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All The World's A Stage [Flight]

The Summerlands are full of dangers and delights just outside the range of the Weyr itself. What can be found in these areas?
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    Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:57 pm
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All The World's A Stage [Flight]

Beatty loved winter, although it didn't mean much more than a colder breeze for Semaca. It still gave him an excuse to light fires in his weyr and indulge in the crackle and sizzle of flames. Yet , it wasn't the reason his blood ran a little too hot as of late, his temper lashing out more than often at insignificant things. Zinrelorth was (of course) all to blame in the rider's eyes.

"You're doing this to spite me..." Beatty complained at his garnet, her hide glowing, noticeable even in the morning sun she warmed in from their ledge. Testing the patience of a moody garnet was a risky game, especially Zin's. He furrowed his brows, looking at her angrily. Beatty abandoned his post by the fireplace to meet face to face with his dragon, he always believed arguments must be taken face to face. "If you wish to fly, then fly, but you shall bother me no longer about it, Zinrelorth."

Beatty, you're simply a delight to be around. Have I ever told you that? Zin sarcastically directed at him, headbutting him in the back, the man almost keeling over from the sheer force. Her laugh rich and unbothered. Hmmmmm, I don't feel appreciated by you Beatty, I think I'd do well to find me a new companion.

"Fine by me, go ! Shoo! See if I care." The garnetrider gained his balance again, pointing at the blue , cloudless sky. "You would've made an admirable bronze with that attitude, but here we are with the misfortune of you being a garnet. Now go" Beatty stood expectingly, the sooner it got over with, the better in his eyes, even if he was slow to admit that he didn't enjoy the perk of having other riders calling at his weyr every once in a while.

Impulsing herself upwards with an overwhelming call to fly, Zinrelorth rose , basking in the sunlight for a moment, then quickly dipping and gliding over to some unlucky herdbeast. A long sip of fresh blood was all she needed, the red liquid splashing her white markings. Wasting no time, she once again took herself upwards again with all of the strength she had in her muscles. Zinrelorth, do not accept anything less than a brown. I will not accept that from you. Beatty commanded, throwing his weyr door open. A few seconds of silence passed between them two as the garnetrider re thought his previous statement and quietly added Only the most worthy one , Zin, understood?

Of course, my beloved Beatty, don't you worry about a thing. I know how to take care of myself. she replied, with sweet hum to her voice.

Showing off with a little twirl in the sky, Zin roared her request to the entire Weyr to join her that mild winter morningDarlings of Semaca! This garnet is in need of a new dance partner, show me your moves!
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Edel'reiss of Brown Erenosath

Another dragon was taking wing, this time a darker toned Garnet. She was some turns his senior, a seasoned threadfighter by all account, though that hardly mattered to Erenosath.

Her coy confidence in the air certainly drew his attention, perhaps a touch more than the underlying instinctual urge that any calling dragon brought up in him. Certainly Zinrelorth would have some interest in himself-- so off he lunged from his weyr ledge.

Greeting, Zinrelorth, the modest sized Brown called to gain her attention. While I can't admit to being the most seasoned partner, I promise I'm quick to learn! Anything you wish of me, I shall endeavor to please you, Fine Lady of Semanca.
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How dare another dragon take so much attention off of her? The absolute nerve!
Vranath was positively inflamed as the garnet took the sky, and made certain her rider knew what offense was given that another dragon might mate at any time, and it wouldn't be her in the spotlight.

"If you're so incensed about it, go catch her. That'll show every other dragon, when you win the flight." Garma didn't quite share her dragon's views, but anything to quell her theatrics in their weyr seemed like a win.

Vranath snorted, tilting her head up in haughty defiance.
Maybe I will. She ought to learn anyway. Nobody can outshine me.

