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[EVENT] Dragon Day!

The Summerlands are full of dangers and delights just outside the range of the Weyr itself. What can be found in these areas?
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[EVENT] Dragon Day!

An extremely well timed Dragon Day has arrived. If Nebulaeth does indeed rise in the coming sevendays, we'll have just enough time to get these newbies up to speed.
Essa of Bronze Gectusith
Hunter of Bronze Yndesk
Quinn of Bronze-White Louicyth
Wingleader S'bor of Bronze Yugoth
Allag of Brown Babyloth
Daphne of Brown Ogatath
ACM Estelle of Brown Jaehaeryth
Faralyn of Brown Grooth
Gymlin of Brown Glacendath
Ieyasu of Brown Ieyask
P'pin of Brown Palath
T'rin of Brown Celeth
Cole of Garnet Colsk and Blue Colodeosk
G'er of Garnet Neozeoth
Lily of Garnet Eridieth
N'ell of Garnet Pamith
Relli of Garnet Rellivask and Blue Relsk
Augury of Blue Velveth
Chrysanthe of Blue Bidath
Gellera of Blue Virtrath
Korra of Blue Raavath
Kyoshi of Blue Rugrunth
Miryem of Blue Riwenth
Mithras of Blue Solarachath
Thor of Blue Hinokath
Sam'in of Blue Salineath
Adora of Green Meilith
Elyron of Green Elyrosk
Kiriani of Green Tabesleuth
Wingsecond L'ir of Green Byth
Quintar of Green Task
S'atyl of Green Nineveth
Makoto of White Usakinth
M'ieln of White Hroth
Rhaenys of White Cosmiath
Wingleader Tyrion of White Voluntauth
High Reaches
Cynthia of Gold Eliask
Ce'na of Bronze Noath
Hela of Bronze Helsk and Brown Hesk
Azul of Brown Claarisath
Di'a of Brown Kasshuth
Dobby of Brown Kersuth
I'lir of Brown Belliorath
Ingrid of Brown Delinarth
Wingleader Myalla of Brown Enarth
Th'ou of Brown Pavith
Arya of Garnet Xrhuth
Wingsecond D'ark of Garnet Masreith
Duke of Garnet Legiath
Drusilla of Garnet Drusk
Squadsecond Tomas of Garnet Tomask and White Tsk
Weyrling Master Camilla of Blue Kamuith
Edda of Blue Katakurth
Jace of Blue Gallath
Jae of Blue Zappath
Sayla of Blue Sacroth
Sha'm of Blue Taarisoth
Stroud of Blue Strouth
Tamara of Blue Requeth
Ya'ra of Blue Dymrith
Yvaen of Blue Bolduth
Zhuli of Blue Zhusk and Blue Lisk
Kanon of Green Kibeth
Kip of Green Amizuth
Numann of Green Rannath
Raine of Green Spriggth
Wilred of Green Lresk and Blue Wilrsk
Sokka of Green Wintrath
T'ir of Green Blysith
Riku of White Taissath
Semaca Weyr
Arena of Void Oscamith
Alayna of Gold Wyzeth
Al'bus of Bronze Matanuth
Noor of Bronze Nuunieth
Schneizel of Bronze Damocleth
Athan of Brown Liraeth
Hermione of Brown Echoneth
K'zon of Brown Rurosuth
Sage of Brown Wisketoth
Shuri of Brown Motath
Varda of Brown Magmeth
Ei of Garnet Eisk
Karlach of Garnet Ussk
Ly'nk of Garnet Sakuyath
Maui of Garnet Mausk and Blue Mask
Uruk of Garnet Georsath
Artemis of Blue Phoebuth
Corleon of Blue Corleosk and White Corlesk
D'vir of Blue Cainhurth
Candidatemaster Naxen of Blue Anitoth
N'aya of Blue Ilouth
Point Rigel of Blue Cygneth
Ariel of Green Kshatriyath
Eleanor of Green Elsk
Eli'us of Green Sallith
Mi'wa of Green Ephiith
Natsuno of Green Minamith
L'ani of Green Haillenarth
Rhea of Green Rheask
Captain Vella of Green Vellask and Magma Vesk
V'rell of Green Peridoth
Wyatt of Green Emilith
Laera of White Tarth
Kowal of White Kowalsk
Pasca of White Judgmeth
R'tan of White Mazath
Steward Molly
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    Thu Jan 02, 2025 1:33 am
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Bless Zinaida, trooping on despite upcoming events. She'd set up a small stall as always, showing off her wares - an assortment of belt knives and saddle rings, fishing lures and hooks crafted with bits of metal too imperfect to make anything of true value. All selling for seriously undercut marks so that even the poorest could swing for a blade.

