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For the Joy of It [Open]

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    Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:54 am
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For the Joy of It [Open]

Caffeth set down on the lake shore, her eyes whirling green and blue with delight. I told you that we needed that, did I not? Flying for no reason save for the joy of it, finding pretty flowers to braid into your hair... We needed a day where we didn't owe anything to anyone.

Yes, yes, and I'm sure none of it whatsoever was a ploy to get me to bathe and oil you particularly thoroughly, Saerin replied as she slid down from the side of her dragon. I can tell when you're nearing that time of the season, you know.

Welllll, the green said, dragging out the end of the word. Perhaps if you don't mind, would you? Please

Of course I don't mind. Not when it's for you. Though Saerin had to admit that privately, she sometimes did resent just how much time the green took to care for. Sometimes. A little. And then she remembered just how much better off she was for the green. Besides, I brought the supplies along anyway. As I said, I know you well enough by now.

Thank you!

Caffeth waited only long enough for the riding straps to be removed before wading out into the water to rinse herself off. Standing on shore, Saerin reached up to touch one of the flowers in her curly, dark hair as she watched her dragon immerse herself in the cool water. Being a rider was a lot of work, and even in the relative safety of Pavane Squad, it was often dangerous work.

But it was also wonderful.

So engrossed in the scene before her, Saerin was unaware of anyone else approaching.
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    Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:44 pm
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K'mina whooped into the warm spring air as Gurrenth started to descend from the sky. Lagann trilled happily behind the pair, flying at her own pace behind them. The trio were still adjusting to life on the southern continent, where thread wasn't as looming and there was so much work to be done on the ground to keep things running. They had been so busy that time had crept up on them, and it was time for Gurrenth to get bathed and oiled, so they were flying to the lake to do just that.

K'mina, there's someone down here already, the timid garnet indicated to her handler. Let's go somewhere else.

Are you kidding me? Kamina fired back with a laugh. He peered over the side of his partner. It's just another rider and their dragon, not a pack of spotties. We're giving you your bath here.

Gurrenth sighed, defeated as she carefully landed on shore, a good distance from the other pair. Her feet had barely touched the ground before K'mina was sliding off her and shouting at the other rider. "Hello! Great day for a bath, right?"
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    Fri Apr 05, 2024 6:53 am
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Saerin turned to see the other rider at the sound of the shout, and a quick grin crossed her face at the sight. She certainly wouldn't say no to some company, especially since it would make Caffeth even happier than the bath alone.

"It definitely is!" she replied cheerfully. Not that she believed it was a strictly true sentence, because there were far more enjoyable things in life than scrubbing a dragon and therefore a day that was only average was a better day for it, but she supposed it wasn't a bad thing to have nice weather.

Caffeth surfaced in the water, shaking water from her head. Hello! she called. She spread her wings partially to allow herself to float. The water is very nice, you should get in.
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    Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:30 pm
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K'mina grinned back as he went to taking the riding straps off Gurrenth. "Name's K'mina! This is my partner Gurrenth. We just got down here at the end of the last turn. Hard to believe it's already time for Gurrenth to get oiled again!"

H...hello. Gurrenth said meekly as she slid into the water. It was as nice as the green said it was. She closed her eyes and sighed as she allowed herself to relax a bit in the lake.

K'mina whooped again as he stripped down to his undergarments and went running into the water behind his bonded. He might as well have a bit of fun before getting to work scrubbing.
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    Tue May 14, 2024 9:00 am
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"I'm Saerin, and the green in the water is Caffeth," Saerin said with a ready smile. It was easy to smile when she was talking to someone new. It was continuing to smile once people started to disappoint her—or her to disappoint them—that could often get difficult.

"It's nice to m—" she started, then trailed off as he took off far too much of his clothing and dashed into the water. "—eet you," she finished more quietly. Really, the obsession Weyrfolk had with nudity was sometimes unsettling. What was wrong with just allowing one's clothes to get wet?

Do you want me to get a fish for you as a snack? Caffeth asked Gurrenth cheerfully, completely uncertain whether or not she could successfully catch a fish. There's some in the lake. They look fat and slow.
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    Tue May 14, 2024 9:50 am
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K’mina dove under the water, enjoying the cool rush over his skin. This was what was great about Semaca, it was warm enough to swim all the time. He resurfaced, shaking the waterlogged hair out of his eyes. "You coming in, Saerin? Caffeth’s right, the water’s great!"

