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A Strong Flight! [FLIGHT]

The Summerlands are full of dangers and delights just outside the range of the Weyr itself. What can be found in these areas?
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A Strong Flight! [FLIGHT]

"Are you sure you need to do this?" Akai did really not like the idea of his dragon flying off at evening, especially as he did not want her to potentially get in any danger. However, the green simply shrugged him off, flicking her wings out before moving to take flight.

"Yes, Akai. Nothing can stop nature. Besides, your pridefulness is giving me a headache. The color of my hide does not denounce what my skills are." She remarked almost coldly, despite her normal affections to her rider, before taking off to the sky.

"Those of Semaca Weyr, I request that you chase me. Let us fly deep into the night."
Last edited by MothyCake on Wed Sep 04, 2024 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Z'rya of Bronze Gravith (Midnight Wing)
Wingleader Ozma of Brown Akioth (Eclipse Wing)
Regal of Brown Brickth (Eclipse Wing)
Arashi of Garnet Hercegth (Twilight Wing)
Squilf of Garnet Tamiascith (Twilight Wing)
Clover of Blue Kurceth (Aurora Wing)
Sak'rou of Blue Hastuth (Daylight Wing)
Shulk of Blue Arachoth (Daylight Wing)
Eichi of Blue Cheruth (Twilight Wing)
Aoi of Blue Kurabeth (Daylight Wing)
Journeyman Healer Kouichi of Green Kuzoth (Healer's Wing)
Haru of Green Rosaceaeth (Aurora Wing)
Flynn of Green Nith (Daylight Wing)
Perryl of Green Pyrrhiath (Aurora Wing)
Trein of Green Ideth (Daylight Wing)
Alder of Green Unnverdath (Healer's Wing)
Zanza of Gold Zansk (Dusk Squad)
Yuri of Blue Yurisk (Dawn Squad)
Reyn of Green Reysk (Dawn Squad)
Eclipsa of Green Eclipsk (Dawn Squad)
Zagi of Green Zask and Blue Zagisk (Dusk Squad)
Candidate Loek
Candidate Fujin
High Reaches
Leon of Bronze Chopith (Firestorm Wing)
Jason of Bronze Jezeroth (Firestorm Wing)
Zia of Brown Molossth (Stormlight Wing)
Weiss of Garnet Glyphith (Moonshot Wing)
Jacek of Garnet Rinisath (Moonshot Wing)
Vil of Garnet Syzygiuth (Moonshot Wing)
J'ack of Blue Reyth (Starfall Wing)
Oscar of Blue Currth (Raindance Wing)
Mikleo of Blue Denizth (Starfall Wing)
Flora of Green Linpheth (Healer's Wing)
L'ouis of Green Tomoeth (Raindance Wing)
Edsel of Green Rexcalith (Raindance Wing)
Trey of Green Clovith (Raindance Wing)
Graham of Green Paceth (Healer's Wing)
Sol of White Ateth (Healer's Wing)
Magnius of Brown Magniusk and Green Agnisk (Windsong Squad)
Maple of Green Plesk (Sunburst Squad)
Ironwood of White Ironwosk (Windsong Squad)
Weyrling Ge'is of Green Mimikyuth
Candidate Inosuke
Journeyman Smithcrafter Kvar
Wei'ling of Porcelain Chenqith (Lamentoso Squad)
Damario of Bloodstone Dask (Pavane Squad)
Glassi of Brown Fuwath (Nocturne Wing)
Penny of Brown Sedatath (Pavane Squad)
Zelos of Blue Lupruth (Chopin Squad)
Shinku of Blue Cinnimith (Pavane Squad)
Aegis of Blue Imorth (Pavane Squad)
Kyros of Blue Callioth (Minuet Wing)
Dedue of Green Essengeth (Chopin Squad)
Solhrae of Green Herth (Requiem Squad)
Sylvanas of Green Amaeth (Requiem Squad)
Akai of Green Norrith (Mineut Wing)
Edalyn of White Lechuzath (Minuet Wing)
Genn of Brown Gesk (Weyr Guard)
Ercilia of Garnet Ercilisk (Mazurka Squad)
Mariana of Garnet Marisk (Mazurka Squad)
AWH Palutena of Blue Lutenask (Weyr Guard)
Gale of Blue Galsk (Chopin Squad)
Jetsam of Green Tsask (Chopin Squad)
Shamura of Green Murask (Requiem Squad)
Dimitri of White Dimisk (Chopin Squad)
Weyrling Henri of Green Inadameth
Weyrling Wr'ion of Blue Sameth
Journeyman Weaver Amara
Pirate Alun
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Kidagakath was expecting a quiet evening, but Norrith's voice calling for chasers said otherwise. Watching her fly forth, Kidagakath considered her request. While she found her a striking green, her wings nothing but an accent to her dusky green hues, it was her way of speaking, her simple and direct request, that swayed her to answer. I would advise you lock your door, Thatch. Thatch looked up in alarm from his reading, but said nothing, letting her finish. Norrith has need of chasers, her call one I would answer. Realizing what she meant, Thatch nodded and put down his work. "Good luck," he managed, before vanishing further into his weyr.

