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    Sun Jun 24, 2018 11:43 pm
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"Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space."

Dr. Brand, Interstellar


Kitany: Retire unless needed for a plot.

NAME: Kitany, nicknamed Kit or Kita.
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, leaning towards men

BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2734
AGE: 33 as of Early Autumn 2767
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: JM Healer, specialising in midwifery, with basic mindhealing and dragonhealing skills

EYES: Hazel brown
HAIR: Sleek with a slight wave, brown, mid-back length
HEIGHT AND BUILD: Willowy, 5’7
PLAY-BY: Anne Hathaway

The first thing one notices about Kitany is her smile: it is soft and radiant, rather like the first hint of sunlight on a cold, wintry dawn- a flicker of hope after a dark night. It’s a smile that is warm and encouraging, motherly and kind, but also a smile that takes no shit. The sun’s gonna rise, all right, and do it’s damn job.

With creamy skin and a rosy complexion, Kit has a youthful, almost girly air about her. A combination of dimples, a lovely quirk to her dark brows, and a hint of mischief in her eyes makes her seem almost playful at rest. This isn’t to say she can’t be serious: Kitany glares daggers with the practiced ease of a great swordsman. Her cheeks flash with embarrassment or irritation- her face a blank canvas for most of her emotions. Hazelnut eyes are framed by thick lashes, with a long aquiline nose and red, rosebud lips to complete the picture. She boasts long brown, slightly wavy hair, that she keeps just past her shoulders, pinning it up when she is at work.

Kitany has a preference for more comfortable, flowing clothing of paler hues, such as off-whites or creams. Long-sleeved blouses, long skirts and belts with many pouches serve her purpose whilst retaining an air of femininity. She may also don trousers and leathers if the situation calls for it, and her Gather finery is some of her most splendid possessions- both figure-hugging and bold.

Affable and kind, Kitany has a generous heart and a sunny disposition, more often than not tumbling headfirst into a mothering role. She finds it difficult not to fuss over people, perhaps struggling to separate her Craft from the rest of her life. She will go the extra mile to help those in need, and has a soft spot for children and dragons- especially greens and browns. She would share all but her most precious possessions if another person was in need. Kitany is the kind of woman who will continue to work until she falls over, if it meant her patients felt better. She is selflessly dedicated to others, often at personal expense.

It would be easy to assume she is an even-tempered, easy-going woman, but nothing could be farther from the truth: as much as Kitany is kind, she is also impatient with people who would complicate her life or work, and has a very low tolerance threshold for bullshit. Not that she's a cold person when it comes to emotions- Kitany always has a ready shoulder or tissue for those who are suffering; but if you refuse to go see a Healer after being bitten by a tunnelsnake, or refuse to take your medication because it is disgusting, expect to have your behind metaphorically kicked. Do not cross Kitany when she tells you to do something: she might seem warm and smiley, but she will get angry, and quickly. Her temper flares and fades quickly.

She is an extremely loyal friend, daughter, sister and mother: family will always come first to her. Her trust, once given, is a difficult thing to lose; it is also difficult to acquire. She is mistrustful around strangers, unwilling to share private information about herself until she is certain of the other person’s honour and virtuousness. Guarded, she has spent many long Turns trying not to be noticed by those in power, and despite liking dragons she isn't fully comfortable with dragonriders- especially gold and bronzeriders. She has issues trusting people in positions of authority, too, but since High Reaches has acquired more of a democratic inclination, she has started to thaw a little towards the Weyr’s leaders.

Beneath the masks of the driven Crafter and the guarded familywoman is a sentimental, passionate girl. She tries not to let her feelings drive her decision-making in day-to-day life, but Kit can be almost sadly naive when it comes to charming suitors and romantic mistresses. She falls easily in and out of love, revelling in her independence as much as she enjoys the company of others. She is not above a little light flirting herself, often seeking out company for the occasional night of fun. She loves a good Gather, and will never pass up the opportunity to make merry with her friends.

