressed, surprisingly, to Florenth, a female brown whose egg appeared from nowhere. The two... don't always see eye to eye.
- Met Wyzeth, who had laid Florenth's egg at Benden before it had been stolen away to Fort
- Transferred to Semaca upon graduating, as Florenth wanted to be closer to Wyzeth, and F'lynn wanted to get away from Lyaenk.