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A Forceful Friendship

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    Mon Apr 01, 2024 7:10 pm
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A Forceful Friendship

K'mina walked through the dining den, his plate piled high with goodies for dinner. The food down in Semaca was odd, certainly, but leaps and bounds better than the food back in Telgar. The room was packed with riders eating their dinner and handlers sipping klah with their breakfasts. K'mina was still new, so he didn't recognize any occupants at open tables he could join.

Oh well! He'd just have to make a new friend. He scanned the room and found a promising subject: A young man sitting by himself off to the side. The lad had a sort of wavy blond hair and seemed the sort who usually kept to himself, so he was the perfect candidate to share a meal with.

"Good evening!" K'mina boomed as he approached the man. "I'm K'mina of Garnet Gurrenth. Mind if I eat with you?" He sat before the man could provide an answer and began chewing a roll. "What's your name?"
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    Thu Apr 04, 2024 2:15 am
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Lancel tried his utmost to pretend he hadn't jumped at hearing someone's loud greeting clearly directed at him, his eyes wide as he blinked alarm and looked at K'mina. Though Figaro was off somewhere else, likely causing some poor soul needless trouble, Fiero hissed his greeting from his perched above them, narrowing his eyes at who dared intrude on his bonded's solitude. "Um..." he stalled as he struggled to conceive a response, but his newfound company had seated himself before he could say more than that. "I suppose you may," he said after a moment, his voice soft but polite, though he unconsciously worried at his lip nervously. Don't worry so much, Alezaeth's gentle voice floated into his mind, sensing his uncertainty. Take things slow, Lancel. Start small and work your way up. K'mina asked you your name, I believe.

Lancel was glad of her suggestions, warmth filling his heart for his green, though he felt somewhat ashamed, to be a grown man that still needed to be talked through a chance encounter in a communal dining hall. There is no shame in needing help, Alezaeth reminded her bonded, though there was no disappointment or judgement in her voice. Tuning in again to where K'mina sat across him, Lancel managed a small, albeit uneasy, smile. "Good evening," he greeted in return. "I am Lancel of green Alezaeth. My bronze perched above us is Fiero. I-I apologize for his conduct, he isn't terribly fond of strangers." At being introduced, Fiero made no sound and continued squinting down at K'mina, but Figaro decided to make an appearance, popping from between to land nearby and peer down at his master's new friend curiously.

"And my second, blue Figaro," Lancel proceeded to introduce his second firelizard, to which Figaro responded by giving a sociable cheep. "It is good to make your acquaintance, K'mina of garnet Gurrenth," Lancel continued formally, taking his fork in hand again. "What brings you to join me?"
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    Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:32 am
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K'mina laughed and smiled up at the feisty flit. His smile widened when the second one appeared as well. "Pleasure to meet you, Fiero and Figaro." He shifted his gaze back to the rider, "and you too, Lancel!"

He chewed on his food while pondering the question. "I dunno. I needed somewhere to sit, this seat was open. Besides, I could always use a new friend!" K'mina took another bite and a swig of klah, completely ignoring any form of decorum or manners. "I just transferred here last turn," he spoke through a mouthful of food. "Still getting to know my way around here. How long you've been down here?"

K'mina, try not to scare him off. Gurrenth told her bonded privately. He seems shy, and you can be, well, a bit much.

Psh, don't worry about him, it'll be fine, K'mina assured her. Gurrenth just responded with the telepathic version of a snort.
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Lancel nodded, managing a small smile in response, mostly to be polite. "Likewise," he said mildly, quietly focusing on his food for a moment while he let K'mina explain himself, nodding where it seemed appropriate. Once he was asked how long he'd flown for Semaca, in relation to K'mina transferring last Turn and still learning his way, he was almost clinical in his response, rather immediate in recalling his transfer history by force of habit. "Three Turns," he answered, his voice quiet. "From High Reaches Weyr to Igen Weyr in 2762, from Igen to Semaca in 2773." But what he said afterwards was somewhat surprising, considering Lancel's reputation as a somewhat timid man. "Should you still need help in finding your way in Semaca, you're free to inquire upon me," he added, though he went still once he'd stated his offer, his face reflecting surprise that he'd said that. Alezaeth hummed a wordless encouragement in his mind before he could falter, supporting him in being so unusually forward. It had been...oddly easy, to say those few words in an offer of guidance, a dragonrider experienced and well-versed in his Weyr helping a new transfer. Clearing his throat, he took a small sip of his own klah to keep from needing to say something further, his eyes downcast in his contemplation.
Last edited by Agenothree on Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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    Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:02 pm
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K'mina's eyes widened at Lancel's account of his service. "Dang! You've transferred more than me! I was at Telgar before this. I'm glad I'm down here now, weather's a lot warmer."

