Most of the healers were taking a break for the day. There weren't any major cases they needed to be on-hand for, and if an emergency cropped up, there were few things faster than dragon-to-dragon communication. And if it was really bad, Eraelth could send out an all-hands call to the whole Weyr.
F'lin was competent enough to at least get people settled and handle very basic first aid, so he was often left to mind the clinic if most of the healers wanted to take a well-earned break all around the same time. He was settled near the door, double-checking inventory. Sure, he couldn't see all that well, but he knew what the herbs should smell like, and that if he couldn't smell them they'd lost their potency. He had them sorted into different piles, a keep and a replace pile. Next, he'd sniff test the prepared medications, but he would need Rusty's help with for that and the brown flit was napping, so he was trying to put it off for as long as possible. Plus, he'd have to clean out the vials the medicine was kept in if it was turning, and he wouldn't be able to hear people coming in if he did that. He preferred to do the washing when he wasn't the one who was supposed to be minding the place.
He had his nose buried in a leaf, frowning. He was trying to remember what this one was called. The scent wasn't very strong, but some medicinal herbs didn't smell terribly strongly, so he needed to be able to identify what it was before he knew which pile to put it into.