She could take her earnings back to pay for materials she might need at the smelting station at Semaca that were not readily available in the south. And ... perhaps use the extra to get herself and Zinsk a little something. The big brown lay in a curled ball at the end of her table, pleasantly snoring away in the sunshine.

"Come one, come all!" She was no searchrider but this was a good opportunity to scope out folks who looked like they could be of use.
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    Thu Jan 02, 2025 9:32 am
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Soon to be Candidate King - Open

This was it! A Dragon Day! Finally! King could finally officially become a dragonrider! Well, a candidate, anyway, but the pipeline from candidate to rider was pretty immediate! And everyone was saying that one of the golds would be rising any day now, so now was the perfect time to get a jumpstart on his brand new life!

King was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, eyes darting here and there. There was always so much going on during the Dragon Day that it was all so very distracting, and he almost forgot why he was even here in the first place. He kept seeing interesting things at the stalls and drifting over to them, only to immediately remember himself and flit away again.

He gave an annoyed huff. This was a Dragon Day. Where the forsk were all the dragons? Finally, he saw one and marched right up to them. "Hi!" he said. "My name's King, and I'm gonna be a dragonrider, and everyone says that all I gotta do to do that is to have a dragon say it's okay, so how about it? Wanna be the one to tell the candidate master that I'm ready to be a rider?" He beamed brightly at them, trying to look appropriately dragonriderly and not like a cute little kid.
L'fy of Brown Dioth | Going Merry (flit)
B'layk of Blue Radarth
Wingsecond G'las of Green Quenith | Dazzle (flit)
Weyrling Br'on of Green Mesomelath | Apolline (flit)
Y'olai of White Tsukasath
Jackrum of Brown Krusk
Columbo of Blue Lumsk | Dog (flit)
Attolia of Cinder Attolisk
Ronica of White Onisk and Brown Osk
Assistant Headwoman Houlihan | Soldier (flit)
Candidate Heiro | Thetis (flit)
High Reaches
Dani of Bronze Bladeth | Ceecee (flit)
Barca of Brown Brynth | Ares (flit)
Healer's Wingleader Y'ang of Brown Kullilth | Bokhee (flit)
Diamond of Garnet Hyliath | Spessartine Skud (flit)
Elross of Blue Hisahith
Ry'n of Green Yuelith
Dukat of Bronze Dusk
Maritza of Garnet Arisk
Ennis of Green Ennisk and Green Szensk
Weyrfolk Anabella
Candidate Miguel | Altivo (flit)
Candidate Nayru
Wher Candidate Haron
M'ten of Garnet Noggoth
Weyrleader B'ram of Blue Sininulth | Sunrise (flit)
Bre'q of Blue Ostoriath
D'ax of Blue Firarith | Kahless (flit)
F'lin of Green Eraelth | Rusty (flit)
Tychon of Green Ezanath | Thalassa Narcissa (bird)
Weyrling S'ra of White Moggeth
Dunsmith of Brown Dunsk | Filly (flit)
Rosethorn of Garnet Thornsk and Brown Rosesk
Candidate Hamuntep
Candidate King
Wher Candidate Toniq
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    Fri Jan 03, 2025 8:41 am
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Wi'rad Of Green Sinnath - King

Dragon Day was Sinnath's favourite day of the Turn. Foreigners, stalls, pirates and potential candidates, tons of new things for the green to diligently investigate. The pair walked down the bustling market of stalls, Wi'rad's attention focused solely on finding new candidates for the upcoming gold clutch.

