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Attiless of brown Ilesssk

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Attiless of brown Ilesssk

And I'll keep my jealousy close,
'Cause it's all mine.
And if you say this makes you happy,
Then I'm not the only one lying.


RETIRE INFO: Retire both, please
NAME: Attiless
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Bisexual demiromantic

BIRTHDATE: Early Fall 2742
AGE: twenty-four as of Winter 2766
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: wherhandler, wherlingmaster
SQUAD: Weyr Guard

EYES: dark brown and far too quick to spot flaws
HAIR: black, braided and pinned in tight coils
HEIGHT AND BUILD: five feet and nine inches
PLAY-BY: Anika Noni Rose

If Pern had the concept of princesses, Attiless would be a definite candidate. She is both graceful and beautiful, with a sweet voice that can coax the most stubborn wher into obedience. She wears her long hair in a tight braid that she then pins into a neat coil around her head - her very own crown.

It's her hands that first give away her actual life. Attiless has scars on every finger, callous from flame throwers, and old burn marks on her arms. Her left arm bears a thick, wide scar from her Impression. And while she would fit perfectly into the fine garments of the Blooded holders, Attiless wears the leathers and knots of a wherhandler. She carries a very businesslike knife at her hip, and always seems to have salve or oil in one pocket or another.


Attiless is a fairly ruthless individual. She knows what she wants, and she won't hesitate to step on a few toes to get it. Eggs, omelets, there's a quote there. Still, she is a practical woman, and won't burn a bridge unless she knows there's no point keeping it. She'll work hard, but she prefers to work smart. Why exhaust herself to the point where she won't advance when she can find better ways?

That is one of the reasons she makes such an effective teacher. While she won't do her students' work for them, she will show them the best way to do it. And she doesn't lose her temper easily, enabling her to be more patient with slower wherlings. Not maternal in the least, Attiless does like being seen as a mentor. She's been a big sister all her life; mentoring is just another step on the same path.

FAMILY: parents at Benden
G'rel of green Andorith - twin brother, Minuet Wing
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Mara of gold Marsk and [bgcolor=#a5d1b7]green Marask[/bgcolor]

With ties like Attiless has - wealthy parents, attachments to the Benden Blood, contacts at the weyr - she should have been married off several Turns ago. She had a decent childhood, with her parents approving highly of her ambition, which netted her a green fire lizard at the probably-too-young age of twelve. That was seen as a good step towards possibly being Searched, or just making someone a charming spouse.

Her very solid, predictable life took a turn when she became enamored of wherkind. She broke her parents' hearts when she broke off her engagement to follow her twin brother to the weyr. He had been banished, in disgrace for falling in love with someone their parents deemed unacceptable. She went partially in solidarity, but mostly to pursue her new career as a wherhandler.

She fell lucky to a green clutch. The green only laid one egg, to the disappointment of her handler and her brown mate, but that egg revealed a beautiful brown hatchling who made an absolute beeline for a waiting Attiless.

Ilesssk proved to be a well-matched parter for ruthless Attiless. Within three Turns, they had climbed the ranks to assisting wherlingmaster. A chance transfer led them to Bitra Hold, from where they transferred down to Semaca.

A good sister would say that she went to follow her twin, but Attiless wanted the chance to shine on her own. Semaca was without a wherlingmaster, and with two gold whers, a number of garnets, and a recent clutch to look after, they needed help.
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  • Early Spring 2767 - Shortly after arriving at Semaca, Attiless meets the most amazing woman she's ever laid eyes on - Mara, of gold Marsk and green Marask. Unfortunately, all attempts to speak with Mara lead to Attiless tripping over her own tongue, and sounding like an inelegant fool. 'Appointment,' indeed.
  • Late Summer 2767 - When Nebulaeth Rises, Attiless spends the time with a handsome bronze rider. T'challa of bronze Lockoth offers no strings, but Attiless is not so lucky. Her attempt to get over Mara has consequences.
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Is what heroes do. Could be hero.


NAME: Ilesssk
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2763
AGE: four Turns as of Early Fall 2767

LENGTH: fifteen feet
HEIGHT: five feet
COLOR: brown

Ilesssk is Pernese latte art. He's a delightful, medium tone of brown, painted with a light, creamy brown. He has a somewhat intimidating mask, and the angled stripes on his front legs are more military than artful, but the graceful curves and swirls along his sides are definitely artistic. In keeping with this artistic theme, Ilesssk is less of a hulking brute than whers are known to be. He's no weakling, but he also is not obviously muscled. It's easy to forget that he is a highly trained, skilled member of ground crew.


Ilesssk is a puppy of a wher. His highest priority is furthering Attiless' goals, but there isn't a mean bone in his body. He doesn't like to cause unnecessary damage, but he is a fairly clumsy individual. Sometimes, damage just happens. When it does, he's more likely to try to gloss over the event than to apologize unless he really hurt someone.

This brown is incredibly loyal. He isn't much of a thinker, but he does want to do good things. The two easiest ways to get him to do something is to 1) be Attiless, or 2) convince him that it's the right thing to do. Once he gives someone his loyalty, he is incredibly difficult to lose. He can be disappointed, but those he is loyal to occupy a different space from the rest of the world. Not many people get there.
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NAME: Shego
BIRTHDATE Spring 2754
AGE: thirteen Turns as of Early Fall 2767

COLOR: green

Shego is a patchwork of green and black. Her main color is a light, foresty green, splotched with stark black. Her markings include angry slashes over her eyes, to appear always furious, and a thick mark on her upper jaw, almost like she got into some very dramatic cosmetics. She's a compact, lean fire lizard, with a whippy tail and graceful wings.


To compliment her alternating colors, Shego is a fire lizard of drastic moods. She plots, like her human, but she also broods. When things are going good, she causes mischief. But when things are not so good, it's actual destruction she prefers. Attiless likes her capriciousness, but Shego would be much happier with a proper minion of her own.
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