  • Father: Chasarik {2711} of Brown Levaneth {2731-2749}
  • Mother: Aryae {2714-2749} of Green Chisanath {2731-2749}
  • Brother: Tomrian {2736 - JM Harper}
  • Brother: Da’var {2739 - Brownrider} of Brown Aizorroth {2754}
  • Brother: Ny’tan {2739 - Brownrider} of Brown Hermitith {2754}
  • Son: Coreghan {2753 - App Harper}
  • Daughter: Aevyana (2755 - App Healer}
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None currently.
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Weyr

TW: Death, suicide attempt, implied violence, implied alcoholism, mental illness
It is 2731. Two young candidate hopefuls Impress. Together, they cross the sands with their dragons. Together, they feed them. It is a moment in time that marks the beginning of a beautiful, yet tragic romance.

Kitany was born in 2734, three Turns after her parents Impressed, and the first of four children the weyrmated pair would have. She was a delightfully sleepy child, innocent and pretty, and doted upon by her parents when they found the time between dragonriders duties. For the most part, Kitany’s childhood was filled with love- from her parents, from the nannies at creche, for and from her brothers, too- but there was an undercurrent of fear and anxiety throughout those formative Turns: Golre and her gold, the mad Queens, were developing a powerful lust and hunger for the rest of Pern. High Reaches was a place of chaos outside of the walls of their nursery.

Kitany did her best to shield her brothers from it at an early age. She took it upon herself to make sure they never lacked for anything, defended them from any potential bullies and had no fear of becoming a tattler if the situation grew outside of her control. As long as her brothers were safe and happy, it didn't matter. They were perceptive children, and no amount of play or deflection could keep the truth of the Weyr’s horrors from them. Tomrian, the eldest of the three boys, developed an avoidance to dragonriders that even made interacting with his parents difficult for him.

Kitany, on the other hand, learned to separate riders into two categories: those consumed by their bloodlust, who sided with Golre; and those like her parents, unfortunate subjects of poor luck and circumstance. Funny how the bigger, higher ranking riders tended to be on Golre’s side, whereas the chromatic dragons were unconsciously labelled as ‘lesser’. Funny, in an infuriating, what the forsk is happening kind of way. So began Kitany’s reluctance to consider candidacy, despite the pride she had for her parents’ profession.

In the Turn of 2746, at the age of twelve, Kitany apprenticed to the healers. This, too, was a noble Craft in her opinion. It allowed her to continue to nurture and care for others in need, and helped her feel useful, too. She took to it like a duck to water, unphased by blood, gore or the general misery that pervaded the Infirmary. She would stay strong and become smarter. She would keep smiling. That was what people needed, and by the first egg that was what she would give them: the very best of herself.

Three Turns later, in her fifteenth Turn, tragedy struck the family in full force. Another of Golre’s vicious, insensible raids led to the death of her mother and her green, as well as her father’s dragon. Chasarik took days to awaken from his near-dead state, and another Turn to rehabilitate after that. Kitany was desperate to help him recover, pushing away her own deep sorrow to focus her energies entirely on her father. It was around this time that the candidatemaster began expecting her at lessons and chores, but she begged for more time to help her father, and was granted it on the earnestness of her plea.

She sought training from a mindhealer in residence at the Weyr, desperately seeking any advice on how she might help her father through his life. She learned how to counsel, as well as the very basics of mediation and psychoanalysis. It was not a type of healing she would have chosen to specialise in, but it seemed to sort of work on her father from time to time, and his moments of clarity within the darkness were a great reward.

Despite her best efforts to help him, Chasarik attempted suicide in 2750. She was shocked to her core, deeply upset and angry that he would be so consumed by his own pain. Her brothers were struggling to make sense of the family loss, and she too… couldn't he see that? Couldn't he see how much they all hurt? And yet Chasarik became more and more closed to her, silent and unmoving as his catatonia took over.

She was being pressured to Stand, too. She attended a few clutches, but her private anger was seeping through into other facets of her life. She didn't want to Impress, forsk it all. She wanted to heal! And help! Dragonriders at High Reaches were running terrible risks simply by existing… it wasn't fair to them, or to the healers… Nobody was safe. No position would give her immunity against being a candidate.

In 2751, Tomrian confides that he has hatched an escape plan, and intends on leaving for the Harper Hall at Fort to pursue his Harper studies. Kitany urges him to be cautious and careful, but the young man is successful in his attempt. The two exchange frequent letters to this day, Tomrian having earned his Journeyman knots some Turns later.