Wi'rad! Wi'rad! Look there's a food stall, I bet that orange thing is going to taste weird. I've got to try it all! Sinnath chirped, her voice full of energy and glee.

"Sinnath, focus, we're not here to enjoy ourselves!" Wi'rad grumbled, in usual fashion, rolling his eyes at a group of riders drinking as he passed them "We've got an upcoming clutch and we need to find candidates worthy of standing before Nebulaeth."

You're so grumpy, Wi'rad! Maybe some going to some stalls will help! Sinnath, head set on having fun with her rider, nudged Wi'rad towards a group of colourful stalls. With an exasperated sigh, Wi'rad caved in momentarily to get the dragon off his back, and started glancing over wares, assessing their craftmanship I'm looking at the stall, are you happy now? He glanced back at the open eyed green, sniffing at the vendor's stall. Yes! Isn't it fun? Keep enjoying yourself!

Thankfully, Wi'rad's attention was torn to a kid, quite shorter than himself, calling his attention.

"Well. Hello King." Wi'rad sighed, crossing his arms. "Are you sure you're old enough to be a rider? You barely look 15 turns."
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King - Wi'rad

"What's that supposed to mean?" King demanded when the rider asked if he was old enough to be a rider, stomping his foot a little bit for emphasis. "Of course I'm fifteen! I know the rules, you know, I wouldn't just go up to a dragon and pretend to be older than I was! They're telepathic and could tell, and besides, my parents would tell as soon as they found out and everyone knows there's like no secrets at the Weyr." He rolled his eyes. Honestly. Some people just had no sense.

"Anyway, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the dragon!" He turned back to the large creature. "So? Whatdya say? I just know I'm gonna be great at it, plus you need more candidates anyway, right? So hurry up and say I can be one already! Please?" He was much nicer to the dragon than the man, mostly because the dragon got a say in whether or not he got to be a rider.
L'fy of Brown Dioth | Going Merry (flit)
B'layk of Blue Radarth
Wingsecond G'las of Green Quenith | Dazzle (flit)
Weyrling Br'on of Green Mesomelath | Apolline (flit)
Y'olai of White Tsukasath
Jackrum of Brown Krusk
Columbo of Blue Lumsk | Dog (flit)
Attolia of Cinder Attolisk
Ronica of White Onisk and Brown Osk
Assistant Headwoman Houlihan | Soldier (flit)
Candidate Heiro | Thetis (flit)
High Reaches
Dani of Bronze Bladeth | Ceecee (flit)
Barca of Brown Brynth | Ares (flit)
Healer's Wingleader Y'ang of Brown Kullilth | Bokhee (flit)
Diamond of Garnet Hyliath | Spessartine Skud (flit)
Elross of Blue Hisahith
Ry'n of Green Yuelith
Dukat of Bronze Dusk
Maritza of Garnet Arisk
Ennis of Green Ennisk and Green Szensk
Weyrfolk Anabella
Candidate Miguel | Altivo (flit)
Candidate Nayru
Wher Candidate Haron
M'ten of Garnet Noggoth
Weyrleader B'ram of Blue Sininulth | Sunrise (flit)
Bre'q of Blue Ostoriath
D'ax of Blue Firarith | Kahless (flit)
F'lin of Green Eraelth | Rusty (flit)
Tychon of Green Ezanath | Thalassa Narcissa (bird)
Weyrling S'ra of White Moggeth
Dunsmith of Brown Dunsk | Filly (flit)
Rosethorn of Garnet Thornsk and Brown Rosesk
Candidate Hamuntep
Candidate King
Wher Candidate Toniq
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    Sun Jan 05, 2025 6:21 pm
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Wi'rad Of Green Sinnath - King

Who let their spoiled son unsupervised out to Dragon Day? Wi'rad vented internally, partially towards the green. Which prompted Sinnath to swing her head right around , bringing her large curious eyes level to King's. "Look, kid, good on you for knowing Weyr rules. Have your parent's not taught you to respect dragonriders?" Wi'rad shifted his weight from one foot to another uneasily, "Thank you truly for reminding me that dragons are the telepathic ones, not me. It's not like I've been doing this since you could count." The greenrider's words dripped with sarcasm as he looked down at the to-be-candidate.