Kidagakath soared in pursuit of Norrith, rapidly approaching as she pushed herself to fly higher, faster, stronger. I hear and heed your request, Norrith, she stated in greeting, leveling at a respectful distance behind her. May my performance prove my merit.
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    Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:02 pm
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Naira was in the midst of a balancing act. Between dyeing the riding leathers that particular shade of green that mirrored the hue of her own bonded and paying particular attention to the small mother-of-pearl colored egg that her mother gifted on the day of her graduation from the Aspiration class, the newly adulted rider paid little mind to Naath sunning on the weyr's overlook. That green was radiant, as always. But her skin was starting to take a shine and Naira knew that her own time was drawing near.

Naath was not particular of any dragon. She cared not for their sex nor their color and regarded all with equal bitterness. Yet her long nose turned in quizzical curiosity at the rising bronze ascending into the atmosphere, glowing so brilliant.


"Somebody rising?' Naira asked without much of a thought, briefly flashing her eyes over a raised shoulder. Naath's glow seemed to flicker with her attention. "Unless you see a tantalizing flock of wherries up there."

A female. Who appears to value the company of other females. Whirling red eyes narrowed. Entirely unusual, although I suspect not that remarkable considering the oddness of our own home Weyr.

Naath's muscles were all tight. She seemed ready to spring. It was enough to pull Naira from her endeavors, hands green up to her wrists. "Do you feel like ... chasing?" No response, just ... observation. But Naira could feel the strain mirrored in her own body. She was not one to succumb to those sensations of lust and need and nor, really, was Naath. But the green was already so close to rising ... "It might take the edge off, you know," the girl told her bonded. "Before we really dip our toes into Mizurka duties."

Naath did not need her mind clouded by trivial biological seconds ticking down the clock. This might serve to alleviate her own desires as well as another. Two birds, one stone.

"Get a move on, will you?"

She was quiet as a ghost and with all the dark greens to blend her with her surroundings. Naath glided effortlessly to the hunting grounds, bleeding a kill and calling her own challenge to the female who claimed the skies. She took several running hops before her wings allowed her to claw at the clouds, aiming to match and surpass.

You are an unusual hue, although it is striking and unique, Naath called, spiraling up and beyond. I, Naath, will rise to follow your command.
Last edited by Windra on Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:14 pm
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A call for chasers came, from a green that was darting into the night sky. Gurrenth lifted her head from her ledge and tracked the dragon as she took flight. K'mina, I might um, go and chase, she called to her bonded. He sprung up from his bed and rushed out to the ledge, half dressed. Following the gaze of the garnet, he spotted the dark dragon against the night sky.

"Go get him!" K'mina hollered with an immense amount of enthusiasm. "Show him what you're made of!"

Um, she's a girl.

