Sat Feb 22, 2025 1:22 pm
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Candidate Xena - Petraxen, Adella, Erina (mention), Licoriss (mention), hatching reactions
TW: injury, blood, etc.
Xena seemed content enough to Stand where she was, gladly watching Xalemeth and Nebulaeth's offspring hatch and Impress, no matter how...lively some were. Though she noticed both Petraxen and Adella beckoning her to join them, a small gathering including themselves as well as Erina and Licoriss, Xena didn't immediately move; though she seemed inclined to accept, dragonets breaking free of eggs and rushing to find a suitable Candidate made for dangerous crossing.
As Xena thought, a bronze was first to hatch, who promptly bit and stepped on Joffrey in his path to a Candidate she eventually recalled was called Sanjay. Though she thought his reaching to a newly hatched dragonet hadn't been a wise venture, she hoped Joffrey wasn't too badly hurt or embarrassed. Second was a green, though Xena had thought she spotted a hint of gold for a split second before she hatched and showed her true colors, dark green and bold yellows. Most notable about her was her tail, covered in large scales that dragged behind her as she found and chose her bonded: Brua.
Two hatchlings had Impressed successfully, but more were to come. A brown emerged and immediately found apparent fault in both King and Phelps, for he hit both on his way to find landing in Polites. Xena frowned as she took note of all those injured. It seemed more than a few dragonets in this clutch weren't afraid to draw blood where it suited them. Thankfully, two dragonets hatched that thought otherwise. A green emerged, who nosed at Petraxen, and Xena held her breath. Could it be? No, for she moved on and selected Renkestuous. Petraxen still had quite a few who might look to him today, and so did she herself, it seemed. A blue followed, who eagerly bounded to Kirin, though Brabbop's shin was an unfortunate casualty to his tail.
Xena observed them all quietly, until she heard Petraxen's voice across all else, loudly calling her name and asking she join them. A small smile crossed her face as she realized they wouldn't be swayed, and carefully made to join them, though she paused to allow hatching dragonets to move and find who they willed untroubled.
But as she almost reached them, a brown hatched, and his intent was clear: he meant to inflict harm on whoever stood in his path, and Xena was unfortunately among those in his way. It happened so incredibly fast, too fast for her to respond accordingly, but he leapt at her first, and his jaws found her arm. Feeling teeth puncture her robe and find her skin, she gave an involuntary and wordless cry of alarm and hurt, before he made matters worse by giving her a tug. In response to being yanked, she went to one knee, struggling to stay on her feet as her arm was being mauled by an angry hatchling.
Thankfully, he spotted a different target and released Xena in an aggressive whirl, sparking fresh agony in her arm. But he saw fit to lash her with his tail before he left, knocking her flat and breathless onto Semaca's burning hot sands. Distantly, she could hear him continue his rampage through her fellow classmates, and recognized she was no longer in immediate danger. Carefully, she sat up, cradling her arm to her chest to assess it. But in so doing, she watched as that brown slammed against Petraxen and knock them down, and her heart stopped in her chest, thinking they were his newest target. "Petraxen!" she cried unbidden, her worry for her sibling's safety bypassing her own injuries. But something amazing happened: rather than sinking his teeth into them, his eyes whirled in a thousand colors for them, before his voice boomed though countless minds, including her own, as he projected his decree to all gathered to witness his birth.
Somehow, Petraxen had been chosen by a brown who saw fit to intentionally hurt multiple Candidates, including herself...but to Impress was an honor, and that brown was Petraxen's Settalyth. But shockingly, it seemed as though Petraxen didn't register at all that he'd Impressed, going so far as to shout and make a rude gesture at their own dragon once they'd gotten up from where Settalyth had knocked them down. Stunned from both Settalyth's attack and Petraxen's conduct, Xena watched as they hurried to her, trying to gauge her injuries. Adella too made her way to them, and Xena couldn't help but feel comforted by both.
"I am calm," Xena stressed to Petraxen, striving to keep her voice natural as her arm smarted, though she couldn't help but sound a little annoyed at them completely bypassing their own dragon. "But you've more important matters to address than my wellbeing. I don't know whether you'd noticed or not, but you're no longer a Candidate." In spite of her arm burning and her sibling's worry, Xena smiled for Petraxen. "Adella is here; I'm in good hands. Don't keep Settalyth waiting, Petraxen. Frankly, I'd rather not see him grow frustrated with you and start biting again."
To make her point that she was fine hit home, Xena got to her feet, as difficult a venture as that was with her off leg, but she stood regardless. Checking her arm herself, though it stung fiercely, she recognized she wasn't badly hurt, and let it hang naturally once more. Though she still seemed a little disheveled, Xena dusted sand from her hair and robes; she was steady and strong yet.