While Sinnath's eyes whirled with playful curiosity at King, Wi'rad's eyes widened at the sheer gall the boy had towards him. Unfortunately, it would be Sinnath who made the decision, not him. Oh! You're much nicer to dragons than riders. Sinnath observed, dedicating herself to sniffing the boy's hair, then poking her great snout around him. Dragons are so much more interesting than humans, but then again, humans are so odd!

To finish her investigation, Sinnath gave King a little lick on the cheek. Sinnath! We've spoken about this! You can't lick people! Wi'rad shot an exasperated glare at her, wishing the ground would swallow him up there and then. Trust me, it's the most important indicator of all! She chirped enthusiastically.

Then with a thoughtful hum, indicated she was undergoing her very scientific investigation. "See, if you'd been nicer I might've warned you about her" Wi'rad dryly chuckled, awaiting Sinnath's verdict.
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    Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:10 pm
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King - Wi'rad

"Of course my parents taught me to respect dragonriders, but they also taught me I shouldn't let people just walk all over me!" King said in a huff of annoyance. "YOU were the one telling ME I didn't look old enough to be a dragonrider, which is a stupid thing to say. Only little kids go around pretending they're all grown up when they obviously aren't." King knew he was short for his age, he didn't need people reminding him, and he certainly didn't need people doubting him over his credentials when he was just trying to get the okay to move into the candidate's barracks.

He jumped a little in surprise when the green spoke in his mind - whoa! So cool! - but he quickly got used to it, trying to stand up straight and look as impressive and dragon-worthy as possible. He stood very still as she examined him, not wanting to fidget for fear that she'd think that was a disqualifying feature. But he was practically vibrating in his excitement all the same. "Well sure, you seem a lot nicer than your rider," he told her. "I think dragons are interesting too! That's why I wanna be a rider! They're big and can fly and breathe fire and...and...and...other stuff I can't think of right now, but they're so cool! And you all look so different! Like, you have a cool stripe and a nose spot and marks on your neck and ankles like a lady's bracelets and matching necklace, but some dragons have no markings at all, and some dragons markings are super crazy and what's with that? And then there's the telepathy and...and..." He needed a second to catch his breath, he'd been gushing so much. He couldn't help it! Dragons were cool!!

King giggled with delight when Sinnath licked him. He didn't mind at all! And if it got him into candidacy, he definitely didn't mind! He shot a confused look at Wi'rad. "Warned me about what?" he asked. "She was super nice! Unlike you!" He stuck out his tongue at Wi'rad. After all, canines licked people all the time, and canines were way more common on the farm back home than dragons were. Everything she'd done had just seemed like normal canine behavior when they encountered someone new, so it made sense to him. The fact that she could talk was just a cool aspect.
L'fy of Brown Dioth | Going Merry (flit)
B'layk of Blue Radarth
Wingsecond G'las of Green Quenith | Dazzle (flit)
Weyrling Br'on of Green Mesomelath | Apolline (flit)
Y'olai of White Tsukasath
Jackrum of Brown Krusk
Columbo of Blue Lumsk | Dog (flit)
Attolia of Cinder Attolisk
Ronica of White Onisk and Brown Osk
Assistant Headwoman Houlihan | Soldier (flit)
Candidate Heiro | Thetis (flit)
High Reaches
Dani of Bronze Bladeth | Ceecee (flit)
Barca of Brown Brynth | Ares (flit)
Healer's Wingleader Y'ang of Brown Kullilth | Bokhee (flit)
Diamond of Garnet Hyliath | Spessartine Skud (flit)
Elross of Blue Hisahith
Ry'n of Green Yuelith
Dukat of Bronze Dusk
Maritza of Garnet Arisk
Ennis of Green Ennisk and Green Szensk
Weyrfolk Anabella
Candidate Miguel | Altivo (flit)
Candidate Nayru
Wher Candidate Haron
M'ten of Garnet Noggoth
Weyrleader B'ram of Blue Sininulth | Sunrise (flit)
Bre'q of Blue Ostoriath
D'ax of Blue Firarith | Kahless (flit)
F'lin of Green Eraelth | Rusty (flit)
Tychon of Green Ezanath | Thalassa Narcissa (bird)
Weyrling S'ra of White Moggeth
Dunsmith of Brown Dunsk | Filly (flit)
Rosethorn of Garnet Thornsk and Brown Rosesk
Candidate Hamuntep
Candidate King
Wher Candidate Toniq
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    Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:20 pm
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Candidate Pending Kirin - Open

