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Pidge of Green Chath

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    Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:46 am
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Pidge of Green Chath

"Well, I like peanut butter. And I like peanut butter cookies. But I hate peanuts. They're so dry! Also, I sweat a lot. I mean, in general. Unrelated to the peanuts."


RETIRE INFO: Character - Retire, Dragon - Adopt
NAME: Usually goes by Pidge, born Katie
GENDER: Cis female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Demi, generally uninterested

BIRTHDATE: Late spring 2747
AGE: 22 as of summer 2769
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wingrider, journeyman smith
WING: Starfall

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Light brown, short
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 2", skinny
PLAY-BY: Pidge Gunderson (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
FULL APPEARANCE: It's not hard to underestimate Pidge. She looks younger than her Turns, far closer to fifteen than twenty. She keeps her brown hair cut short and messily, to the point where it sticks out all over the place. Her cheeks are still round. Her large brown eyes and enthusiastic smile don't help with making her look any older. As if that weren't enough, she's short and thin, without much of a figure. She doesn't really care about that last bit - all that just gets in her way, in her opinion.

But Pidge is surprisingly speedy and agile, able to take out larger opponents. Strong for her size, she's capable of packing a punch if she puts effort into it. She's fond of the color green, incorporating it into her otherwise plain, functional wardrobe whenever possible. She also likes purple, but she doesn't wear green and purple together.

PERSONALITY: Pidge is easily excited by new discoveries, especially when it comes to the Smithcraft. She loves exploring new places and tinkering with anything she can get her hands on. In her spare time, or even not-so-spare, she can usually be found working on new ways to do old things, as well as new ways to do new things. She's easily distracted by anything she finds exciting or novel, often at the expense of the task in front of her. Her weyr is filled with things she might find useful at some point, or things she just wants to keep because she thinks they're cool. She's not humble about her intelligence when it comes to inventions, but neither is she arrogant; it's a part of who she is, and she'll use it, but she won't brag about it.

At seeming odds with her excitable personality, Pidge is an intensely private person. She finds it difficult to open up to new people on an emotional level, and will often use humor to deflect personal inquiries. She has a very low tolerance for other people's crap, and is unafraid to call people out when she finds them annoying. However, she does have people she cares about intensely. Rules are of little consequence to her, especially when it comes to keeping her family and friends safe. She will do anything for them, at the expense of laws or even potentially lives, and beyond the point of reason. She's especially close to her father and brother, and is determined to find what her brother's been up to.

FAMILY: Parents, Matt - older brother
HISTORY: Pidge and her brother were born to two weyrfolk, both smiths. Despite their busy schedules, they made plenty of time for their children, and the family was extremely close-knit. Pidge grew up surrounded by family who nurtured her love for innovation, and the family's pet canine, whom she loved dearly. While she was named Katie when she was born, her brother called her Pidge as a nickname. She grew to like it more than her birth name, and not many people know her as anything other than Pidge.

Matt formally apprenticed when he was twelve, and Pidge followed a few Turns later, when she Turned twelve herself. Shortly after Pidge apprenticed, Matt decided to Stand for some reason that he never told Pidge. He Impressed at one of his first clutches, and Pidge waited impatiently for her fifteenth Turning-day so she could follow in his footsteps. In the meantime, she specialized in smaller, more intricate work such as locks and buckles, finding that she was too small for the more heavy-duty work.

Her chance came far earlier than she thought. She was watching the Fantasies Hatching with her parents and brother when green Chath found her in the Stands. She was barely fourteen, and got some flack in weyrlinghood for it. Her family couldn't have been more proud, though. A couple of Turns after weyrlinghood, she achieved journeyman status, another family event.

Matt had transferred without a word to his family a few Turns after he graduated, and Pidge transferred to High Reaches to see what he was up to. She thought it might have something to do with Shiro, whom Matt had met during Shiro's time as a candidate.
Last edited by Tortellini on Wed Sep 18, 2019 12:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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    Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:46 am
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NAME: Chath
BIRTHDATE Summer 2761
AGE: 8 as of summer 2769



LENGTH: 25 ft
HEIGHT: 6.25 ft
WINGSPAN: 37.5 ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #69d28d
FULL APPEARANCE: Chath is a rather small and sweet green. She is on the small end for her color, and built rather compactly, the narrow fit of her body making her look smaller than she actually is. She has a confidence to her steps, walking like a confident young lady. She is a faded sort of green all over, as if she has been weathered by the storm around Fort. Her neck and back ridges, and one front paw, are a darker evergreen color. The same color curls over her sides in little crescent patterns. Her wings have bright swathes of green, with the same evergreen color and a bright streak of a petal green, giving focus to her sails.

PERSONALITY: Chath is a green who loves to learn. She wants with all her heart and head to be a Peacekeeper, with as much passion as she can muster. She enjoys discovering new things, and needs to be on time. She absolutely hates being late, thinking it will hinder her learning. She is quite an intelligent green, though her strength is more for social matters than tactics and Threadfall. She is hardly useless, finding it easier to deal with humans than many of her siblings. She doesn't like to spend much time around them, unless it is her sister Alsasth.

Of course, this green is not all peace and learning. She doesn't like when greens are picked on or spoken ill of. She is quick to defend her siblings, even from themselves. She finds no problem with her oddly colored Garnet sisters, finding them completely natural. She has no problem standing up to anyone bigger than her, even higher ranking dragons. She is intimidated by Walzth and Cendocreth, preferring to not deal with them unless she absolutely has to. With her rider, she will extend her need for knowledge, but have a fair bit of patience. She wants them to work with her, not against her.

Voice: Chath's voice is rather soft, like she is whispering and trying to keep herself from being discovered. She doesn't like to speak loudly.
Last edited by Tortellini on Wed Sep 18, 2019 12:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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    Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:47 am
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NAME: Rover
BIRTHDATE Spring 2765
AGE: 4 as of summer 2769

HEX CODE: #0066cc
FULL APPEARANCE: Small and zippy, even for a blue, Rover is surprisingly speedy for his rotund build. He's a slate-blue all over, with a darker eye-like marking atop his head. He's often found curled into a ball on Pidge's shoulder, or else on Chath's head. Other than his size and markings, he's unremarkable.

PERSONALITY: Rover is inquisitive, much like his owner. He's obedient to Pidge and Chath, but won't listen to any other human, and he's reluctant to listen to other dragons. He's intelligent enough to know when not to poke his head into something Pidge is doing, but Pidge sometimes uses him to fetch things or scout a new place she's looking at. He doesn't chase often, for which Pidge is grateful.
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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