" So If I can dream forever, then I never wanna die
I was born to be a dreamer in this hard up kind of life
If I can dream forever, go ahead and blind my eyes
'Cause these dreams are all I have and all these dreams I have are mine
Dreamer, Drayton Farley"
NAME: Bruadaire ("Brua")
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2759
AGE: 17 as of Early Summer 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Candidates
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'11", average build
PLAY-BY: Jack McBrayer
EXPY SOURCE: Kenneth Parcell (30 Rock)
Brua is a young man of around average height and build. He's naturally rather pale, though can gain something like a tan in the sun. He has short, sandy blonde hair that he wears neatly parted. His face is oval-shaped, with a small mouth and bright blue eyes. He has a relatively high-pitched voice, and speaks with a distinctly "cotholder" accent. His clothing tends to be neat, even if it's not particularly fancy.
Brua is an incredibly kind and friendly person, the sort who would give you the shirt off his back with a smile even if he had just been robbed minutes earlier. Nothing really seems to get him down, he exists in a constant stage of cheer regardless of the situation. This is at least partially because he is astoundingly naive; he's been told that on the balance, bad things happen to bad people and good things to good people, so if something bad happens to him then something incredibly good must be coming his way. He wholeheartedly believes most things he's been told in his life, though conflicting "facts" can cause him a great deal of confusion at times. He doesn't pick up well on either lies or sarcasm.
Due to his upbringing and his refusal to take old wives' tales with a grain of salt, Brua can be rather sexist. He doesn't dislike women, but he was taught that they were weaker and shouldn't do things like ride runnerbeasts while pregnant or else the baby will fall out. He is often confidently incorrect while repeating these erroneous tidbits. He also believes that fruit seeds can grow in his stomach, has a strong aversion to eating fish because he was told it makes scales grow in your nose, that there are Holdless called "Hill People" who steal naughty children, and other such nonsense tales. He is open to learning more, but it will take a lot to overcome the things he was told by a family he adores.
Brua is quite a bit of a prude, believing it's completely unacceptable for anyone to see the knees of a member of the opposite sex. It's going to take a lot to convince him that babies aren't made by holding hands, and even more for him to overcome his fear of encountering a woman in the baths. He tends to turn and run screaming from inappropriate nudity, lest his grandparents somehow find out he looked at something he shouldn't. He loves his family, and doesn't want them to be disappointed in his behavior away from the farm.
Despite never really knowing anything but life on a remote, isolated farm—or perhaps because of it—Brua has a strong tendency to daydream. He imagines himself as a wherhandler (though he'd never consider actually becoming one, nighttime is when the Hill People come out), as Weyrleader, as a wingrider fighting Thread, as a sailor, as a Trader sitting on a pile of Marks as high as his head. The list goes on.
Eistibh ("Meemaw"), Grandmother, Farmer
Coladaire, ("Pawpaw") Grandfather, Farmer
Ionnsach ("Granny") Grandmother, Farmer
Tibruan ("Gramps") Grandfather, Farmer
Rinn, Mother, Farmer
Ranaich, Father, Farmer
Four older siblings, all farmers
Five younger siblings, all farmers
Multiple aunts, uncles, and cousins, all farmers
Ellen, Uncle, Farmcrafter
BIRTHPLACE: Cothold in High Reaches territory
Brua grew up on a remote farming cothold in the foothills to the east of High Reaches. One of a very, very large family, he was always surrounded by adoring parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles (though maybe less adoring during normal childhood squabbles). The family may not have had any luxuries, but they never really lacked for anything they needed either. Their farm was prosperous enough, and they were able to trade for the little they couldn't produce themselves. They didn't really see Harpers much, but there were always stories from the older members of the family.
Brua was content. Oh, he was prone to daydreaming about being something other than a farmer, sometimes from one of his grandparents' stories, but he was still perfectly content. Even when blight struck and they all had to tighten their belts and eat almost of their livestock, he was content. After all, things would soon get better. They always would.
And they did. The next Turn, plants grew again, and they were able to start rebuilding their herds. Strangest of all though was the appearance the next Turn of a Searchdragon, an event that hadn't occurred in Brua's memory. And he was Searched. After some deliberation—and many admonitions not to turn out like his Uncle Ellen who'd gotten too much book learning and kept insisting the wrong crops were being planted even though everything was clearly fine—he decided to accept and departed for the Weyr. Where he found that there was quite a lot of society there and little interest in farmers—but that a new Weyr had somehow been made (not that he understood how) where his skills were more in demand, so he soon went to Semaca.