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[Candidates] Egg Watching

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    Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:11 pm
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Joffrey scoffed.
"Ask Nebulaeth? I suppose you'll want to ask Goldrider Liyanel for permission next time you need to have a wee, too."

He rolled his eyes, as if the concept was utterly ridiculous, and ran a hand through his hair.
"All we do is look, right? Who ever heard of needing permission to use your own eyeballs? You sound like tots in the creche asking if you can pretty please go see the new toy."

He sighed. "We obviously don't go be loud about it, but what people and dragons don't know won't hurt them."
Fort Weyr

Alara of Garnet Alubrath
Edward of Bronze Warsk
Wafflous, the fighting cook
Weyrling Luisa of Blue Rhinusleth

Semaca Weyr
Saralia of White Nahangyth
Xanatos the Journeyman Smith
Garma of Green Vranath
Candidate Joffrey

High Reaches Weyr
Kovu, Herder
Mahi of Garnet Kubith
Candidate Nellie
Lark the Harper
G'ri of Brown Rookyth
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    Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:03 pm
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Candidate Levysc

When Levysc caught wind of the plot, she rushed over to join the small group of conspirators. Of course! Who could ignore such a stimulating diversion from the endless routine of daily, oft-uneventful life?

"That's right, they really can't be rid of us all~! And if we're never noticed, they'll be none the wiser, anyways." She responded to the general chatter with a nasty snicker, folding her arms behind her head as she kicked out her right foot bombastically.

But -- Levysc mostly loved the sort of trouble she was more sure to get away with than not, after 'forsking around and finding out' a few too many times back at Igen. This felt closer to a coin flip than a sure game, in her mischievous instinct. Worth the risk? Or would she nod along until all backs were turned, and slip away to go swipe some snacky morsel from the kitchens -- and forget this folly, a perhaps more personally productive use of her evening? Well, if things went poorly, she supposed she could always attempt to abscond unnoticed. She didn't feel a particularly strong loyalty to this admittedly dubious cause that was not of her own design. She was sure, if it was her own proposal -- it would have been, quite simply, at least 20% cooler -- but admittedly, from the Candidate's habitually myopic point of view, there was nothing more tempting right now than the idea of trying something that had possibly never been tried before.

Ehhh... no harm in a little look-see? She reassured herself, stuffing down her better conscience [and survival instinct, really -- ignoring the fact that the Queen could easily end them all for trespassing if She wanted].
Fort Weyr
High Reaches Weyr
- Haspa of Green Chiradath
Semaca Weyr
- R'tax of Bronze Valorath & green Stella
- Candidate Levysc & garnet Primrose
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    Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:04 pm
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Diendiatto - Tag: Joffrey

“No, you ask the Candidate Master for that,” Diendiatto snarked back, though his voice was relatively void of any hinting pitch. “You could be asked to clean the latrines while you're there to save some time.”

Dien reared his head back a bit, just enough to catch a side-eye of Joffery. He wasn't too acquainted with this candidate, but they sure were coming off as quite entitled. That was all fine a good, atleast if one had the spine to back that bravado up.

“If it wasn't such an issue, then every group of candidates before us would have taken their peeks. It's not a revolutionary idea.” Dien said these things, but he also did want a better look himself, if it were actually possible. Patience wasn't always better – sometimes it just dragged shyte out to the point of utterly annoying.

“You seem the most assured and experienced for these things,” Dien pushed right to Joffery. “-you can go first. Lead the way and we'll follow. You can take all the credit.”
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    Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:38 pm
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Candidate Petraxen – Open

Faranth. The more he listened, the more conflicted he felt. There were certainly others who felt sneaking a peak would be an upstart idea. Brilliant! But he imagined those gnashing teeth. Nebulaeth was no Serapheth – or Nornth, for that matter. Would she be as pissed off? Probably not, but who would chance it?

Some of this idjits would, it seemed. And the more they carried on, Petraxen felt himself be swept away by the notion. He ground his teeth, one step away from wringing his hands. It was a seductive allure, seeing those shiny shells in all their pristine glory. They were always pretty to look at. And if some were going … Well, a good handful were younger than him. He couldn’t very well allow them to waltz right into the open maw of danger, could he?

”If you’re all so determined,” he muttered loudly enough to be audible, ”I’m compelled to join. If only to make sure you don’t get your heads lopped off.”
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    Tue Jan 14, 2025 8:54 pm
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Candidate Joffrey - Diendiatto

Joffrey sighed as if he was trying very hard to be patient. "You think no Candidates have ever done this before? Of course they have, they're just not fools enough to go bragging about it after. Which, if we keep our mouths shut too, nothing bad can happen."

He nodded at the request. "Right, very well. I'll lead the way. Anyone who is willing to go, fall in! Anybody who isn't, just remember this never happened. He waited to see who would actually follow before he made to leave, already scheming just in case things went south. If they were successful, he got all the credit. Otherwise, he had to decide on a scapegoat.
Fort Weyr

Alara of Garnet Alubrath
Edward of Bronze Warsk
Wafflous, the fighting cook
Weyrling Luisa of Blue Rhinusleth

Semaca Weyr
Saralia of White Nahangyth
Xanatos the Journeyman Smith
Garma of Green Vranath
Candidate Joffrey

High Reaches Weyr
Kovu, Herder
Mahi of Garnet Kubith
Candidate Nellie
Lark the Harper
G'ri of Brown Rookyth
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