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Blaze of gold Nornth

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Blaze of gold Nornth



"Nothing's too cool
To take me from you
New York is not just a tan that you'll never lose
Love is the new denim or black"


NAME: Blaze (Eblauze, hence, Blaze)
GENDER: genderqueer, presents as loosely masculine
PRONOUNS: he/him/his because nothing fits
ORIENTATION: Biromantic homosexual

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2733
AGE: twenty-four as of Early Summer 2767
OCCUPATION: Junior goldrider, rider, political student
WING: Midnight

HAIR: sun-kissed brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: Six feet one inch, looks like he would give excellent hugs
PLAY-BY: Adam Lambert
Blaze takes care with his appearance. His short brown hair and new beard are both neatly trimmed and styled. He doesn't wear much jewelry, but his hands are marked anyways. He has heavy callouses on his fingers from his instruments, and a habit of twitching his fingers in mimicry of playing an instrument.

He browns rather than burns, in the sun, and he tends towards darker and more neutral tones. He does look good in Harper blue, but he relies on a Weaver friend to help him pick out his style. He has little confidence in his own fashion, even though he could be a style setter - if he applied himself.

PERSONALITYPERSONALITY: The consummate showman, Blaze fits his name nicely. He seems to have no fears, and he has a sort of natural magnetism that would make him a leader - if he wanted to be. But he finds his strength lies in bringing joy to people, through music. The spotlight loves him, and he loves it. He works hard at his craft, and usually excels.

Blaze's shortcoming is that he puts himself in a box - Harper, friend, singer - and excels at anything within that box. What goes in that box is, again, things he thinks he will excel at. But he does not look beyond what he knows, for himself. He seeks knowledge, for that is one of the functions of the Harper, but he has little to no ambition. Mostly, he thrives on gossip.

FAMILY: both massive and estranged

Some people, when they have a plethora of children, inadvertently give one a name like 'Far-too-many', which would be shortened into 'Fartoo'. Others, when faced with a similar dilemma, hand the issue over to another person. Such was the decision Blaze's parents made when they had their seventh child. They asked a great-great-aunt to help them name the child, as they were tapped out of ideas. This well-meaning old woman came up with 'Eblauze', a bastardization of at least three generations worth of names. Horrified parents quickly renamed their son 'Blaze', but the damage was done.

Blaze quickly showed talent for Harpering, and was bundled off to the Harper Hall at the appropriate age for training. There, he was tapped by the Voice Master for special treatment. Under this tutelage Blaze developed his trademark voice. He walked the tables at nineteen, and was posted to Fort Weyr just in time to witness the fights between golds. When invited to Stand for the next clutch, he politely declined. Attractive to dragonkind, maybe, but Blaze had no interest beyond his next verse, next chorus.

That changed when Benden attacked.

This will be Blaze's first time Standing, and he's a little bewildered at how it got to this point. Dragons had never been a part of his vision for his own future, so he leans heavily on his candidate master's instruction, and makes friends with the other candidates. If he ages out, he plans to go for his Mastery. If not, well, Weyrsinger is not such a bad position. Sweet Summer Child.

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  • Early Summer 2765 - Blaze had some negative reactions to the eggs in Serapheth's Trailblazer clutch. He left the Touching early, and conveniently forgot the reaction from Day of the Black Unicorn.
  • Late Summer 2765 - Despite attempts to resign from candidacy, Blaze ended up on the Sands for Serapheth's Trailblazer clutch. In the chaos, he Impressed to gold Nornth, and they were both quite traumatized by the experience.
  • Early Fall 2765 - Someone - or a group of someones - poisoned the Trailblazer clutch's dinner. Nornth was left with long-term nerve damage that affects the way she walks and flies, trouble breathing, and a stutter that might go away with time, but might also be permanent. Only time will tell.
  • Late Fall 2765 - The disastrous events at Fort triggered consequences. Ista arrived to take charge of the oldest weyr, and Blaze was summoned to receive them. He is trying to open a line of communication with Liyanel in Semaca, but is unsatisfied by his letters.
  • Late Winter 2765 - Nornth's first attempt at gliding didn't go so well. She tripped and skinned part of her wing.
  • Early Spring 2766 - Someone sent Blaze a gift of a fire lizard egg. It hatched into a tiny, furious gold. Nornth named her 'Inferno' as a joke, and it stuck. A visit with visiting Junior Weyrleader Schneizel ended in disaster when a High Reaches dissident attacked Blaze. Blaze ended up with claw marks on his back and cuts and bruises on his arm. Inferno was put out of commission with a wounded wing. Serapheth defended her junior.
  • Late Spring 2766 - Nornth is summoned to the Hatching Ground by Maktooth when Tasikheth returns with a wounded gold. She is summarily dismissed from the Sands in short order, guided by her sire.
  • Early Summer 2766 - Her early attempts at flight were only setbacks. Nornth proved her persistence when she aced the Trailblazers' first between lesson.
  • Late Summer 2766 - Serapheth's next Flight meant that Blaze and Nornth had to be firmly out of the weyr for several days. They arranged to spend that time at Semaca, escorted by A'lin of bronze Tasikheth. Blaze got to interact with Liyanel face-to-face for the first time since Impression. Nornth and Nebulaeth decided that they hated each other - Nornth because she was automatically suspicious of golds not related to her, and Nebulaeth because she was the only 'proper' gold on Pern.
  • Early Fall 2767 - That Flight resulted in Sinanjuth's second clutch with Serapheth. Blaze and Nornth attend the hatching, where they meet Gates weyrlings Ya'ra and Dymrith. Nornth is captivated by Dymrith's silver tongue, and Blaze finds Ya'ra's open honesty a refreshing difference from the veiled and open hostility he and Nornth had faced since Impression.
  • Early Spring 2767 - Blaze and Nornth are sent to the Conclave along with Monty and Sinanjuth. Blaze does not start an interweyr incident, even though Benden is convicted of the crimes laid against them. And Nornth does not shed blood when it is revealed that Tuckal was kidnapped and drugged by Benden smugglers. All in all, a successful political baptism.
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In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen.
And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night!
Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain!
Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning!
Stronger than the foundations of the earth.
All shall love me and despair!”