"Even better! You like the ladies. What are you waiting for? Go chase!"

As Gurrenth took off from her perch, K'mina went back to the weyr, humming happily to himself. She rose into the sky, leaving a respectable distance between herself and the smaller, faster green. Her hide glinted in the moonlight, the patterns of stars on her reflecting the light of the real stars above.You lead and I will follow, Gurrenth called to Norrith. I, Gurrenth, will follow, as high and as far as I need to!
Last edited by FirebrandPhlox on Wed Sep 04, 2024 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:56 pm
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R'tax was crossing the fields on his way to meet Valorath for their next assignment. He paused for a moment to take a deep breath of crisp Southern air, fully enjoying the reprieve from summer's fury. A very-dark-Green streaked through the sky overhead like an arrow. R'tax whistled in admiration of her intense speed.

He felt a funny twinge as he watched her disappear into the thick hibernal clouds. He'd hoped -- to ride a creature so svelte and savvy and flashy as a Green, when he was only a Candidate. Now seasons wiser, he considered -- with a wry smile and a toss of his head -- that perhaps his former ideas about what sort of rider he'd be were driven largely by hubris.

The newly-christened bronzerider lifted one foot, then lost balance and fell backward -- sending the tall, yellow, fuzzy heads of seeding winter weeds flying all around. He felt boneless, without muscle tone, yet there was no fear at all. How nostalgic, he decided. Compulsively he felt it necessary to gripe. Something like this happening twice was probably a bad thing, right? Perhaps they should visit the infirmary first. Valorath, he complained. Hey, Valorath --

He was, without warning, engulfed by her fiery being -- with a ferocity that mirrored Impression. Valorath -- was going to chase that Green, and there was no time to waste, it seemed! Come with me, she demanded. He was drawn into her frenzied emotional state, presented with her frantic biological question. It would be cruel, impossible, to resist, he knew. The time for Valorath's first flight was upon them. Just as all dragons that came before and would yet come after. Yes, he agreed. Fly, Valorath!

The rider allowed his body to sink into the thick grass, trusting the dragon. R'tax was conscious of nothing but Valorath. For he was suddenly Valorath... .


The ruddy bronze hastily stirred from her stony perch, one swirling-red eye popping blearily open after another. She hissed, tasting the blood-tinged air. A siren's voice shattered the Weyr's calm mien, singing a song of her beauty. Valorath understood instinctually, sliding down the cliff face like a disturbingly huge feline as she slithered toward the wherry pens.

Hunger and adrenaline threatened to overtake as the half-asleep bronze stumbled and salivated, striking the nearest herdbeast with cruel fangs. She wished to consume them, as many as she could! R'tax struggled to remain remotely lucid. Like runner's reins against stinging palms, moments before disaster -- hold on love, he warned desperately. She felt an uncharacteristic red-hot rage, most unbecoming of the stoic bronze. Yet she followed his command, for Valorath's primary instinct was to love R'tax. She blooded twice, then dug her paws into the soft earth and launched her burning body in pursuit of sweet, cold clouds. Together, they flew.

Valorath became formless, nameless, breathless. She charged higher and higher into the air, burning ichor racing through her veins. She pranced into the clouded skies over the untracked jungle, feeling the inexorable pull of a rising Green. When Valorath finally spotted her, she screamed with joy.

Norrith! Please, allow me to pursue you... !

If the wonderfully speedy Green rejected her, so be it. Valorath had one goal -- strengthen the Weyr. So she'd try her best. Rise high in glory, bronze and... .

