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For the Joy of It [Open]

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Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:43 pm
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    Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:37 am
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K’mina flopped on his back again, kicking up a large splash of water as he did so. He had hoped for an exciting tale of daring-do, and had just gotten a plain answer out of Saerin. How boring.

”I thought you would have all sorts of stories of daring rescue, but I guess it’s probably better that people don’t get hurt that often,” he commented in a voice that indicated he very much was not enthused by the words he was saying. Even if she didn’t have much to say, the least she could do would be to make an interesting tale out of it. Wasn’t that a part of being a rider, after all?

Gurrenth followed the green’s ascent, shaking water from her head and wings as she broke through the surface. Oh, don’t worry about it! I’m sorry to make you go through all that trouble. It was nice to see you swim, though! Gurrneth had been hoping Caffeth would be able to catch a snack, but she also didn’t want the other dragon to feel too discouraged. It’s still a lovely day to enjoy the lake and get a bath. Right, K’mina? As she addressed her bonded, he sat up in the water, sending another splash towards Saerin.

”Right! We should get to scrubbing you!” He said cheerfully, making his way to the shore to collect the bath materials. ”I almost forgot why we were here in the first place. We better get on that, huh Saein?” He chuckled.
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