NAME: Nornth
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2765
AGE: nearly two Turns as of Early Summer 2767



LENGTH: seventy-three feet
HEIGHT: eighteen feet
WINGSPAN: one hundred nine feet
HEX CODE: #cd9106

FULL APPEARANCE: A monster. This dragon is huge. She is built to fight, and she will fight. Nornth is a beast of a dragon. She is large, she is muscular, and she is a rightly powerful creature. She is unquestionably Serapheth's daughter, with tall legs and a whip-like tail. She is the largest dragon to ever grace Pern, and she knows it. She is a yellow gold all over, bold and unmistakable, with darker orangey-gold markings tracing over her frame as if it were war paint to make her more intimidating. There are white-gold markings over her face, neck, legs, and over the orange-gold of her wings. What really makes her Serapheth's daughter is the black marks on her face, and the flicks over her neck.

PERSONALITY: Nornth is unquestionably Serapheth's daughter. She is volatile. She is violent. She is hard to handle and the only ones stopping her from any sort of rampage are Unicoth and Serapheth herself. She has no problems harming humans, and she will do so without a second thought if she is pushed. She is a very bitter, selective dragon. She may tolerate many people, but she behaves for only one - her rider. Sure, she might occasionally tolerate someone even getting close to her, and close to her person, but tolerance is about the limit of her patience. She has more hatred for liars and betrayers more than anything.

To her rider, Nornth is a handful. This is her human. No one else may get between her and them. Selfish, maybe, but this means that Nornth will do anything to further their goals, and do anything to keep them safe. She will not be manipulated and she will not be controlled. It will be hard to get her in line, to teach her that she is not supposed to burn the Weyr down. She is not, however, a warmonger. She does not go out looking for trouble. She should not be around other Golds who are not her family, as she is suspicious of their motives. She can be a great leader if she is given something to believe in deeply, something to care about who isn't just one human being.

VOICE: Nornth sounds like an angry lion, with her voice deep and bitter.

Injuries: The brutality of the Trailblazer's hatching did not go unchecked. After the poisoning, Nornth was left with difficulty breathing, fine motor control issues, and a stutter. It took over a Turn for her lungs to begin functioning normally again. The fine motor control is... mostly under control, though she will always have erratic moments. Her stutter has gone from being unable to get individual sounds formed to having trouble with certain words. With time, she will learn to talk around her problem words, but her anger is intensified with each reminder that she was brutally limited as a hatchling.


Clutch: The Awakening of the Trailblazers
Dam: Gold Serapheth (Tuckal)
Sire: Bronze Sinanjuth (Monty)
Hatching Number: thirteen of fifteen
Impression Number: fourteen of fifteen
Details: After hatching, Nornth was content to spend a moment with her mother before seeking Blaze. An aged-out candidate jumped onto the Sands, and tried to force Impress her. Nornth's self defense from that attack carried over to a wherhandler who rushed too quickly towards the pair. She bit Weyrleader Monty on the arm when he tried to separate hatchling and human, and would have caused more damage if Blaze hadn't started talking to her.


The Day of the Black Unicorn Egg

Those who understand... Those who understand.
A massive black egg with gold teeth over it, like there is a gold dragon holding it in her mouth. After what happened last hatching, Serapheth guards it closely. This egg feels like violence and variations.


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NAME: Inferno
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2766
AGE: nineteen months as of Early Summer 2767

COLOR: gold
HEX CODE: goldenrod
FULL APPEARANCE: Inferno | Fiendfyre

Inferno is a smallish gold, closer to brown size than gold. She has an abnormally short tail, and wide wings best at long periods of gliding. Her hide is a riot of gold in various shades. If she stayed still long enough, impossible shapes could be seen, picked out in gold bare shades apart. The darkest shade she sports is a near reddish-gold, along her spine like tongues of flame. The lightest is a dull shade wrapped around all four of her ankles, like hoofprints.

PERSONALITY: Furious and bright, Inferno is the only fire lizard Nornth could approve of. She is as fiercely protective of Blaze as Nornth is, and she gets along with the dragon like no gold dragon possibly could. Her small frame hides fury and verve. If approached by anyone she and Nornth don't approve, she can and will attack. Even Blaze is not fully immune, although he is only in danger when she is awakened from a deep sleep. Unlike Nornth, though, Inferno will go looking for trouble. Blaze will learn to keep bribes on him at all times - usually some form of dried meat, but Inferno also likes confections.
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