The blazing disc of the twilight sun boiled her blood, filling her with energy. The dregs of sunset framed the bronze's first act. She twisted artfully, banking and spinning with all the careful, limited grace her enormous form could muster. Valorath was not the fastest, but felt herself the strongest. She flowed with land and sea, with the chasing pack as it spiraled ever upward in pursuit of night. She endured the thin air above the sharp mountain peaks. They entered the rim of the world, where top wings burnt Thread and rising dragons fled. Valorath drank fitfully in stolen glimpses of Norrith's hazy, glowing allure beneath the swirling tide of myriad flockmates. She picked carefully through the clouds, curiously watching her competitors. Dancing alongside her clutch-sister, Naath. Valorath frolicked. The peak of happiness and vitality, misty-spotted hide shimmering metallic and sparkling like fine chainmail beneath the rainbow halo of the unfettered, exposed moons. Her wings ached with desire as her chest tensed with competitive delight. That the cup would be offered her... that this thirst might be slaked... !
Last edited by emil on Wed Sep 04, 2024 6:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Fort Weyr
High Reaches Weyr
- Weyrling Haspa of Green Chiradath
Semaca Weyr
- R'tax of Bronze Valorath & green Stella
- Candidate Levysc & garnet Primrose
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Green Eraelth

A green rose and called for chasers. Well, there was none more suited to chase after a green than another green, as far as Eraelth was concerned. Especially such a lovely one as Norrith. I will be joining in the chase, she called to her rider, a courtesy she always tried to show him at the beginning of flights. He smiled up at her. "Yeah, yeah, go have your fun," he called and she was off, a dark green streak in the air.

Eraelth twisted and turned in the air, showing off her acrobatic prowess. I am Eraelth, and I will chase. Greens had to stick together, after all, had to show the bigger, slower colors what real aerial talent looked like. Show me what you've got, and I'll do the same, Norrith.
L'fy of Brown Dioth
B'layk of Blue Radarth
Wingsecond G'las of Green Quenith | Dazzle (flit)
Y'olai of White Tsukasath
Jackrum of Brown Krusk
Columbo of Blue Lumsk
Attolia of Cinder Attolisk
Ronica of White Onisk and Brown Osk
Assistant Headwoman Houlihan | Soldier (flit)
Candidate Bronson | Apolline (flit)
Candidate Heiro | Thetis (flit)
High Reaches
Dani of Bronze Bladeth | Ceecee (flit)
Barca of Brown Brynth
Healer's Wingleader Y'ang of Brown Kullilth | Bokhee (flit)
Elross of Blue Hisahith
Weyrling Ry'n of Green Yuelith
Dukat of Bronze Dusk
Maritza of Garnet Arisk
Ennis of Green Ennisk and Green Szensk
Weyrfolk Anabella
Candidate Miguel
Candidate Nayru
Wher Candidate Haron
M'ten of Garnet Noggoth
Weyrleader B'ram of Blue Sininulth | Sunrise (flit)
Bre'q of Blue Ostoriath
D'ax of Blue Firarith | Kahless (flit)
F'lin of Green Eraelth | Rusty (flit)
Tychon of Green Ezanath | Thalassa Narcissa (bird)
Weyrling S'ra of White Moggeth
Dunsmith of Brown Dunsk | Filly (flit)
Rosethorn of Garnet Thornsk and Brown Rosesk
Candidate Hamuntep
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Magmeth enjoyed chasing- all colors, really- garnet, green or gold (which suited her rider and her weyrmate just fine, and had for many turns now). Her only criteria for a mate was that she was a lady- who wanted another lady to twine her tail with. Someone who understood a flight was a dance, not a mere exertion of wings and hormones.

Norrith spoke well, issuing a proper invitation, that was welcoming without being crude or presumptuous.


This was how a flight ought to begin.

Magmeth launched herself off her ledge, Green Norrith, I accept your invitation. And invite you in turn to dance with me through the night, should I meet your fancy.

