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Practice Makes Perfect [GalaxyMir]

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    Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:33 pm
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Practice Makes Perfect [GalaxyMir]

Fenrir had been out in the training fields with Fesk and Rirsk. He was still getting used to having two whers to manage though Rirsk was far less taxing to work with than Fesk had been at her age. It amused him how at first Fesk had been trying to throw her "authority" around at the smaller wher until she found out quickly that despite her young age, Rirsk was not afraid to snap back and volley her verbal tirade right back at the obsene green wher. It was clear to him that his whers were like night and day and Rirsk, while very social, also did not mince words or shirk her lessons. He admired that about her and she was very sweet and provided a good balance to his life.

Today they were working on a bit of endurance, Rirsk eager to run about with her handler, while Fesk wanted none of it and was basking in the warmth of the mid evening. Her mind was on food, as it was typically or so one might assume. But truthfully, she was watching her handler and Rirsk and made a huff sound as she shifted position. Let them run amok, she didn't care. She would guard the best spot right here for resting, that was an important job too!

Rirsk finished her lap for the moment and sat down for a moment, allowing Fenrir to check her over, as he always did after they finished running, massaging her leg muscles. She then lifted her head as she smelled another pair coming their way. " Rirsk think others be joining Fenrir. " She spoke to her handler and Fenrir turned around and offered a smile and wave to Kanollan and Nollask. " Hey! Great evening for exercise isn't it? Weather is perfect." He called out, finishing with Rirsk's left leg and letting her go to stand up and greet his fellow handler and classmate.
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    Fri Sep 27, 2024 12:47 pm
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Kanollan hated to admit that being a wherling was difficult, a change of schedule left him feeling somewhat disoriented sometimes. Night was now day and day night. Besides his struggles of keeping up with sleep, he had a whole other issue with Nollask. The wher seemed so bored with the entire world! Kanollan was told that clutch mother knew what the candidate wanted.... or something like that... and yet Nollask was nothing like him! Of course, the young man would never let the wher know that, he couldn't let him become even more blue!

Not borrow guilt from future Nollask walked alongside his handler, more interested in the melting of oranges and purples in the sky than anything else.Feel twice as bad if goes wrong Kanollan rolled his eyes, trying his best to keep up with the wher. As small as he still is, he was always the one marking the pace. "Pfft, easy for you to say. I'm not as smart as you Nollask." Kanollan as of late was somewhat stressed over the idea of being a fully fledged handler, what if he lets some thread go? What if a spotty got him and Nollask was left alone... Stop all worries, will only make you overthink little things. Until all good is bad. Walks were supposed to help Kanollan, not make him feel even more worried. He always insisted they take walks so that Nollask could do laps around the field and stretch as advised.

Across the training fields he spotted another wher he recognised as Nollask's clutchmate, the blue pair quickly made their way to them. At the sight of Fenrir, Kanollan offered a small wave back, taking a spot along side the wherhandler. "It is isn't it, always a good day to get a few laps done around the training field. How are you doing , friend?" Kanollan smiled at Rirsk and Fesk , pointing Nollask in their direction. "Go race your sister, get some sibling bonding in.". Kanollan was honestly just trying to lighten his mind of his worries, crossing his arms as a little breeze blew behind him.

Hm. Would rather not. Nollask decided, turning his attention to the evening sky again. However, after a rather stern gaze, the wher stretched his legs and defiantly said, Fine. As you wish. Rirsk mind?
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Fenrir grinned. " I am doing very well. How are you adjusting to life as a wherling? I know for some, the change in schedules can be a bit intense. I struggled a bit with it myself when Fesk came into my life. Would you like a cup of juice? I have a spare cup and plenty to share." He offered, gesturing to the very juice container behind him, as he patted Rirsk, signalling to her she was free to go back to run another lap if she wanted.

Rirsk eyed her clutchmate, and pondered for a moment before she decided to respond. " If not want to run, not have to. But want to keep in shape, important job to do in future. Nollask like to run? Know where fun trail to run is, can show Nollask if wish."
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    Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:06 pm
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"Good to hear!" Kanollan nodded, feeling a little short next to Fenrir as he accepted his offer of juice"I'm going to be straight with you, it is not easy! And trust me when I say that Nollask is not exactly the bundle of joy I expected" He glanced out at the blue wher, already over half a turn having passed since he impressed to Nollask, then looking back up at Fenrir with some sadness in his eyes. "How did you do it? You know, overcoming all these worries of not being the best at what you do? I can't handle not being good at something!"

Rirsk right, future creeps closer and closer with important tasks. The blue replied, almost sounding as he started to reflect upon his own future. Nollask think run is like breathing, another ability. Won't decline Rirsk offer though, show way to trail
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