As usual, K’mina was completely oblivious to having committed any social faux pas.

Gurrenth opened her eyes and looked to the green in surprise. O-oh! That sounds lovely! Caffeth must be quite the speedy swimmer to be able to catch fish, Gurrneth was always too slow to catch much of anything when she tried. It was unfortunate, as she quite enjoyed seafood. You can really catch them? I’m too slow, so K’mina usually fishes them for me.
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    Wed May 15, 2024 7:18 pm
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"In a few moments," Saerin replied, kneeling to roll up her trousers a bit. She preferred skirts in general, but at times like these even she had to acknowledge the practicality of not having quite so much fabric around her legs. Skirts dragged terribly in the water, as she had found out. Her hair was pulled back as well, and the flowers carefully set aside for later.

"Now I can." She waded in, fully clothed. The water's temperature was definitely pleasant, at least.

Were it possible, Caffeth would have grinned at having managed to get the garnet to say more than a word or two.I'm pretty sure I can!
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    Tue May 21, 2024 8:27 pm
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K'mina grinned at Saerin as she made her way into the water. "How do you expect to swim with all those clothes on?" He hollered at her before flopping on his back playfully. She was quite a pretty lady, and he had been hoping she might strip some of her clothes off to enjoy the water instead of being a prude buzzkill. Oh well. She might change her mind.

Really? I would love to watch! Gurrenth replied. Sometimes she wished she had the agility and grace of a smaller dragon. Instead she was big and a bit clumsy, not matter how much K'mina tried to say she wasn't and was a good dragon the way she was. She dipped her head under the water, eager to watch Caffeth swim.
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    Fri May 24, 2024 12:40 pm
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"I don't need to swim, just wading in is enough," Saerin replied, settling herself a bit lower in the water to cool off. It really was nice, especially compared to the heat of the air. She could swim fully clothed, but she didn't see the need to just to bathe Caffeth. She couldn't do most of that without solid ground to stand on in any case.

"So you said you just got here recently. From where?"

Not that Caffeth was especially interested in being bathed just yet. She dove into the water, chasing after fish that, while every bit as large as they had appeared, were not nearly as slow as they'd looked. Or maybe it was just that, unlike dragons, they were actually made for an underwater existence. Still, Caffeth was determined to come up with one to share with Gurrenth. Sharing food was one of the best things in life, after all!

They're a bit faster than I thought, but I'm still trying!
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    Tue May 28, 2024 2:29 pm
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”Eh, suit yourself,” K’mina said with a shrug. He paddled to a spot where he could stand and still have his head above the water. The bottom of the lake was slick with muck, so he stumbled a bit as he found his footing. He splashed the water, which was most certainly intentional on his part before cupping his hands behind his head, playing it cool.

”Came down from Telgar. Bunch of stiffs that really cramped my style. Figured my talents would be better used down here, where the land is still untamed.” He of course made no mention that he had been all but kicked out of Telgar by his superiors for his constant slacking off and insubordination. ”How about you? How long have you been down here?”

Gurrenth watched patiently as Caffeth chased after the fish. She was quite a bit faster that Gurrenth, but not as fast as the fish, who were deceptively so for their size. I’m sure you’ll catch one, Caffeth! Maybe If I swam down and blocked a side, it might make it easier? She offered. She wasn’t much of a swimmer, but she could pretty easily be a solid wall that could corral the fish into a smaller area for Caffeth to chase.
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    Thu May 30, 2024 12:15 pm
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Stiffs? Saerin could only assume that meant people with self-respect. And manners. Not that K'mina's were all that bad for someone from the Weyr, but they certainly weren't proper. The readiness with which he removed most of his clothing in someone else's presence! That just wasn't normal.

A small part of her reminded her that it was, in fact, very normal around here, and had been at Fort as well. She ruthlessly squashed that thought. She didn't want that to be normal.

