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A Bit of Downtime [Dragon]

A big open space, this leads to the jungle as well as having a small farmed area and space for feeding and training!
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A Bit of Downtime [Dragon]

Fenrir had been watching his two whers interacting and sometimes it felt like watching two toddlers. Fesk did not always make it easy with Rirsk and to her credit, despite her younger age, Rirsk had started to push back more than she did before. It never came to more than minor altercation before Fesk got bored. For the most part though, his whers did seem to get along well enough to work together when Fenrir was doing drills with them outside of lessons.

Today had him out after the three of them had eaten their meal and were just outside and enjoying the balmy summer evening, the sounds of the jungle nearby like a natural made chorus. Normally Fenrir would be humming as he was recording some things in his journal but he had learned very early that Rirsk absolutely seemed to hate that. He was not sure at first if it was because his "singing" voice annoyed her but it became clear a few months ago that it was all music and she would retreat away to a distance she did not have to hear it.

But that was enough pondering the past, especially when he seen a classmate Cyan nearby and waved at him and called out. " Cyan! Hello! Enjoying the quiet evening as well?" He asked, the smile on his face. While he had not had much opportunity to spend time with classmates outside of lessons, he still wanted to try to make the effort. Rirsk seemed to really enjoy it as well, as she lumbered up to his side and butted against him, seeing the blue handler a moment after her own handler had.

" Rirsk would like to greet Cyask." She said to Fenrir and he smiled.

" Me too Rirsk, let's see if they want to join us for a bit eh?" He offered and got a nudge to his side in response. Looking back at Fesk, he beckoned to her and with a grunt, she also stood up and dutifully followed Fenrir, but she was more interested in doing a whole lot of nothing right now, the full belly making her almost sleepy... she did like her naps.
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With the bluepair up and fed, Cyan and Cyask were simply enjoying the early evening before they had to start their night when they came across Fenrir, Fesk, and Rirsk. As far as Cyan could tell, Fenrir was a prime example of the members of their wherling class: young and on their second bond. He was also notably tall, towering a good five inches or so over even Cyan.

"Just getting ready for the night," he answered. As wherlings, they were kept pretty busy, but with their baby whers now a full turn old they were generally thought to be able to handle themselves. Not completely, of course, but enough they didn't have someone looking over their shoulder every second.

He gave the others a small smile as they came over. "Fenrir, Rirsk, Fesk, it's nice to see all of you." Idly, Cyan wondered what it was like to have two whers; he and Cyask got along splendidly and he could see how the right wher might make that even better - and how the wrong one might throw everything into chaos.

It is a lovely evening, and it is nice to see Rirsk when we're not in class, Cyan put in with his usual unusual eloquence.
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" Yeah, us too. Just finished breakfast and taking advantage of having a free moment before our lessons are due to start. The weather certainly seems favorable tonight and that is exciting. We can see the stars so clearly tonight, not a cloud in the sky. Its great to see you and Cyask as well. Can you believe its been a turn since we welcomed our young whers into the world?" Fenrir replied, with a bounce in his voice. He was also glad today that his stutter was not as prounced as it often was.

Rirsk moved forward and sat near her clutch mate, her gaze drifting behind her to Fesk for a moment before making a snort of disapproval as the garishly bright green wher flopped back on the ground and seemed to be decided to nap. Rirsk did not understand her, even after a turn. But that was a thought she put aside, her clutchmate was here!

" Rirsk greets you, Cyask. Have you had your meal yet? Important to feed belly, energy for drills and lessons. So Rirsk's Fenrir say. Good to see you as well."
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    Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:48 pm
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"A turn doesn't seem right," Cyan observed. "It seems like it has been forever, and like it hasn't been any time at all." It certainly didn't feel right, or accurate, for it to be only a few more months before their time as wherlings came to an end.

"Is it very different the second time around?" Cyan asked curiously. Not that he needed a second wher! Cyask was a perfect match. But - well, he wasn't entirely opposed to the notion, either.

We ate, yes. I had a very fine, fat herdbeast, Cyan said smoothly. He licked his lips at the memory.

Sometimes, Cyan wondered why Cyask spoke the way he did, but in the end, he doubted he would ever know. It was just the way his wher was.
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