Screeching her defiance of such treachery by the garnet, Vranath took to the sky in pursuit.
You will never have seen a dance such as mine. Perhaps I will teach you my skills.
Fort Weyr

Alara of Garnet Alubrath
Edward of Bronze Warsk
Wafflous, the fighting cook

Semaca Weyr
Saralia of White Nahangyth
Xanatos the Journeyman Smith
Garma of Green Vranath

High Reaches Weyr
Kovu, Herder
Mahi of Garnet Kubith
Lark the Harper
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Green Eraelth

The green dragon's head snapped up at a roar, anticipating some new danger or threat, but instead a garnet was taking to the skies, offering a challenge, a call for chasers. But the scare had set her heart racing and her adrenaline flowing, so it wasn't as though she could just go back to what she'd been doing. She half ran, half flew to the herdbeasts, blooding, not trusting herself to keep up with a garnet flight under her own power.

"So were you just going to run off and chase a lady without saying anything to me?" F'lin demanded of his green, a laugh in his voice as he hurried out of the Healer's clinic. Working on patients while distracted was a bad idea, and a flight could be very distracting. Better to shut himself in his weyr, especially since there wasn't anyone he particularly wanted to share the flight with.

You're a big boy, I knew you'd figure it out yourself, Eraelth said before taking to the skies, remnants of the herdbeast's blood still staining her teeth and jaws. I will join you in your dance, Zinrelorth. No one can outshine a green when it comes to moving through the air. She executed a particularly tight series of twirls to prove this particular point.
L'fy of Brown Dioth | Going Merry (flit)
B'layk of Blue Radarth
Wingsecond G'las of Green Quenith | Dazzle (flit)
Weyrling Br'on of Green Mesomelath | Apolline (flit)
Y'olai of White Tsukasath
Jackrum of Brown Krusk
Columbo of Blue Lumsk | Dog (flit)
Attolia of Cinder Attolisk
Ronica of White Onisk and Brown Osk
Assistant Headwoman Houlihan | Soldier (flit)
Candidate Heiro | Thetis (flit)
High Reaches
Dani of Bronze Bladeth | Ceecee (flit)
Barca of Brown Brynth
Healer's Wingleader Y'ang of Brown Kullilth | Bokhee (flit)
Diamond of Garnet Hyliath | Spessartine Skud (flit)
Elross of Blue Hisahith
Weyrling Ry'n of Green Yuelith
Dukat of Bronze Dusk
Maritza of Garnet Arisk
Ennis of Green Ennisk and Green Szensk
Weyrfolk Anabella
Candidate Miguel
Candidate Nayru
Wher Candidate Haron
M'ten of Garnet Noggoth
Weyrleader B'ram of Blue Sininulth | Sunrise (flit)
Bre'q of Blue Ostoriath
D'ax of Blue Firarith | Kahless (flit)
F'lin of Green Eraelth | Rusty (flit)
Tychon of Green Ezanath | Thalassa Narcissa (bird)
Weyrling S'ra of White Moggeth
Dunsmith of Brown Dunsk | Filly (flit)
Rosethorn of Garnet Thornsk and Brown Rosesk
Candidate Hamuntep
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Khalbath lifted his head as she called to all who'd hear her, his eyes following a ghost of a garnet as she took wing, so focused on her he almost missed his bonded's musings. "That's Zinrelorth, I believe," Natira idly commented, seated comfortably among soft cushions, a weariness to her voice that he didn't recall hearing before. "Chase her, why don't you?" Chase Zinrelorth? Khalbath echoed, redirecting his gaze to Natira. A moment's pause, contemplating. Yes...I will chase Zinrelorth! But I hope my dance moves aren't too rusty for her tastes. It has been some time since I chased...

Natira didn't let him continue, knowing he'd miss his chance should he be allowed to think too long. "Don't keep a lady waiting!" she insisted, gesticulating at him to go from her seat. "Dancing requires two, you know!" Khalbath practically tripped from his ledge as he hurried to fly in pursuit of Zinrelorth, his wings working double-time to catch up. But catch up he did, finding a position among her other suitors, though he had eyes for no one but her. Let us dance, Zinrelorth! Khalbath called in jubilant greeting. I'll show you all my most wonderful moves in a dance for two!

