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Fort Weyr Cr'dile of Brown Dazth [Buggy] Weyrling L'rnia of Brown Bubovirith Sh'ggy of Garnet Scrappith [Scoob] A'ksei of Blue Amishuth E'lis of Green Plemeth Holt of White Raidoth {Cheddar} Wherling Retsuko of Green Tsusk [FoxFire] Candidate Welleue |Ophelia| | High Reaches Weyr Sc'let of Brown Edwyth [Squishy] F'yore of Garnet Geminith [Tangeream] D'cara of Blue Sendaith Adair of Green Alsetth [Glitz] Rania of Bronze Niaajisk {Lizanardo} Saori of White Orisk [Icarus] Candidate Mukadi [Piper] Weyrbrat Sasha [Whirly] | Semaca Weyr Joc'etin of Garnet Sueth [Puffy] K'ioyo of Blue Wobbuffeth [Ekans] Naira of Green Naath [Beakman] {Radar} Devon of White Maynarth Zinaida of Brown Zinsk [Scone] Traze of Garnet Azesk [Starspawn] Radagast of Blue Radask Worrell of Green Worrsk {Rimshot} Head Cook Senshi [Turmeric] [Parsley] Candidate Petraxen [Honeysuckle] |
Fort Weyr Cr'dile of Brown Dazth [Buggy] Weyrling L'rnia of Brown Bubovirith Sh'ggy of Garnet Scrappith [Scoob] A'ksei of Blue Amishuth E'lis of Green Plemeth Holt of White Raidoth {Cheddar} Wherling Retsuko of Green Tsusk [FoxFire] Candidate Welleue |Ophelia| | High Reaches Weyr Sc'let of Brown Edwyth [Squishy] F'yore of Garnet Geminith [Tangeream] D'cara of Blue Sendaith Adair of Green Alsetth [Glitz] Rania of Bronze Niaajisk {Lizanardo} Saori of White Orisk [Icarus] Candidate Mukadi [Piper] Weyrbrat Sasha [Whirly] | Semaca Weyr Joc'etin of Garnet Sueth [Puffy] K'ioyo of Blue Wobbuffeth [Ekans] Naira of Green Naath [Beakman] {Radar} Devon of White Maynarth Zinaida of Brown Zinsk [Scone] Traze of Garnet Azesk [Starspawn] Radagast of Blue Radask Worrell of Green Worrsk {Rimshot} Head Cook Senshi [Turmeric] [Parsley] Candidate Petraxen [Honeysuckle] |
Fort Weyr Senior Weyrwoman Tuckal of Gold Serapheth [White Journey] Weyrlingmaster Lexien of Brown Mikazuchith Hollow of Brown Bysalth Ni'all of Brown Calyptrath Wa'en of Brown Galahath Alphinaud of Green Koth Playne of Green Iosefkath Vartin of Amethyst Vartisk and Garnet Varsk [Bone Otani] Journeyman Scribe Urianger | Semaca Weyr Hecate of Almandine Cabadath D'ryu of Bronze Cyroth Persephone of Green Amauroth [Brown Bitey] [Blue Paladin] Quatre of Green Wynleth [White Sandrock] Majima of Brown Majimask Weyrling Ke'ro of Green Ossabhath Candidate Pierrick Dragonless Time Journeyman Carpenter/Sailor Wojchek | High Reaches Weyr G'li of Bronze Ereborth Lelouch of Blue Isith [Gold Banshee] Lobelia of Blue Imeterth Datte of White Tarith [Green Illium] Weyrling Zoh'tof Brown Lannith Lanselot of Brown Selosk JM Healer Vallauris [Gold Aether] Holder Xander [Bronze Siegfried] [Blue Laslow] [Green Peri] Wherling Mori of Gold Morsk Weyrbrat Viola [Garnet Ultima] Candidate Clive [Gold Phoenix] [Brown Ifrit] [Blue Ramuh] [Green Garuda] [Green Shiva] Weyrfolk Daosea |
Fort Weyr Cr'dile of Brown Dazth [Buggy] Weyrling L'rnia of Brown Bubovirith Sh'ggy of Garnet Scrappith [Scoob] A'ksei of Blue Amishuth E'lis of Green Plemeth Holt of White Raidoth {Cheddar} Wherling Retsuko of Green Tsusk [FoxFire] Candidate Welleue |Ophelia| | High Reaches Weyr Sc'let of Brown Edwyth [Squishy] F'yore of Garnet Geminith [Tangeream] D'cara of Blue Sendaith Adair of Green Alsetth [Glitz] Rania of Bronze Niaajisk {Lizanardo} Saori of White Orisk [Icarus] Candidate Mukadi [Piper] Weyrbrat Sasha [Whirly] | Semaca Weyr Joc'etin of Garnet Sueth [Puffy] K'ioyo of Blue Wobbuffeth [Ekans] Naira of Green Naath [Beakman] {Radar} Devon of White Maynarth Zinaida of Brown Zinsk [Scone] Traze of Garnet Azesk [Starspawn] Radagast of Blue Radask Worrell of Green Worrsk {Rimshot} Head Cook Senshi [Turmeric] [Parsley] Candidate Petraxen [Honeysuckle] |
Fort Weyr Cr'dile of Brown Dazth [Buggy] Weyrling L'rnia of Brown Bubovirith Sh'ggy of Garnet Scrappith [Scoob] A'ksei of Blue Amishuth E'lis of Green Plemeth Holt of White Raidoth {Cheddar} Wherling Retsuko of Green Tsusk [FoxFire] Candidate Welleue |Ophelia| | High Reaches Weyr Sc'let of Brown Edwyth [Squishy] F'yore of Garnet Geminith [Tangeream] D'cara of Blue Sendaith Adair of Green Alsetth [Glitz] Rania of Bronze Niaajisk {Lizanardo} Saori of White Orisk [Icarus] Candidate Mukadi [Piper] Weyrbrat Sasha [Whirly] | Semaca Weyr Joc'etin of Garnet Sueth [Puffy] K'ioyo of Blue Wobbuffeth [Ekans] Naira of Green Naath [Beakman] {Radar} Devon of White Maynarth Zinaida of Brown Zinsk [Scone] Traze of Garnet Azesk [Starspawn] Radagast of Blue Radask Worrell of Green Worrsk {Rimshot} Head Cook Senshi [Turmeric] [Parsley] Candidate Petraxen [Honeysuckle] |