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Shanelis of Blue Zetath

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Shanelis of Blue Zetath

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NAME: Shanelis
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2744
AGE: 30 as of Winter 2774
OCCUPATION: Bluerider, Apprentice Tailorcraft
WING: Daylight Wing

EYES: Dark Green
HAIR: Blond
HEIGHT AND BUILD: Average Height & Wiry
A woman of average height for cisgendered women of Pern, she's not ever considered herself attractive or unattractive to look at. All in all, just somewhat average all-around. She has long straw-blond hair she keeps pulled back in a high tail on most occasions, though during particularly hot summers she will sometimes cut it and let it grow again. Her skin is pale but sometimes tans in the warmer months when she wears less clothing to stay cool (though usually just burns), and her eyes are deep olive green. Her left bicep bears a scar from threadscore.

Clothing tends to be toward the "cute" or "stylish" side, and she spends most of her marks staying up to date with the latest fashions.

Shanelis is bubbly and cheery, doing most things with an upbeat attitude. Very relaxed and easygoing, she's generally quite easy to get along with, but can just as easily get on someone's nerves; she's always been a glass half-full sort of person, looking on the bright side of things or trying to find them in a bad situation.

A very observant individual, she tends to notice small details quickly, from changes in someone's personality to the expressions on their face, or items that have been moved from their proper places. This makes it somewhat difficult to lie to her, though she may not let on to others that she knows unless it's a serious transgression. Speaking of serious transgressions, despite her optimistic attitude she does not forgive easilyand can be a bit of a crybaby when wronged. Not to say she cries every time something doesn't go her way, but if she is hurt by a close friend she is much more likely to cry over it than the average person.

She's very much a social butterfly, very eager, and has a deep, near-instant love of anything she sees as cute--she even has a small collection of stuffed plush-creatures in her room (mostly self-made). She does have a bit of a problem keeping secrets, and isn't the best to rely on as she is often late and constantly running behind. Shanelis gets caught up in the little things, you see, and can spend hours fixated on one detail or task unless she is redirected.

FAMILY: Various living relatives; Mother, Father, Siblings x3
BIRTHPLACE: Minor Fort hold
Shanelis, or Shane as she is sometimes called, was born the oldest child in a small hold in Fort territory. Her parents were a tailor and a weaver, supplying their hold with clothing and helping with the tithe to the Weyr for protection with their crafts. She grew up rather well-off (after all, everyone needs clothing, right?), her father making fabrics and her mother sewing them and trading for necessities with the others. The Hold itself mostly traded amongst itself, occasionally with passing caravans and nearby Holds for what they could not produce locally, but they were very self-sufficient otherwise.

When her siblings were born, three in total, she helped her parents take care of them, but did not neglect her tutelage in the Tailorcraft as she came of age to learn. Hoping to pass one of the family trades to their eldest daughter, perhaps, her mother was very adamant that she learn a skill. In the end, however, things would not come to be. She was Searched at age eighteen, and after bidding a tearful farewell to her family was taken to Fort Weyr to begin her new life. She kept up with her tailorcrafting between Candidate lessons, especially once she failed to Impress at her first Hatching. It would be a long while before she aged out, but she wanted something to fall back on, and she already knew how to do something so why start anew?

It wasn't until the summer of her twentieth Turn that she would bond to Zetath. Although the blue was hardly what she was expecting to Impress, she was nevertheless smitten with such an adorable baby dragon, even with the violence in which he was born. And even with his antagonistic attitude toward Bronzes, which Shane has no problems with, the two got on like a spark to kindling. They breezed through Weyrling training (despite a few little scuffles thanks to the blue's commentaries), escaped the Trailblazers' poisoning with only mild sickness, and survived their first Threadfall. Then the next, and the one after that, though the pair suffered during one fateful Fall. It wasn't a bad Score, but it still took many sevendays to recover from, the muscle of Shanelis's upper arm damaged.

Overall, they've been keeping themselves busy, between Falls, tending to Zetath and Shane's Craft.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:20 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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  • Early Summer 2775 ; Threadfall, Zetath lands awkwardly when trying to get some additional firestone, straining a muscle in his back (Mild). He falls, and Shanelis' right elbow and calf are badly cut on some nearby rocks (Moderate).
Last edited by Tyto on Sun Jul 30, 2023 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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NAME: Zetath
BIRTHDATE Late summer 2765
AGE: 9 as of summer 2774

Dam: Gold Serapheth
Sire: Bronze Sinanjuth
Birthplace: Fort Weyr (Trailblazers)

LENGTH: 38 ft
HEIGHT: 9.5 ft
HEX CODE: #3fb5d1
FULL APPEARANCE: A larger blue who looks like someone designed him to be a little more impressive than Recksith. He has thick legs and a very narrow face with pointed headknobs. His tail is thin and whip-like, and his wings are short and broad. He has no problem navigating the land and the sky, despite his strange proportions. He is a light blue all over, with his back end slightly darker than the front. There are dark blue fractal-like streaks across his wingsails. There are dark blue markings over his face and down his neck, with a backwards 'Z' on the sides of his neck. His front legs are colored to look like armored plates, and there is some strange rune-like markings on his back legs.

PERSONALITY: Zetath is a dragon of speed, grace, and an utter stubborn streak a mile wide. He will not only dig his feet into the dirt but he will also sit, lie down, and apparently change his mass because this dragon is impossible to move if he thinks something is a bad idea. There is almost no changing his mind. He is incredibly perceptive to the people around him, and it's not hard for him to pick out a bad apple out of a bunch. His intuition is amazing, as is his anger. It is said he can pick out a single human in the middle of an ocean, that is how precise his mind and the scope of his strength is. He is an odd, if very special, blue.

To his human, he is a very particular creature. Good luck trying to get him to do anything if you are not his partner. Even other people in authority have issues with him, with very rare exceptions. Sure, golds are followed but that's about it, and sometimes he'll roll his eyes and sulk away with his tail between his legs. He can endure incredible things, but he thinks that things are best done one way: his own. He does not like being around bronzes, clutchmates included, and will make snide comments about them when he's sure no one will hear.

Voice: Zetath is a teenage boy with a voice that isn't always consistent. Sometimes it's high, sometimes it cracks and is deeper.
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