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L'sati of Blue Casaath

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L'sati of Blue Casaath



"I'm old enough to be your great-grandmother's great-grandmother, but you don't hear me complaining about finding a grey hair."


NAME: L'sati; born Larasati
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual, but not interested

BIRTHDATE: Late Autumn 2012
AGE: 70 as of 2776
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Tailor, Retired Wingrider
WING: Retired

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
PLAY-BY: Linda Bassett
L'sati stands at about 5' 8" tall and possesses a sturdy build, but still maintaining deft hands fit for a Tailor, though callused and rough from Turns spent dragonriding. Dark hair that has but a few grey hairs appearing frame her face and dark brown eyes observe and document her surroundings; she's a mellow and quiet individual by her appearance. In regards to her dress, L'sati usually favors simple slacks and a pleasant blouse, always paired to her standard riding boots.

L'sati can be described as being dutiful to a fault. Something needs to be done, she'll get it done, retirement be damned. Those who slack off and show sloth annoy her to no end, so she's prone to scolding someone she sees as lazy. Certain she can do everything she puts before herself, she finds it extremely difficult to admit she needs help; she's a very independent and stubborn woman. Despite her crotchety attitude on occasion, L'sati has a sharp wit and a sharper humor. While duty and honor is a central point in her life, it isn't everything, which shows in her conduct. L'sati is both perfectly capable and perfectly willing to tell you where to stick your shards. Blunt and unhesitant to speak plainly and honestly, she sees little point in dancing around a subject to be polite; to her, it's a rude and dishonorable thing.

Though it isn't always obvious, and how hard she tries to hide it, but L'sati didn't really return to her usual self again after Thom's death. Sure, she emerged from her grief, but was she really herself from before? Absolutely not. That woman died as soon as Thom vanished between. L'sati refuses to talk about her love to those she doesn't know or trust; it's not your bloody business. But she loves her children dearly, beyond proud of them for all they've done. Oddly enough, L'sati is hard to fluster or startle, very calm under pressure and appearing untouched by stress, though she's by no means immune. Being sent forward in time is her new normal now; no need to complain or make a huge fuss. Adapt and move on...and don't let a single damn person see you falter.

Parents - both Master Tailors - deceased (old age)
Siblings/Half-Siblings - none
Thom - weyrmate - dragonrider - deceased (Threadfall)
Ranaya, Rayelynn, Rakael - children - living (as per 2080)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Are you Thom? I didn't think so.
HISTORY: TW: death, grieving
Lemos Hold saw Larasati born to a Master Tailor couple, a little girl that had a structured future ahead of her. It was her destiny to be a Tailor, as her parents and her parents' parents and so forth, as her parents dictated. Larasati went along agreeably all through childhood and into her adolescence, entering Apprenticeship at 8 and dutifully learning her Craft. But what was a girl to do if a Telgar Searchdragon stated that she was worthy to be a Candidate? Say "no?" Accepting such an incredible honor, Larasati packed her things and went to Telgar Weyr, a dutiful citizen of Pern.

Larasati didn't need to wait long. A blue emerged from his egg and took one look at her before he plopped right at her feet. On top of her feet, rather. Casaath complained about being hungry by way of introducing himself, which L'sati obliged, finding herself both proud and exasperated to be bonded to this blue. Casaath had no rival in speed or agility, but he was such an obnoxious flirt that it had L'sati questioning her decision to accept Search on occasion. But under all that bluster, Casaath was a sweet and sensitive dragon, which she loved him for being. Weyrlinghood was uneventful, after which they graduated into Threadfighting wings.

Enter: Thom. Thom was a farmer's brat, a nobody in actuality, but he was soon L'sati's whole world. Growing sweet on each other felt natural, until Thom plucked up enough courage to ask L'sati to be his weyrmate. Together, they had three children; two daughters and a son, all beautiful and wonderful individuals. L'sati was beyond proud...but once Thom and his brown were listed among those who fell fighting Thread, L'sati had nothing to push her onward. Even her children and Casaath couldn't reach her. It was a letter from her ailing mother telling her bluntly and curtly to pull free from her grief and get to living that spurred L'sati forward.

"Thom is dead. But you're not. Don't go following him as his dragon did. L'sati: are you a dragon or my daughter?"

L'sati returned to her children and her dragon, who welcomed her return. To try to distract herself from such a gaping loss that Thom had left behind, she dove into her work, until she and Casaath both felt the Turns' effects on them, no matter how much Casaath crowed about how strong and fast he was. Retiring in dignity and honor, they took up simple tasks, to continue serving Telgar. Records would show L'sati and Casaath going between to deliver a message on supplies to Fort's Healers' wingsecond and failing to return.

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NAME: Casaath
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2030
AGE: 52 as of 2776

LENGTH: 30 ft.
HEIGHT: 7.5 ft.
WINGSPAN: 45 ft.
HEX CODE: #264ab8
Casaath is a small blue, even by Eighth Pass standards, but one wouldn't know it with how he carries himself. Fast and agile, he's like an arrow in flight, quick to turn and respond to what threatens him or his bonded. Casaath sports a deep denim blue hide, though pale blue "feathers" decorate his wingsails and colors his tail's tip.

Casaath is a shameless flirt. It doesn't matter what color, gold or green, he'll display and show off to earn her affections. Considering himself to be one of Pern's finest blues, an absolute epitome of speed and bearing a hide no other can compare, he often comes across as rude, haughty, and arrogant. Mostly bluster, but he's more than capable to backing himself up. Righteously provoked or not, Casaath is known to snap at other dragons, as well as pick fights for silly reasons. Very much a case of "big dog in a little dog body." For some reason, Casaath is not fond of whers, though he can't explain his vague discomfort about them.

To his bonded, Casaath is rather sweet and thoughtful, in stark contrast to his usual cockiness and arrogance. Often a massive worrywart in private, L'sati must often scrape him off her once he starts fretting about something. Casaath loves his L'sati very much, so much so that he'd fight all his Weyr's dragons for her. Though he's more fun-loving than L'sati, one thing they share is a mutual love for family. Casaath is very attuned to those within his family, be it L'sati's biological family, his own clutchsiblings, or those taken under his wing. Though he doesn't show it, Casaath is rather fond of children, after watching L'sati's three little ones grow up from toddling children to fine young adults.

VOICE: Casaath sounds like a confident young man, his voice smooth and rich, though more than capable of sounding like a little brat; incredibly petulant.
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