He gave Lancel a big smile. "Hey, that's mighty kind of you buddy! I'll be sure to take you up on that." He might use big words and be very prim and proper, but K'mina could tell this guy knew his stuff and could probably be relied on. He took another bite of his meal.

He pondered a moment, then decided to take Lancel up on his offer. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know where a guy could get a knife, like a REALLY big one, would you?"
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"It is," Lancel said in response to K'mina's comment about how much warmer Semaca was in comparison to most climes of Northern Weyrs, taking a slow swallow of his klah. "It was quite an adjustment, being accustomed to colder weather for so long. I hope you find Semaca pleasant." Hopefully in more regards than its weather, he thought to himself; though he was a reserved man, he was still proud of his Weyr. As K'mina proceeded to agree to take him up on his offer, Lancel but nodded. "Of course," he said by habit, managing a small smile that seemed more polite than genuine. But as K'mina asked where he might find a really big knife, Lancel looked up from his food in alarm, his face reflecting as much in a worried frown. "I do not know, my apologies," he admitted, blinking at K'mina in confusion. "Do you intend on exploring some wild sector of Semaca's jungles? If so, I wouldn't recommend it; it's dangerous enough in regions we know." Lancel felt it prudent to warn K'mina, a relative newcomer, of what dangers could hide in Semaca's lush forests; dangers that could bring dragons low as easily as Thread could. Enough fretting, Alezaeth tutted as she sensed where he bonded's thoughts were leading. My wing recovers well and you know it. Lancel's concerned look didn't let up. I am permitted short glides. My mobility improves daily. It won't be long until we fly for Pavane again. Lancel's expression softened a little, but Thread would fall in reverse before he'd stop worrying; that much was certain.
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    Fri Apr 12, 2024 12:03 pm
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"Well darn it," K'mina said, snapping his fingers in disappointment. "Guess I'll have to keep asking around then." He shoveled some more food in his mouth. There were plenty of people around the weyr he could ask to help him find a knife.

"I wasn't planning on it," he responded to Lacel's inquiry through a mouthful of fruit. "There's a fishing hole a short walk from the weyr I like to visit, but the path is just getting a little overgrown." He swallowed his food, then smiled with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"How dangerous we talking? Is it 'better go with a squad' or 'beware ye who enter here, for none escape?'" He was suddenly very interested in knowing more details about the jungle that surrounded his new home.
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"I see," Lancel said in a rather neutral response to K'mina, to both his declaration on continuing to ask after a large blade and his description of a fishing hole he'd like to visit and its overgrown path. As K'mina continued speaking, something he seemed particularly comfortable doing, Lancel listened quietly, regarding him solemnly. Some find it easy to talk, Alezaeth reminded her bonded, a note of amusement in her voice. Others find it comforting. I wonder where K'mina falls. Lancel tuned in again to answer K'mina's question about how dangerous Semaca's jungles could be. "Dangerous," he repeated behind his mug, his cornflower eyes going stern to match. "I strongly recommend accompanying a squad if you're to venture far from Semaca's more established protections. Unless you'd like your adventure to wind up as harrowing a scenario as you entailed." Go easy on K'mina, Alezaeth counseled. I trust you recall much easier than I how you were once as new as he is. Lancel sighed outwardly as much as he did inwardly. "My apologies if I seem...curt," he added. "As beautiful as its jungle is and as wonderful a Weyr to serve, Semaca can be...a challenging place to live. Spotties are frightening enough to face as it stands, but they grow bolder as of late, among other dangers still unknown. I hope you'll take care if you do decide to explore.
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K'mina flashed a devilishly marvelous grin at hearing the jungles were dangerous. Danger and risk made for the best adventures and stories after all! No one wanted to hear a story where the hero didn't get to do anything brave or exciting. Everyone was so insistent he should go with a group though. Lancel and that handler guard he had talked to a few nights prior. If he had to bring an entourage, at least they could witness his feats in person.

When Lancel apologized, K'mina just laughed. "Don't worry about it! Takes a lot more than a stern tone of voice to scare me off." Nothing scared him, he was too stupid to know what fear or anxiety were.

"Yeah, it's a great place isn't it? Nothing like it anywhere else on Pern! Everything is so exciting and new here. Back north it's just plain boring." He took a big bite from his plate. "What brought you down here anyway? No offense, but you don't seem the daring type that enjoys a big adventure."

K'mina, don't be mean to him, Gurrenth scolded.