She flew an elaborate swirl, showing off her practiced grace. She wasn't the smallest of dragons and the trick looked a bit awkward when executed by a brown her size- but the classics were the classics were a reason and Norrith deserved to be wooed properly.
Essa of Bronze Gectusith
Hunter of Bronze Yndesk
Quinn of Bronze-White Louicyth
Wingleader S'bor of Bronze Yugoth
Allag of Brown Babyloth
Daphne of Brown Ogatath
ACM Estelle of Brown Jaehaeryth
Faralyn of Brown Grooth
Gymlin of Brown Glacendath
Ieyasu of Brown Ieyask
P'pin of Brown Palath
T'rin of Brown Celeth
Cole of Garnet Colsk and Blue Colodeosk
G'er of Garnet Neozeoth
Lily of Garnet Eridieth
N'ell of Garnet Pamith
Relli of Garnet Rellivask and Blue Relsk
Augury of Blue Velveth
Chrysanthe of Blue Bidath
Gellera of Blue Virtrath
Korra of Blue Raavath
Kyoshi of Blue Rugrunth
Miryem of Blue Riwenth
Thor of Blue Hinokath
Sam'in of Blue Salineath
Adora of Green Meilith
Elyron of Green Elyrosk
Kiriani of Green Tabesleuth
Wingsecond L'ir of Green Byth
Quintar of Green Task
S'atyl of Green Nineveth
Makoto of White Usakinth
M'ieln of White Hroth
Rhaenys of White Cosmiath
Wingleader Tyrion of White Voluntauth
High Reaches
Cynthia of Gold Eliask
Ce'na of Bronze Noath
Hela of Bronze Helsk and Brown Hesk
Azul of Brown Claarisath
Di'a of Brown Kasshuth
Dobby of Brown Kersuth
I'lir of Brown Belliorath
Ingrid of Brown Delinarth
Wingleader Myalla of Brown Enarth
Th'ou of Brown Pavith
Arya of Garnet Xrhuth
Wingsecond D'ark of Garnet Masreith
Duke of Garnet Legiath
Drusilla of Garnet Drusk
Squadsecond Tomas of Garnet Tomask and White Tsk
Weyrling Master Camilla of Blue Kamuith
Edda of Blue Katakurth
Jace of Blue Gallath
Jae of Blue Zappath
Sayla of Blue Sacroth
Sha'm of Blue Taarisoth
Stroud of Blue Strouth
Tamara of Blue Requeth
Ya'ra of Blue Dymrith
Yvaen of Blue Bolduth
Zhuli of Blue Zhusk and Blue Lisk
Kanon of Green Kibeth
Kip of Green Amizuth
Numann of Green Rannath
Raine of Green Spriggth
Wilred of Green Lresk and Blue Wilrsk
Sokka of Green Wintrath
T'ir of Green Blysith
Riku of White Taissath
Semaca Weyr
Arena of Void Oscamith
Alayna of Gold Wyzeth
Al'bus of Bronze Matanuth
Noor of Bronze Nuunieth
Schneizel of Bronze Damocleth
Athan of Brown Liraeth
Hermione of Brown Echoneth
K'zon of Brown Rurosuth
Sage of Brown Wisketoth
Shuri of Brown Motath
Varda of Brown Magmeth
Ei of Garnet Eisk
Karlach of Garnet Ussk
Ly'nk of Garnet Sakuyath
Maui of Garnet Mausk and Blue Mask
Uruk of Garnet Georsath
Artemis of Blue Phoebuth
Corleon of Blue Corleosk and White Corlesk
D'vir of Blue Cainhurth
Candidatemaster Naxen of Blue Anitoth
N'aya of Blue Ilouth
Point Rigel of Blue Cygneth
Ariel of Green Kshatriyath
Eleanor of Green Elsk
Eli'us of Green Sallith
Mi'wa of Green Ephiith
Natsuno of Green Minamith
L'ani of Green Haillenarth
Rhea of Green Rheask
Captain Vella of Green Vellask and Magma Vesk
V'rell of Green Peridoth
Wyatt of Green Emilith
Laera of White Tarth
Kowal of White Kowalsk
Pasca of White Judgmeth
R'tan of White Mazath
Steward Molly
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Honestly, all of these ladies were beautiful, but one stood out in the green's eye. Even though she was not the traditional colors for a female dragon, they had certainly won their place by their side.

Soon, Norrith let out in a loud voice, "All of you are beautiful in your own ways and I would happy to fly with all of you. However, for now, my choice is."

