" We’re born with millions of little lights shining in the dark
And they show us the way "
RETIRE INFO: Retire Korinda / Adopt Ragaruth
NAME: Korinda
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
ORIENTATION: Bisexual Biromantic
BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2744
AGE: 25 Turns as of Late Fall 2770
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
WING: Moonshot Wing
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 4’10”, scrawny
Korinda isn’t just small but tiny. The vast majority of people absolutely tower over her, and between her height and skinny build, she’s usually mistaken for far younger than she actually is, a fact which rather annoys her sometimes. Her features are just as dainty and small as the rest of her, and all told, she’ll probably pass for a child for most of her life. She has little in the way of feminine curves, but they are there. Her hair is pale blonde and extremely long, falling to somewhere around mid-thigh if she actually were to let it loose, but she usually keeps it tied in knotted braids that fall to mid-back, more rarely tying it into buns at the nape of her neck. Her eyes are dark blue, or at least the left is; the right is a slightly duller color, still unmistakably blue, but not quite the same.
Due to her petite size, Korinda often finds herself wearing dresses made for children, though she comforts herself with the knowledge that at least it’s older children wearing the same sort of dresses as her, simple box-cut frocks that are meant to have the hem let out over time. She belts them at the waist, in an attempt to look more adult, but it doesn’t really fool anyone.
A deep scar runs from the outer corner of her right eye, across her eyelid, and ends about an inch below the inner corner of the eye. The eye itself is a slightly duller blue than the other,
Korinda is, for the most part, a rather friendly young woman. She’s not especially outgoing, and won’t generally make the first move in social situations, but once someone else approaches her she’s more than cheerful enough. In fact, she’s cheerful in general, being an eternal optimist and a bit of a yes-woman. She tries to make sure everyone around her is happy, occasionally to her own detriment, and almost never says no when asked to do a favor.
She’s extremely bright, though has never found much use for her particular skills. She can do complicated mathematical calculations in her head and, at least in the short term, can repeat someone’s words back to them verbatim. She learns quickly when taught something, so long as that teaching is done verbally, as despite her efforts she’s never managed to learn to read and write. She struggles with visual learning, and has a hard time keeping names and faces straight—she’ll remember all of the names but not which faces they belong to—and takes a while to learn new places. She gets lost extremely easily, finding even places she’s been before completely unfamiliar if she approaches from a different direction.
Expressing herself is not one of her strong points; she has no trouble with speaking in principle, but she tends to jump from idea to idea with little thought for whether or not her logical leaps make sense to the people she’s talking to. In many cases, she makes non sequiturs that, to her, make perfect sense. She is also not particularly musically talented.
Though never a daredevil, Korinda is still rather brave, perfectly willing to interject herself into situations that she has no business in if she thinks it’s what will help someone she cares about—or if someone’s asked her to as a favor.
Makowel (Older brother)
TW: Mentions of bullying, violence
Korinda was the second and last child born to her parents, just about a Turn and a half younger than her brother. For the most part, she was an easy child to deal with once she got to the point where crying was replaced with words. However, unlike her brother, she didn’t take well to books. In fact, she didn’t take to books at all; despite repeated efforts, she was never able to learn how to read, though sometimes when Makowel was working on numbers, if he said them out loud she was able to figure out the calculations in her head, even if she couldn’t read the symbols on the page.
The only trouble she really got into, at least that was of her own making, was her propensity for getting lost. Often. When not with her brother, she had a tendency to turn down a path she’d never seen, failing to return home until well after dark, when she could use the seahold’s lights to guide her.
Though she always knew that her brother was bullied by some of the other boys, Korinda largely managed to stay out of it. Though she was small, and therefore just as easy a target, she never really managed to attract their wrath. Turns went by and all she could really do was reassure Makowel, until one day they both caught the bullies’ notice. Though they mostly were after Makowel, she managed to get caught in the crossfire, and in the confusion something hit her in the eye. Both were eventually saved by one of the fisherman’s sons, but neither sibling ever could figure out who, or what, had done it; Korinda suspected a rock had gotten thrown, but could never prove it either way. All she knew was that she’d never see out of that eye again.
Makowel befriended the boy, and Korinda continued attempting to be useful in whatever capacity she could, which honestly wasn’t much. She was rather hopeless at cooking, and had little success at any other crafts. For the most part, she helped keep her family’s quarters as clean as possible. However, even she could tell that Makowel was becoming increasingly unhappy with his lot in life. She couldn’t really blame him; while she’d always been rather directionless, apparently unfit for most things she tried, he’d been pushed in one direction his whole life. Who could fault him for finally pushing back? So when their father decided he didn’t like Makowel’s friend’s influence, Korinda sided with her brother and both fled to the Weyr, joined by Aryende.
To her extreme surprise, she was not only accepted there but also accepted as a Candidate, along with Makowel.
- With some help from Lower Caverns staff, she's managed to get at least a couple of dresses that are small enough for her but not cut for a child's form.
- She eventually Impressed to Ragaruth, who she considers the most precious thing in her life.
- While flying a patrol, spotted bandits. She learned that Ragaruth is capable of violence against humans, even when not directly threatened himself. This fact worries her somewhat, though she tries not to show it.
- Ragaruth got scored on the left side of his face in a Fall; scars are cool and the ladies like them, right?
- Relocated to High Reaches to escape the memory of her brother, killed in the plague.
- During a flight in which Ragaruth ended up losing, she managed to conceive, but lost the baby a few months later.
- In a bad Threadfall, Moonshot Wing flying light after other casualties, Ragaruth struggles to reach some Thread instead of leaving it for Firestorm. He overcorrects and his left wing is badly scored, causing him to crash-land. Korinda suffers a compound fracture of her left leg in the crash; it will never quite heal to full strength.