"lyrics or quotes here"
NAME: Yuki
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: No. This is a kid. Literally a child!
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring, Turn 2767
AGE: 8 as of Early Spring, Turn 2776 (almost 9!)
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: formerly Holdless, Weyrbrat
WING: N/A (still very young; she’s not even a candidate yet!!)
EYES: brown
HAIR: brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: probably like 4ft something tall, of average active-kiddo build. Bit on the lean and scrawny side though, but that’ll probably change eventually. (final height may be close to/around her mama’s height)
PLAY-BY: Yuki (Wolf Children)
EXPY SOURCE: sort-of-expy of Yuki (Wolf Children)
Yuki is slightly shorter than average height for her age (as if that’d stop her from being a rowdy kid-shaped bundle of adorably chaotic energy! Great things come in small packages, after all..), with a light-skinned complexion. She has a slight tan, due to spending the majority of her life outdoors. Her eyes are a shade of warm brown, often rounded with delight, or interest in something; and her hair is the same colour, its straight lengths falling just short of her slight waist. Short and slightly messy bangs sweep across her forehead, with a few of the longest strands barely even making it past her eyebrows. A huge grin can often be found curving across her slightly angular face, especially when she’s excited about something or other.
Yuki frequently ends up wearing fading and patched-up practical items for an active child of her age at this point in time, such as an old, slightly oversized shirt/tunic with rolled-up sleeves, or a dress with pockets that's been well-worn almost to the point of falling apart; her taste in clothes is weirdly coloured, and very much that of an active little kid! Sometimes she has shoes on, most times not; sometimes she DID HAVE them on but then promptly lost them somewhere mid-adventure! These shoes are oftentimes eventually found, thankfully for her mother’s sanity. Her wardrobe selection is generally pretty causal, and somewhat limited for good reason (due to life as a roaming Holdless family), but this will likely improve now that the family has access to the Weyr’s storerooms. As well as over time when she gets older and more discerning in her tastes and personal style. But right now she is a kid!
Yuki is also often found with a few patches of mud or dust or some other indiscernible substance scattered all over her skin and clothes, mostly acquired from all the exploring and/or typical active-little-kid activities she does. And a number of the occasional scrapes and scratches too. Her pockets also sometimes have stashed away within their depths a small collection of random bits and bobs and pieces of various cool new things that she has found on her adventures that day.
- energetically easy-going/friendly, adventurous; loves exploring and new things/experiences
- she’s a chaotic good haha; especially since a) she’s still a child and b) she’s spent her whole life thus far growing up with the looser morals/laws and values of the Holdless.. but sooooooon she’ll begin to adopt those of the Weyr too. Hehe. Girlie literally radiates chaotic energy!
- protective of her younger brother (who she loves a lot)
- also adores Mama; Yuki probably thinks her family is totally the bestest ever family in all the world! (This probably includes most of the other un-related kids/families in the Holdless camp that she has made friends with thus far too lol)
- will most likely be somewhat traumatised/suffering some form of ptsd from the snowed-in cave ordeal; possibly some very situation-specific claustrophobia?
- would 100% be a mama’s girl; though I think she may be extra clingy for a while after what she’s been through..
- Hana, Mother (living)
- Talbain, Father (deceased, 2774)
- younger brother (Ame), about 2 Turns younger than Yuki
BIRTHPLACE: a Holdless camp somewhere? Idk
TW: mention of Talbain’s death
- born Holdless; she is the firstborn child of Holdless parents (unbranded). The Holdless life was all she’d ever known! (With two notable exceptions of course - staying at a Hold in 2774, and the present day with High Reaches Weyr.)
- about 2 Turns later, younger brother was born, and eventually the family leave the Holdless group they’d been with. Relevantly uneventful childhood with her brother and their parents (other than having to perpetually ensure their survival), right up until tragedy strikes in Turn 2774.
- which was Papa/Talbain’s death (Autumn, Turn 2774). According to Hana’s profile, this was due to injuries he sustained from fending off feral canines that were attacking the family. (Yuki was very sad about their Papa. She loved him lots too!)
- also, that winter (Turn 2774), their first time staying in a Hold. Yuki wasn’t certain she entirely liked the experience — there were WALLS shutting them all in away from the open outdoors, a few incredibly stuck-up and snooty Holdbred kids who’d try to bully her or her brother (though Yuki always stood up for him), and honestly, what was up with Mama ALWAYS WORKING for some reason???? They barely had any proper family time! And the RULES! just to name a few cons — although in the pros column, it could be admitted that it WAS nice to be warm and have a consistent source of food and water for a change, despite the cold weather. Plus, new places to explore! And some of the Harper lessons they got were really cool! Their experience of Hold life did not last long, though, for the family was soon out on the road once more come Spring… leaving the place behind.
- then in the Summer, they eventually found a small group of Holdless to fall in with. This group had another family with kids around Yuki and Ame’s ages! Yay!! New friends! And Mama was smiling again! All was well in the world again. Yuki settles in very well, and quickly ‘adopts’ (informally) her new friends as ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’/family member figures. Holdless kids gotta stick together, right?
- winter, Turn 2775: the two siblings ventures off somewhere on a little adventure, playing/‘exploring’, (and very soon becomes their mother’s missing children) before the snowstorm came in. They are eventually found, very cold and nearly unconscious, in a snowed-in cave by wherhandlers; and quickly rushed off into the care of Healers via a dragon-back ride between to High Reaches Weyr, whereupon the two children were safely reunited with their extremely worried mother (as well as the rest of the surviving Holdless camp).
- Now, after all that drama.. Yuki is slowly settling in to life as a weyrbrat of High Reaches Weyr, a life she soon finds far more comfortable than the brief interval of Hold life they’d had a Turn prior. And it was kinda like Holdless life, but somehow a better version? Where they had consistent access to food, water, warm things/clothes, and plenty of new friends! AND! There were DRAGONS! and WHERS! All up close and personal! (Kinda. A lot closer than they’d usually be to a travelling Holdless band in the wilds, anyways.) Yuki thought that this was the coolest place she’d ever been to! Weyrs were DEFINITELY cooler than Holds! (Yuki you can’t talk, you've only been to ONE, and for barely a season at that! And this is the only Weyr you’ve ever been to. xD)
- Updates goes here!