"Valorath. Please join me as we continue to fly."
Z'rya of Bronze Gravith (Midnight Wing)
Wingleader Ozma of Brown Akioth (Eclipse Wing)
Regal of Brown Brickth (Eclipse Wing)
Arashi of Garnet Hercegth (Twilight Wing)
Squilf of Garnet Tamiascith (Twilight Wing)
Clover of Blue Kurceth (Aurora Wing)
Sak'rou of Blue Hastuth (Daylight Wing)
Shulk of Blue Arachoth (Daylight Wing)
Eichi of Blue Cheruth (Twilight Wing)
Aoi of Blue Kurabeth (Daylight Wing)
Journeyman Healer Kouichi of Green Kuzoth (Healer's Wing)
Haru of Green Rosaceaeth (Aurora Wing)
Flynn of Green Nith (Daylight Wing)
Perryl of Green Pyrrhiath (Aurora Wing)
Trein of Green Ideth (Daylight Wing)
Alder of Green Unnverdath (Healer's Wing)
Zanza of Gold Zansk (Dusk Squad)
Yuri of Blue Yurisk (Dawn Squad)
Reyn of Green Reysk (Dawn Squad)
Eclipsa of Green Eclipsk (Dawn Squad)
Zagi of Green Zask and Blue Zagisk (Dusk Squad)
Candidate Loek
Candidate Fujin
High Reaches
Leon of Bronze Chopith (Firestorm Wing)
Jason of Bronze Jezeroth (Firestorm Wing)
Zia of Brown Molossth (Stormlight Wing)
Weiss of Garnet Glyphith (Moonshot Wing)
Jacek of Garnet Rinisath (Moonshot Wing)
Vil of Garnet Syzygiuth (Moonshot Wing)
J'ack of Blue Reyth (Starfall Wing)
Oscar of Blue Currth (Raindance Wing)
Mikleo of Blue Denizth (Starfall Wing)
Flora of Green Linpheth (Healer's Wing)
L'ouis of Green Tomoeth (Raindance Wing)
Edsel of Green Rexcalith (Raindance Wing)
Trey of Green Clovith (Raindance Wing)
Graham of Green Paceth (Healer's Wing)
Sol of White Ateth (Healer's Wing)
Magnius of Brown Magniusk and Green Agnisk (Windsong Squad)
Maple of Green Plesk (Sunburst Squad)
Ironwood of White Ironwosk (Windsong Squad)
Weyrling Ge'is of Green Mimikyuth
Candidate Inosuke
Journeyman Smithcrafter Kvar
Wei'ling of Porcelain Chenqith (Lamentoso Squad)
Damario of Bloodstone Dask (Pavane Squad)
Glassi of Brown Fuwath (Nocturne Wing)
Penny of Brown Sedatath (Pavane Squad)
Zelos of Blue Lupruth (Chopin Squad)
Shinku of Blue Cinnimith (Pavane Squad)
Aegis of Blue Imorth (Pavane Squad)
Kyros of Blue Callioth (Minuet Wing)
Dedue of Green Essengeth (Chopin Squad)
Solhrae of Green Herth (Requiem Squad)
Sylvanas of Green Amaeth (Requiem Squad)
Akai of Green Norrith (Mineut Wing)
Edalyn of White Lechuzath (Minuet Wing)
Genn of Brown Gesk (Weyr Guard)
Ercilia of Garnet Ercilisk (Mazurka Squad)
Mariana of Garnet Marisk (Mazurka Squad)
AWH Palutena of Blue Lutenask (Weyr Guard)
Gale of Blue Galsk (Chopin Squad)
Jetsam of Green Tsask (Chopin Squad)
Shamura of Green Murask (Requiem Squad)
Dimitri of White Dimisk (Chopin Squad)
Weyrling Henri of Green Inadameth
Weyrling Wr'ion of Blue Sameth
Journeyman Weaver Amara
Pirate Alun
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