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Farana of White Faransk

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    Sun Jun 24, 2018 5:39 pm
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Farana of White Faransk

"I have the same feeling when I walk in a very beautiful place that I have when I play and it goes right."
-Jacqueline du Pre


RETIRE INFO: Character - Retire, Wher - Adopt
NAME: Farana
GENDER: Genderfluid, DFAB
PRONOUNS: they/them/their
ORIENTATION: Grayromantic graysexual

BIRTHDATE: Midsummer 2742
AGE: 27 as of summer 2769
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler, Journeyman Harper
WING: Dawn Squad

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 6", slender
PLAY-BY: Keke Palmer
FULL APPEARANCE: Farana takes care of their appearance and presents as feminine most days, though they do bind on some non-female days. They have sculpted cheekbones and full lips, and their brown skin is clear and smooth due to careful cleaning and application of lotions. Most days, they wear a smoky line of kohl around their deep brown eyes to accentuate them. Though usually, their black hair is down, they enjoy elaborate updos for feasts. They enjoy wearing black most days, though they occasionally wear vivid colors. Their posture is straight and proud, a result of rigorous Harper training.

PERSONALITY: Philosophical and imaginative, Farana will happily spend hours discussing the finer points of a viol performance, the beauty of nature, or the meaning of life, but has little patience for tasks that don't interest them. They hate cleaning and are a bit of a slob; though their living space looks acceptable on the surface, they tend to shove everything into drawers or chests. This is a good metaphor for their dealing with their own emotions; though they have many complicated feelings about their parents, they tend to ignore these until they overflow, bursting out of their hiding spaces to haunt Farana for days. Farana's main method of coping with their emotions is through music. They devote themselves to the viol, paying attention to the teaching and drum aspects of being a Harper only enough to squeak by.

They can come across as cold, and they are. They don't care about what they don't understand, and that includes others' emotions. They can't even understand themselves, why would they care about others, especially those who hurt them? Part of the reason they take care of their appearance, but not their surroundings or emotions, is out of the need to present an unruffled facade to the world. When hurt, they become standoffish and withdrawn, hiding their pain behind an icy mask of unconcern and pushing potential help away. Despite everything, they hold a deep love for their mother, and became a candidate in the hopes of making her proud.

FAMILY: Fartoo of blue Fartosk - father (estranged), Kanala of bronze Kanask - mother (deceased), several half-siblings

TW: bullying

Born to a pair of wherhandlers who'd developed a friends-with-benefits relationship fighting together, Farana was put in the creche. Their father didn't see them much, but for the first eight years of their life, Kanala made an effort to get to know her child. She doted on them, bringing them presents and letting them ride on her bronze wher. Then, one day, Kanala stopped coming to the creche. She'd been seriously injured, and after an agonizing few sevendays in which the young Farana wasn't allowed to see their mother, Kanala passed away, Kanask rebonding to another handler.

Farana didn't have much in common with the other children and was often teased for being by themself. They didn't face much bullying for their gender identity in Fort Weyr, but did get relentlessly tormented after a disastrous attempt to cut their own hair. Seeking comfort, they turned to their next logical parental figure - Fartoo - but were rebuffed. Doggedly, they tried to continue talking to their father, and were teased each time they were rejected. Farana finally stopped trying, finding solace in Harper lessons and taking up training as an apprentice harper when they were twelve.

Harper training afforded them respite; most of their childhood tormentors weren't apprentices, and those that were stayed away after Farana began to prove their dedication and talent. They walked the tables shortly after they turned eighteen, more on their performance merit than anything else, and chose to stay on at Fort Weyr. On an impulse, a rare thing for them to follow through on, they became a candidate, wanting to make their mother proud by fighting Thread rather than having to fight in a war.

  • Summer 2765 - Farana, after seeing Nornth and Exiath at work, decides that dragons (especially golds) are too much. They transfer to Fort Hold to join their half-sibling Ferorate and Stand for whers exclusively.
  • Fall 2765 - At the donated Gather clutch, Farana bonds white Faransk!
  • Spring 2767 - In their first full Threadfall, they are mostly unhurt, except when Faransk wanders into Farana, causing them to trip and scrape their left elbow.
Last edited by Tortellini on Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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    Sun Jun 24, 2018 5:41 pm
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NAME: Faransk
BIRTHDATE Early fall 2765
AGE: 3 as of summer 2769

LENGTH: 11 ft
HEIGHT: 4 ft
COLOR: White
FULL APPEARANCE: For such a small wher, Faransk is surprisingly intimidating-looking. They are lean, and fast, with a low-slung head, bony wings, a deep chest, and a tucked stomach. Bone-white across most of their body, Faransk is a chalky color, even under moon- and starlight. That is, except where they are deep, dark black. Faransk's forelegs are solid black, while only their hind feet are, fading through smoke into that pale white. Their eyes are similarly haloed with black, like deep-sunk pits, giving them a skull-like face, and a grim visage indeed.

PERSONALITY: Faransk is such a ball of energy! They are bouncy and playful, always chasing after adventure and work alike. They dedicate a good part of their nature to fun and play time; as long as something is framed for enjoyable time, they are encouraged and want to help! They love anything that means they get to be active; boredom is not well-suited for this wher, who becomes despondent and withdrawn when there is a lack in their life. They strive to please everyone they meet and are generally a goofy, cheerful ball of love to everyone they meet. No enemies here!

They are highly supportive of their partner - a happy sidekick on anything they might want to pursue. While they understand there is a time and place for seriousness, they try to remind their bonded that life is made of good moments as much as anything. Work can't be everything! There can't always be sadness! They have a penchant for finding things, and are particularly good at seeing in the dark, having incredible senses. If something is lost, go to Faransk - they will gladly assist in the search!

Voice: Faransk very rarely talks - they prefers to show thieir thoughts with actions - but when they do it's always excited and fast paced.

Why me?: Love and support can be found when its needed most.
Last edited by Tortellini on Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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    Sun Jun 24, 2018 5:42 pm
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What type of candidate is your character: Wher

What color/s are you willing to impress to?: Any
What color/s does your character want?: Something smaller
Do you/your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: Farana doesn't want something violent/aggressive. I don't care.
Do you/your character have any other preferences or concerns?: Farana would like a smaller color, preferably white, green, blue, or maybe garnet.
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: *shrug emoji*

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: Nope
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Please ask before permanent injury, leave hands/arms intact except for minor scarring

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nothing that would stop them playing string instruments permanently
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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    Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:07 pm
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NAME: Picardy
BIRTHDATE Early summer 2766
AGE: 3 as of summer 2769

LENGTH: Average
HEIGHT: Average
COLOR: Brown
FULL APPEARANCE: Picardy is a pale, pinkish brown. He has elegant markings of red running over his sides and across his snout. His underbelly is a more grayish shade of brown than the rest of him. He's average in build and size, and is well-proportioned.

PERSONALITY: Curious and cheerful, Picardy is rather similar to Faransk in some ways. He enjoys his wher cousin's company about as much as his human's, and is often found perching on the white's head. He'll often be found getting into things that he shouldn't, but he doesn't mean to cause mischief. He just wants to see everything the world has to offer!
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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