Fresh off the ship, Kirin made his way through the bustle - sunburnt, starving, wobbling with his sea legs, and turning his head so fast to try and take in everything at once that he destroyed the rest of his balance. The comforting weight of his pack was strapped to his shoulders, and he wore his much-abused tunic and pants from the mining hold. But other than that, absolutely everything he looked at, or smelled, or snuck out an arm to steal before remembering that his traveling days were over and he had to be a respectable citizen in Semaca.. was utterly new.

Kirin was dizzy with it. And also possibly with dehydration and exposure to the forsking broiling Semaca sun.

He passed another kid, who was talking at a dragonrider very loudly and very fast. He raised an eyebrow at him, thinking, Thank Faranth I'M not annoying like that.

Still, the kid seemed to have the right idea about what the forsk the future dragonriders were meant to do here. Kirin swept his head around, his vision swimming a little, and sauntered in a mostly-straight line up to the first likely-looking person standing near a dragon.

"A fine day to you! I'm Kirin. Where can I find the best food around here? Also a dragon - I mean, how to sign up to get a dragon. Or whatever it's called. Also -" he was still trying to look around the entire square at once - "did I mention food?"
Fort High Reaches Semaca
Candidate Kirin
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    Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:28 pm
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K'mina of Garnet Gurrenth - Kirin

Dragon Day! One of K'mina's favorite days, to be sure. Any day he didn't have to attend to duties and could slack off was a good one, but a day without work and a whole festival to entice young recruits to become candidates was a great one.

Remember, we're supposed be keeping an eye out for potential candidates. We do have some work to do. Gurrenth reminded her bonded.

Yeah, yeah. If we see a kid we'll chat or whatever, then go back to festive food and drinks! K'mina replied, scanning the various booths for what he wanted to consume first. He didn't have a chance to decide though, as a young boy immediately ran up to him and starting spouting questions at him.

"Whoa there, kid! Take it easy! There's plenty of food to go around! And if you're looking to become a candidate, look no further than the Great K'mina!" He said with a flourish, pointing to himself.

There. We get this kid signed up, then we can enjoy the rest of our day without searching for brats. No one will be the wiser! He mentally relayed to Gurrenth.

The dragon refrained from making a disapproving noise and turned her attention to the boy. Hello Kirin. I'm Gurrenth, and this is my rider, K'mina. You want to become a candidate? I have to warn you, it's a lot of hard work, and there is no guarantee you will bond to a dragon.

Jeez, don't scare the kid off before we can sign him up.
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    Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:58 am
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Candidate Kirin - K'mina & Gurrenth

Kirin squinted a little at the dragonrider calling himself 'the great'.

However, the man was possessed of fine clothes and a very confident attitude - and standing next to an immense forsking dragon that looked like the night sky come to life. Decent arguments for greatness. Maybe that's just how dragonriders were - Kirin would probably do the same.

