Thu Feb 20, 2025 12:01 pm
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Candidate King - Open
Man, being a candidate was no fun, no fun at all. All he ever did anymore was get in trouble for NO REASON and then he had to scrub everything down, and they were always stinky and gross things. He thought candidates were supposed to be important, not basically drudges with extra homework! If he'd known that's all they were, he wouldn't have bothered talking a dragon into making him a candidate.
But when the hum went through the air and the call rang through the Weyr, and suddenly all of King's bitterness and frustration flew out of his head. "THE DRAGONS ARE HATCHING," he screamed at the top of his lungs, dropping the scrub brush and knocking over the bucket he'd been using - turns out you needed water to clean things properly? Who knew - in his haste to get to the eggs. The soapy water was fine, someone else would clean it up, surely.
He was halfway to the sands when he remembered that he was supposed to wear robes, not his regular wear. He skidded to a stop, slapping a hand to his face. "I don't have time for this," he wailed, booking it back in the other direction towards the candidate barracks. "Because the damn eggs are hatching right now!!" He all but dove into his room, rummaging around for his robes. He found them with a triumphant cry, holding them aloft, and then scrambled to get dressed in them, neither noticing nor caring that they were wrinkled. He also did not seem to realize that his robes were not in fact white, but a very pale peachy color.
He ran to the hatching sands, screaming out "I'M HERE! I'M NOT LATE, I'M NOT LATE I'M HERE!" He skidded to a stop, looking around. A blush slowly rose to his cheeks as he realized he was not late at all, and in fact very much on time. The eggs had barely started hatching yet. Slowly, he approached the gold, suddenly self-conscious and very aware that she'd kicked him out of the touching. He sidled up to Nebulaeth and gave a very, very cautious bow. He held the position for a few moments; yes, the candidatemasters had assured him that he wasn't barred from the hatching for his 'behavior' at the touching (whatever THAT meant, he'd done NOTHING) he didn't quite trust them on that one. But Nebulaeth wasn't kicking him out again - or eating him - so he straightened up and scampered away from her across the hot sands, putting as many candidates between himself and her as possible, while still trying to get a good view of the eggs.
He bounced on the balls of his feet. "Wow! A real hatching! My first one! This is so exciting! Do you think there'll really be a gold in that gold one? Or any maulings? I've heard hatchings have a lot of maulings, I sure hope we don't have any today but a lotta these dragons seem kinda up their own tailforks, so who even knows. Have you ever been bit by a hatchling before? What was your favorite egg? Do you know what color you want?" He was talking a mile a minute to whoever was closest to him, not even caring if they responded or not. He was clearly thrilled to be here, and chattering away to whoever would listen and not really bothering to wait for the answers.
Candidate Hamuntep - Open, graciously willing to tolerate Phelps
It was a miserable day. If it was going to be hot, there was no call for the air to be as thick as water on top of it. At least the day was dragging on and some of the heat was starting to dissipate slightly. Hamun was shirking chores - it was far too hot to consider doing much of anything - when the hum of dragons calling for candidates settled into his very bones.
He rose. It was time. At last. The clutch with so many dragons worthy of him, the clutch where he would surely begin his journey towards making a name for himself. He walked briskly to his room and pulled out his robe, tucked neatly away to avoid wrinkles. He pulled it on, carefully examining himself in the mirror. He scowled, tugging at the collar of the robe. He hated the feeling of the fabric against his skin. He cocked his head, considering. Well...there were no rules that said candidates had to wear their robes a certain way...
Very quickly, Hamun strategically tore a few seams so he could pull the formless garment down his body so that it hung from his hips. There. Much more comfortable, much more manuverable, and much less skin for the fabric to stick to as he would no doubt build up a sheen of sweat.
Finally ready, he made his way to the sands. He approached Nebulaeth and bowed, as was proper, smiling to himself that soon he would eclipse her in notability, and went to stand among the candidates. Idly, he looked around. Phelps was not his friend, exactly, but he'd been a shipmate, and between him and some of these candidates, Hamun would much rather the loudmouth be a classmate. And if he wasn't...well, Hamun wanted him nearby so that he could rub the man's nose in his own impression.