To put some oomph behind his statement, he caught a draft under his wings to buoy him far above them all for a moment, flaring his wings so to catch Semaca's brightest light on his star-spattered hide. Roaring his might for all to hear, he glided to find his position among them again, ending his performance in a slow roll.
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    Fri Oct 04, 2024 7:22 am
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Brown Espinneth

Dance? Espinneth wasn't sure he knew much about dancing. Humans danced, but he wasn't human. Oh, he'd tried watching them, he'd tried emulating them, but he simply lacked the capability to move like they did. No matter how hard he tried, how fervently he wished, he could never truly be human. And in some moments, perhaps it was better to be a dragon.

Humans didn't chase the way dragons did. If he'd been human, he could never have chased this lovely garnet who perhaps had some of the same thoughts he did—or at least had a mind for poetic imagery. And that too might have been a shame. He flew after her, his rider momentarily all but forgotten on the ground far, far below. Zinrelorth was all that mattered in the moment.

I cannot promise that I am familiar with the steps of the dance you seek, but I can show you what I do know, he called, his voice smooth and deep. He executed a turn in the air, perhaps not one as tight as a smaller dragon could have managed, but it was what he had.
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White Dayvith

Such a pretty winter’s morning, and yet, there was one thing Dayvith could think of that could make it even better.

A flight!

Then, as if on cue, the telepathic summons of a rising garnet rang into his head; and the dark white immediately glanced up at the purply dragon-shaped glow twirling into the air. Excellent! Nothing like a good chase to, ah, chase off the morning chill. Dayvith absolutely needed little to no prompting; for he immediately leapt forth from the weyrledge into the mildly cool breeze and the pale skies beyond. The slightly pudgy dragon was already trying to act as cool, calm and collected as he could; of course he was totally unflappable, what are you taking about?

Oooh, a dance? I’m down for that, miss Zinrelorth! Dayvith exclaimed, the large white attempting to do some twirling of his own too—despite knowing all too well his own general lack of athleticism—as he joined his fellow chasers. Perfect morning for it, I’d say, in fact! Look at you go!! Oh, also, I’m Dayvith, by the way.

Kreta of Blue Eseath (Equinox Wingleader, firelizard Leirath)

Xinia of Blue Yhargulth (firelizard Moonshine; originally HR, Impressed @ Fort)

Elgiibel of Green Elgiisk (firelizard Fireball Phoenix)

A’mi of Bronze Voidarth

Bolin of White Bolisk (originally of Igen. Firelizard NameHere)

D’ain of Brown Renouth (firelizard NameHere)

P’earl of Garnet Aemith (originally of Telgar. Firelizard Solar)

Candidate Rekka (originally of Southern Boll)


Viela of Green Oveceth (firelizard Treble; originally Fortian, Impressed @ HR)

L’ana of Brown Jomuroreth (firelizard Smoke)

Candidate Palindrome (firelizard Terret)

Bet’ti of Blue Trichath (feline Sushi; firelizard Evermore)

Emogi of Green Emogisk and Bronze Mogisk (firelizard Daisy Daze)


Trewyra of Green Orbith (originally of Igen. Firelizard Nexus)

Saekri of Green Paradisoth (originally of Ista; feline Felida)

Palico of White Himuroth (originally of High Reaches. Firelizard Sudsy)

E’nome of Blue Belleroth (Assistant Candidate Master; originally of Telgar. Firelizard Bubbles)

Weyrling Dew of Garnet Freth (originally of Ista; firelizard Moon)

Ranya of White Dayvith (runnerbeast Quilda; firelizard Haldanar)

Z’fyr of Brown Kintsugith (originally of Igen)
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    Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:05 pm
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Zinrelorth began to tire her muscles out, she'd soon have to choose a partner to swoop and dance with. Settling for a swift glide, the garnet knew that at that pace she'd be caught, so with a glance behind, she evaluated her pursuers. A large crowd of browns, two greens and.. a white? Well, in all her turns she'd never seen such a lovely and dedicated crowd! Zin was certainly pleased and content.

"Vranath! Eraelth! Khalbath! Espinneth! And finally but not the least , Dayvith!" she called out to all her chasers , impressed by each and everyone of them. "You're all quite the darlings, but I'm afraid only one of you has out shone the others!"

Putting all her trust on the wind, Zin performed another little twist, growing closer to the crowd. "Come with me Dayvith! A most polite gentleman - Our dance will be the envy of all!"
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