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Candidate Jubilee

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Candidate Jubilee



"Don't you worry about a thing, sugarcube! I believe in you!"


NAME: Jubilee; sometimes called "Bee" as a nickname
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2754
AGE: 22 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr

EYES: Green
PLAY-BY: Faelions Avatar Creator
Jubilee stands at an impressive 6' 3", a cut above-average than most women. While round and soft, she possesses great strength and a dense structure under such padding, developed from Turns spent wrestling her siblings and chores at home. In relation to her life on her family's farm, her skin is rather tanned, freckles dotting everywhere across her skin. Should she flush in anger or embarrassment, her skin shows that emotion in uneven red blotches. In addition, she tends to sweat a lot, especially if she feels nervous, leading to a musky scent following her constantly.

Jubilee's hair is a soft orangey-red in color, cut short after one more sticky sweet apple treat encounter and her daily life getting into dirt as a farmer's daughter. But her hair feels brittle and coarse, often messier than a wherry's nest; it was worse while she had her hair long, being a constant tangled mess. Jubilee's eyes are bright green, wide and full of life; as are her grins, wide and toothy and common to come across. In regard to her wardrobe, Jubilee doesn't wear skirts or dresses often, opting to wear something sturdier and more suitable for her build. One thing she can't ever resist is wearing a cute little ribbon in tasteful pink at her neck.

A textbook definition for sweet, Jubilee is very generous and loving. Such a large size does not bely her huge heart and room-filling soul. Though perhaps a touch too loud and a little too energetic, she has nothing but good intentions. Calling others "sugar," "honey," or other sweet nicknames is one of Jubilee's favorite things to do among her friends and loved ones. Given her large and soft physique, she loves to express affection through hugs and cuddles, regardless if someone else feels as she does or wants her affection. Jubilee isn't one who understands that some don't enjoy a big hug or constant chattering; while she understands most other boundaries, space is one that doesn't cross her radar. Nonetheless, she won't hesitate to utilize her large build to protect others, particularly her loved ones; she isn't above pinning someone who refuses to listen to her sound advice, treating others more like an errant sibling than a total stranger. A threat need not amount to much to earn Jubilee's ire; an errant glance can get her hackles up.

Rain or shine, Jubilee is happy and optimistic; her mood is often infectious. No matter who you are, she will love you and welcome you to her hearth and home. But should you upset someone she cares about, she will not forgive you. Ever. In fact, she'll make it her personal mission to make sure you know exactly what you did wrong and that you won't repeat it again. As forgiving as Jubilee can be personally, she can easily hold grudges for mistakes made against her friends, much to her dismay. Though she loves herself for who she is within, Jubilee is rather insecure about her external features. Looking about, she sees girls who are pretty and sweet as may, while she's large and coarse in comparison. Rather sensitive to comments and criticism, she doesn't see herself as worthy to partake in galas and events that present such beauty. Afraid she'll break something or say something wrong, she tries not to be noticed, but feels entirely unsuccessful; who wouldn't look at someone who looks like a walking tree?

In addition, Jubilee has a gorgeous singing voice. Sweet and strong, it has a lilt that can carry across High Reaches. Perhaps she was a Harper in a different life. Regardless, she shares her voice, often singing as she works, bathes, all hours it's reasonable. While she doesn't outright bring up her orientation in conversation, she is proud and open to speaking about herself on that front. But given her sweet nature, she is too trusting. Naive, she lets others into her heart before she ensures she won't be hurt. As she gives all she has to others, she's often left wondering why she feels so cold.

Parents - common farmer (father) and housewife (mother) - both living
Siblings - multiple (mostly younger) - all living - open tie(s)!
BIRTHPLACE: Outskirts of a Minor Hold beholden to High Reaches
HISTORY: TW: weight criticism, self-esteem issues
Jubilee had a simple upbringing, born to a common farmer and his wife, siblings both older and younger in her life. In her childhood, she was as jubilant as she was named, loving to bring a smile to others' faces. But as she grew older, she grew in width as well as height, to put it bluntly. Criticism for her weight barraged her, including from her own parents, especially her mother. Needless to say, it left Jubilee a lingering wound to her self-esteem. Momma had to be right if she said "you won't get a man looking like those swines in our yard," right? Regardless, Jubilee loved her parents, always wearing a smile. Helping in her father's fields and tending his livestock, Jubilee was happy enough, albeit short on confidence.

Jubilee spent her life in her parent's little house, working hard and playing harder. But what else was she supposed to do? Both her older siblings had grown up long ago, both married and moved, starting farms and families themselves. It was Jubilee's turn, but how was she supposed to do it if she didn't find boys attractive and was nursing a crush on that sweet tanner girl next door? No matter how hard her momma tried to get her attached to a nice boy, she kept her head low and kept working her family farm. But a Searchdragon arrived and changed everything. While a Search wasn't something to disregard, Jubilee's mother wasn't enthused. Running her household like a tight ship, she wasn't about to see her middle daughter galavant off; she wanted to keep her offspring close and under her wing.

But once that Searchdragon discovered Jubilee in her parent's house and insisted she was worthy, what was her mother to do? Refuse them and deny her daughter such an honor, to disgrace her whole family to place her own wishes before all else? What mother could do that? Letting Jubilee approach, she knew her daughter's answer before she heard it. Jubilee accepted immediately, proceeding to pack her things to go to High Reaches Weyr. Bidding her parents and siblings goodbye and promising to both visit and write, she went to High Reaches for Candidacy, embarking on an adventure she hadn't dared dream would await someone like her.

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Last edited by Agenothree on Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Dual

What color/s does your character want?: Open to all!
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: None!
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: None!

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: Open to both!

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: All! It might be interesting to see Jubilee Impress to a color not stereotypical for women, but best match takes all.
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: Yes!
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: Not really! I could see a bonded that can build her confidence or get her to be a bit more discerning about letting others in too quickly being nice, but best match takes all! <3
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: I'd avoid a chaos match (e.g a violent or outright evil bonded), but I'm open to it too!
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: Jubilee needs love from another since she gives all she has away. >.>

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: None!
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Major and below! Scars are fine, but avoid loss of body parts and death, please.

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nothing that I can recall! Sic me with what you think is best!
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