"I've been here for a bit over five Turns, ever since I aged out of Candidacy at Fort. They raised the age of eligibility soon after, but..." Saerin shrugged, though the motion was barely visible given that she had reclined to float in the water. "I liked my prospects here." By which she meant she was far less likely to be injured or killed in Threadfall here.

It might! And even if it doesn't help, I'll still keep trying! Caffeth said cheerfully. Sure, she needed to be properly scrubbed and oiled to look her best... but making sure someone else got something delicious was clearly far more important.
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    Thu May 30, 2024 3:17 pm
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K'mina let out a hearty laugh. "The prospects here are great, aren't they? Lot more to do than just fight thread. Seems a better fit for a lot of the people I've talked to. Gives everyone a chance to do something that suits them well, instead of making everyone fight thread. It's best to leave that to the experts, like me!" He said the last bit with a flourish and kicked his legs hard, making a big splash to accentuate his point.

He liked Saerin, though she seemed to be a bit serious. Maybe some more splashing would help her cut loose a little bit. He playfully splashed some water towards the spot where she was floating. "Besides, you can't beat the location! Not many places up north you can get a nice swim like this in before the summer!"

I'll give it a try! Gurrenth said, though there was a waiver of doubt in her voice. She dove under the lake, situating herself between the school of fish and the shore where they had initially landed. I'm ready! Try now!
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    Fri May 31, 2024 11:27 am
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"Exactly. Plus people who wouldn't be able to help much at other Weyrs can be of service here--the way riders are meant to be. Just because someone doesn't have the same physical abilities as others but got chosen by a dragon doesn't mean they should be treated like burdens. If anything happened to Caffeth or I, I would certainly rather join Chopin Squad than do nothing."

Actually doing nothing most of the time sounded rather appealing, but saying so wouldn't be very "rider-ly" now would it? Especially since Chopin tended to do a lot of hard physical labor. Of course, there was Lamentoso Squad as well, but they were worse than useless, and all of them were there due to their own personal failings.

"But Pavane Squad suits us. We can do a lot of good there, since some people here seem to be allergic to following rules and walk off and get lost in the jungle." Usually those without any bond, but occasionally wherhandlers had been known to do unwise things. Riders at least didn't get lost, at least not really. They could go missing from the perspective of those who weren't with them at the time, but they tended to know where they were. Or at least they could usually get back on their own.

Caffeth surfaced to take a breath, briefly shaking some of the water from her face. Ready when you are! she told Gurrenth cheerfully. As the garnet descended and told her she was ready, Caffeth dove down once more.

It really was pretty down there, in a way. She wondered if the fish saw it the same way she did; were they aware of how different things were down there from on land? Or maybe they could see more clearly than she could in water, and they didn't see it all overlaid with an almost haze the way she did. Not that the questions were going to stop her from trying to get one as a snack, and she swam toward them once again.
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    Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:33 pm
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Seemed like K'mina was getting Saerin to open up a bit after all! He grinned as she spoke about the different squads, though he did start zoning out towards the end of her miniature monologue. Focusing was not his strong suit.

"Exactly, everyone gets to contribute!" He said happily, agreeing with the statement he for sure remembered. "What's the worst off you've ever found someone in the jungle?" He asked curiously. Maybe she secretly had a nice gory story that would keep his attention.

Gurrenth watched as Caffeth dove under the surface. The school of fish darted away from the green, avoiding Gurrenth's wall entirely, heading into the deeper part of the lake. Well shoot, that didn't work, Gurrenth projected.
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    Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:51 pm
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"The worst wasn't actually the jungle at all. It was when the spotties attacked the Weyr. That was... bad." Saerin and Caffeth both had the scars to prove it, though others had come through far worse than they had. "In the jungle, it's mostly people who've wandered off and twisted their ankle and got lost trying to get back. Not usually anything serious, just people being foolish."

That was an understatement. She didn't know why people who did that were allowed to remain at Semaca. Never mind that she had done foolish things in her past; she'd had her reasons. Nobody could possibly have a good reason for wandering off into a dangerous jungle.

Caffeth sighed slightly, releasing a stream of bubbles before she decided to surface. I'm sorry. I wanted to get a snack for you, but I guess the fish are more slippery than I gave them credit for, she said. At least she was well soaked for scrubbing though.
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