Then the dragon's voice filled Kirin's mind. He was so startled by the sensation that most of what she said went in one ear and out the other. A dragon was talking to HIM. A dragon was IN his head. Could it - she - tell what Kirin was thinking? Umm. Food. No - the pirates, so sad to see Kirin go (not how that had gone down). Himself riding into threadfall!

The dragon's voice faded, and Kirin blinked, coming back to himself. Hungry, thirsty.. the Great guy had said he was in the right place, and G..rinth? had mentioned working and bonding to a dragon.

"Thank you," he said, louder than usual, as if to make the dragon hear him. He gave his best attempt at a formal bow, making sure to tilt his arm to show his one, faint silvery threadscar. "Yes. Well. As the Future-Great Kirin" - pointing a thumb at himself - "I DO want to become a candidate. And don't worry, I work so hard." At stuff he cared about. And bonding a sharding dragon? Definitely in that category.
Fort High Reaches Semaca
Candidate Kirin
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    Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:12 pm
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K'mina of Garnet Gurrenth - Kirin

K'mina gave the youth a once-over, then burst out laughing. "I like your gumption, kid!" He said in a booming voice. "You've got potential, let's get you some food and talk."

We need to make sure we temper his expectations, Gurrenth silently reminded her partner. She was happy he was taking their duties seriously for once, but didn't want him putting any ideas in such an impressionable mind.

K'mina waved Gurrneth's thoughts off, he could handle talking to a kid, especially one so eager for a dragon! "Kirin, right? You like meat, kid?" He asked, pulling out a coin purse and approaching a stall that was offering a variety of rotisserie meats.
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    Tue Jan 14, 2025 9:28 am
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Candidate Pending Kirin - K'mina

Kirin beamed at being told he had potential. That was something he'd heard seldom enough to count on his fingers - and it usually went more like, 'Kirin, you have the potential to not interrupt the visiting Harper by releasing the hundreds of moths you've just hatched.'

"Forsk yeah, I like meat!" Not half a day off the ship, and a dragonrider was buying Kirin a meal fine enough for a feast day? Awesome.

"Back at the mining hold it was mostly a lot of root vegetables. And on the pirate ship," wrinkling his nose in memory, "so much stale bread. And so much fish." The citrus juice hadn't been half bad though. Kirin may have had his faults as a sailor, but scurvy was not among them.

"Your dragon talked inside my forsking head. Can.. she? like, hear my thoughts?" He took in the sight of the rotisserie meats ravenously, but it didn't stop him talking. "Will my dragon be able to hear my thoughts? Can they hear our thoughts in the eggs?"
Fort High Reaches Semaca
Candidate Kirin
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K'mina of Garnet Gurrenth - Kirin

"Good, a growing kid should like meat!" K'mina said with a laugh as he handed Kirin a skewer with several large chunks of meat on it. He kept a skewer for himself and began gnawing at the grilled morsels with gusto.

"Mining hold, huh?" he said through a mouthful of half-chewed food. "What a coincidence! I'm from Crom myself, glad to be in the skies and not some dank tunnel!"

As the teen asked a flurry of questions about how telepathy worked, K'mina's eyes started to glaze over. He didn't care about the logistics of it, not when he had a tasty treat his attention was better focused on.

Um, I'll answer those, Gurrenth interjected before K'mina could change the subject to something that was more to his liking. I can't hear your thoughts, but I can project my mindvoice into your head and others. I can read my bonded's thoughts, but not anyone else's. He can read mine too. If you impress a dragon, you'll share the same bond. She politely explained as she brought her head closer to the ground as to look less intimidating to the small lad. Also to get a better sense of him, to see if he did have the potential to be a rider. As for eggs, they can't talk themselves, but they can sense a bit of what's going on outside them. The candidates are always brought to touch the eggs before they hatch, so the dragonets inside can get to know them.

She was thankful that there had been a refresher on what to tell potential candidates about what to expect. Her draconic memory didn't span very far, and K'mina did not care enough to remember those "minor" details.
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