" Papa Caw-Caw! "
NAME: Edraven
ORIENTATION: Straight but only has eyes for his ex (who he hasn't seen in Turns)
BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2730
AGE: 45 as of Early Winter 2775
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'3", stocky
PLAY-BY: Dick Gumshoe (Phoenix Wright)
EXPY SOURCE: Ed (AFC/NFC North Saga by Tom Grossi)
Edraven is a tall, stocky man with a square face. He seems to just be made entirely of boxes, with broad shoulders and thick limbs. He has large, dark brown eyes that sit below thick, bushy eyebrows. His hair is kept fairly short, though it's still a little unruly despite the length. Combined with his frequent facial hair stubble and his often rumpled clothes, he frequently looks more than a little scruffy.
Edraven is someone who steadfastly refuses to be overlooked. He's a loudmouth who loves to talk about himself and shows off as often as he can. He's extremely competitive, and win or lose he talks a big game. He's both a sore loser and a sore winner, and really likes to showboat.
He's a bit of a hypochondriac, often loudly declaring that he's dying of a simple cold, demanding to be taken to a healer and wrapping even the most minor cut in more bandages than is necessary. Despite this though, he has quite a dismissive attitude toward Healers in general when he's not being treated for some minor ailment. They call themselves Crafters, and yet they don't make anything; therefore they aren't real Crafters. However, he has no problem with other non-Crafter professions that don't "misrepresent themselves".
Despite having inadvertently driven his family away, he actually cares about his family a lot; he's just terrible at showing it. Or admitting it. He calls Raven, the fire lizard he named after himself, his "real child", but would do absolutely anything for his actual son, Bentim. He's also still very in love with his ex-wife, sending her a lot of letters that she never answers or even arknowledges. He lacks the capacity for self-reflection to realize that he's at the root of nearly all his own problems with his family.
Brotto, Older brother, Leathercrafter (2727)
Bentim, Son, Healer (2755)
Steever, Nephew, Candidate (2753)
Janine, Ex-wife, Cook
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: The idea that Janine will take him back
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Weyr
Edraven was the son of a pair of Weaver parents. Despite generations of his family being at the Weyr, he knew from a young age that exactly one thing was expected of him: to become a Weaver. To be anything else was unthinkable; becoming a rider was dangerous after all. So of course he followed in their footsteps, apprenticing young and never once wavering in his course. He would make things for people to wear, weave cloth for bandages, make the knots that let everyone let their ranks be known. Even when his older brother, traitor that he was, changed tack and became a Leathercrafter, Edraven wanted absolutely nothing more than to be a Weaver. The Weyr's leadership was turbulent, but he himself was steady.
He met Janine in his early twenties. She charmed him with her cooking and her wit, and Edraven was head over heels for her. The pair were soon married, and in time welcomed a son they named Bentim. Edraven quickly found there was someone he cared for even more than he did his wife: his son. He would have done anything to make Bentim happy. He devoted countless hours to projects for the boy, and as he grew started trying to interest him in weaving, though his own efforts in the craft weren't going so well. Despite his age he had yet failed to advance to Journeyman status. He had the training and the knowledge, but his fingers were clumsy and he simply couldn't manage the finer work necessary to advance. He still refused to give up, until the day Bentim finally said that another boy was making fun of him because of his father the "ancient apprentice". He spent most of a sevenday crying to Janine over their son being "ashamed" of him, and then got over it.
What he didn't get over was the day Bentim declared he didn't want to be a Weaver. He had delayed apprenticing as long as he reasonably could, but at fourteen he said he was going to apprentice as a Healer. Edraven took this as a personal slight. Healers weren't real Crafters! They didn't even make anything! Bad enough that Brotto had gone off to be a Leathercrafter, but at least that was, in fact, a real Craft! But he couldn't force his son to follow in his footsteps; he just tried to convince him to change his mind at every possible opportunity. He even got a fire lizard, naming her Raven and declaring her his actual loyal child.
This continued for a couple of Turns, with tensions between the family growing ever higher until finally, they came to a head when Edraven tried to insist that his son "do the right thing" and become a Weaver. Bentim wasn't the first to leave; Janine was, though he followed soon after. She hasn't spoken to Edraven since. However, this didn't stop him from trying to talk to her. He sends frequent letters complaining about imagined slights against him, ones that have never once been answered or even acknowledged.
Ever since, he's set about trying to excel at anything he does in an effort to prove he's good enough for his son and wife to come back to him. Never once has he considered the fact that it's his mindset that's the problem, not his lack of notable accomplishments.