What? I'm just asking. Making conversation, trying to get the guy to open up a bit!
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Again, Lancel was quiet while K'mina spoke, though he clocked his devilish smile somewhat nervously, giving a small frown in response. Regardless, he said nothing until he felt it prudent to answer. "Good," he quipped, curling his hands on his mug, managing a small, albeit too tight, smile. "Semaca will throw its worst at you someday. Someone once told me that if one was made uneasy by a firelizard, that person did not belong here. S...So likewise, if I managed to unsettle you by in sounding, I would wonder if Semaca was right for you." Clearing his throat to hide how he stumbled on his words, he took a slow sip of klah, though he swallowed a little too fast at hearing K'mina's latest question, clearing his throat louder to keep from coughing. Once recovered, Lancel regarded K'mina thoughtfully, his blue eyes unreadable. "That assessment would be correct," he managed behind a huff that could've been a laugh. "But I'm not offended by what is true, don't worry." As Alezaeth rumbled wordlessly in his mind, Lancel considered how to answer, quiet for a moment. "In all honesty, it was for Alezaeth, my green, that I transferred," he sighed in a somewhat wistful voice, clearly fond of his dragon. "It hadn't occurred to me, but it did to Alezaeth. That we needed a change, that is. And I'm glad we did. I discovered my cousin had made Semaca his home and had a daughter. I...hadn't really appreciated family fully until..." Lancel glanced at K'mina in a rush, seeming a little alarmed at going on so long, perhaps embarrassed too. "M...My apologies," he muttered, looking down at his klah. "I don't normally speak of myself." Don't be so harsh on yourself, Alezaeth counseled kindly. K'mina asked, meaning he's interested in hearing about you. Not to mention how wonderfully you spoke. Lancel's face softened a bit, showing how his green's words affected him. Moving on hastily, he tried to redirect. "And what of you? I don't recall hearing your own transfer history. What led you to Semaca?"
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In a complete disregard for Lancel's emotions, K'mina laughed at the man's admittance that he wasn't the adventurous sort. "I guess it takes all sorts to keep the weyr running," he said in a cheerful tone.

K'mina, seriously, don't be mean! Gurrenth cut in.

I'm not! I'm being genuine here! We need people like him to keep the boring stuff running so I can go have the fun.

You're terrible, she thought with a huff.

"Oh, I came for the adventure of course!" He said, responding to Lancel's question. "The northern weyrs, they're all so stuffy and boring routine. Run drills, fight thread when it shows up, go back to drills. Much too routine. I decided my skills were much better utilized down here where they need daring and bold individuals who can make a real difference!" K'mina omitted any mention of his superiors' constant discontent with his performance, and that in reality, they had transferred him as far away as possible. He didn't sweat the minor details.
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Lancel managed another small smile that seemed more polite than genuine, sipping at his klah ponderously. "It's true," he agreed. "Though I might not participate in Semaca's frontlines in fighting Thread or combatting spotties, every dragonrider and wherhandler matters. Alezaeth and I fly for Pavane, which primarily focuses on search-and-rescue during crisis, sometimes tracking alongside Requiem. I...admittedly hesitated to join a full Threadfighting wing again, such as Minuet." As K'mina detailed what saw him transfer to Semaca, Lancel nodded slowly. "I can understand that," he went on, though his frown did nothing but grow in intensity on his face as he contemplated. "Though I wouldn't underestimate your drills, K'mina. Drills are quite valuable in keeping both a dragon and her bonded in shape for a true hazard, as monotonous as it can seem." I believe K'mina is looking for company for dinner, rather than a drillmaster, Alezaeth gently suggested, to which Lancel flushed to himself. Rather than keeping droning on at K'mina, he took his green's advice and went quiet, electing to let K'mina answer.
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    Tue May 28, 2024 3:06 pm
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”See? This is what I’m talking about!” K’mina said pleasantly as Lancel detailed his duties. ”We need guys like you who are willing to do the dull stuff so guys like me can do the exciting things! Search and rescue’s important, sure, but it’s forsking boring. I’d rather be risking my hide fighting thread any day.” He said this with sincerity and enthusiasm. He was dumb, but not dumb enough to devalue the work others did so he could do what he loved.

Lancel’s scolding was met with a hearty laugh. ”You would be the sort to think drills are important. Me and Gurrenth manage just fine with the few we go through. We’re in as tip-top shape as any fighting duo down here!”

I mean, I do think we should do more drills. Better safe than sorry, you know.

They’re boring though! Besides, the flying and adventures we have instead are better than any boring training the wingleaders could put us through.

Gurrenth responded with the mental equivalent of a disgruntled murmur.
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