In 2752, Kitany befriends another candidate by the name of Xorenne. The two begin an illicit relationship, the whirlwind romance scintillating in an otherwise dark part of her life, and Kitany ends up pregnant. She elects to keep the child and is removed from candidacy during her pregnancy. In 2753,she gives birth to her son Coreghan. During this time, Xorenne Impressed, and the relationship ends with his becoming a weyrling. Kitany resumed candidate duties when able to, but still attempted to minimise her participation so she might focus on helping her father and caring for her son.

A brief Turn later, when Kitany is 20 and her youngest brothers, Davarin and Nymatan, are 15, the twins join her in candidacy. They Impress to browns of their own, becoming Da’var of Aizorroth and Ny’tan of Hermitith. Chasarik had been urging them not to Stand, fearful they would share his fate, and their Impressions plunged him into a deep depression once more. Kitany doubled her efforts to help him, growing more fractious as she realised that if anything, the man was getting worse.

Then one day, in 2755, Chasarik had gone. Left, they said. They told her he had asked to be taken to Nerat. Frantic, she wrote to her brother in the hopes that he might find out more for her. It took a Turn or so for Tomrian to track him down, but then confirmed their father was indeed an Neat, studying to be a vintner. It was difficult for Kitany to adjust at first, worried and anxious for her father’s well-being. She received news that he might be sickening once more, but was not prepared to simply uproot her life and leave her home and child.

High Reaches had changed, was changing. The Interval War had come to an end. She was no longer forced to be a candidate, and at 21 she had the ability to dedicate herself fully to the Healercraft.

It was also the Turn that she met A’ryn, a young rider who swept her off her feet. Their relationship began with a roaring fire of passion, resulting in Kitany’s second pregnancy. In 2756, she gave birth to her daughter Aevyana. A’ryn and Kitany maintained a friendly and casual on-again, off-again relationshio over the Turns, which slowly dissolved to a simple friendship by 2763.

In 2757, A’ryn made her a Turnday gift of a flitter egg, which hatched a brilliant gold glitter whom she named Mia. It made sending her brother messages a great deal easier, and Kitany was delighted that her own small family would welcome another member. Her children loved the company of the glittery gold firelizards, who adored them in return.

It wasn't until she was 28, in 2762, that Kitany walked the tables and earned her knots. She had chosen to specialise in midwifery, as her love for children and mothers made her work bearable even at its hardest and most depressing. She acquired some dragonhealing skills too, so that she might serve the Weyr during Threadfall.

In 2765, she sent Coreghan to Fort Harper Hall to study under her brother’s supervision. In 2767, Aevyana joined her in the infirmary at an apprentice. Over the Turns, Kitany has come into her own, learning to deal with people’s wherrycrap, reaching out to be a pillar of strength for her siblings and children, and practicing her healing skills further still, so that one day she might attain mastery.

Last edited by Symmetry on Sun Jun 24, 2018 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
    Sun Jun 24, 2018 11:44 pm
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Linework by LiaLumay, available here.


BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2757
AGE: 10 as of Early Autumn 2767

LENGTH: Average
HEIGHT: Average

A finely-boned firelizard of striking golden hues, Mia’s base shade is a russet gold, seemingly bronzed by time. There is a spark of a brighter, more vibrant and lively hue, travelling from her nose, avoiding the majority, then down her neck as though the flitter were robed in a shawl. Little speckles of a pale gold dot her body from her front shoulders downwards, like a dress with sequins. There is a hint of greeny yellow on her wings, difficult to spot but visible when she is in need of an oiling.

Her proportions are normal for the most part, with extravagantly long wings with which Mia drapes herself. Like a Lady who has a Gather to attend, she looks regal without even trying.

A delicate, softly-spoken flitter, Mia might be easy to miss were it not for the fact she so enjoys human company. She is especially taken with youngsters, particularly Coreghan and Aevyana, and has a very strong nurturing streak. Other firelizards, save for golds, are added to her ‘fair’ without their knowledge (or overt consent, for that matter), and she truly believes she is mother and protector to all. Cuddles, fussing and gift-giving are just part of who she is.

To Kitany, she is the careful, doting guardian who ensures she gets rest and klah when needed, or the soft reminder in her ear that she needs to wash and take care of herself. She is a loyal, devoted flitter, often busying herself with her human’s errands and messages. Mia is extremely attached to Kitany, and will loathe to be separated from the healer if there is nothing else for her to do.
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