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Mai of Bronze Malyssk

    Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:15 pm
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Mai of Bronze Malyssk

"lyrics or quotes here"


GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers

BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2752
AGE: 18 as of Late Spring 2770
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler
WING: Weyr Guard

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'8", lightly padded
PLAY-BY: (To be drawn)
Mai is of average height and carries just a little extra weight, gentle curves replace sharper edges and give her a well-rounded and youthful appearance. Her hair length used to vary depending on the time of year and general temperature, but with moving down to Semaca, is more often than not cut at a straight line at chin-length. Her eyes are a stormy gray-blue, but are constantly sparkling with amusement and delight at the world around her, making them seem a lot more lively than their color would indicate.

In love with the climate down in Semaca, Mai wears as little fabric as she can reasonably get away with at any given time. She's not unreasonable - if she's going on duty or traipsing about in the jungle, protective pants and such things are entirely practical. Around the weyr itself, though, sleeveless sundresses and slips and wraps are her norm. She prefers brighter colors.

Mai seems permanently fascinated by the world at large. She loves to investigate all the little things, and could spend candlemarks watching a bug crawl from one end of a chamber to another. Normal book-learning is a little less well loved, as it's not nearly as entertaining unless presented by a very skilled Harper. Anything less will find her distracted by something else. Hands-on education is the best way to get her to pay attention.

Mai likes to touch and hold things, and this can come across very strange at first. She will freely place her hand on someone's shoulder, hug people, take someone's hand to lead them somewhere, and such sort of thing. Regardless of whether or not they're actually comfortable with it. This can cause some rather extreme reactions, especially with people who would really rather be left alone.

Other than that Mai is incredibly cheerful, and loves nothing more than being around people, whers, or dragons. The small population of Semaca bothers her somewhat, but she only hopes that it will serve to let her get closer relationships with those she does run into - rather than a weyr full of acquaintances. On the rare occasion that something does upset her, she tends to withdraw and get very quiet, and will seek out the company of Malyssk for comfort and consolation.

FAMILY: Grandfather Lyrne (deceased), Father Mersen (deceased), Mother Marille
Mai grew up in Fort Weyr to a large, established family of wherhandlers. Her grandfather Lyrne was the first to bond with Malyssk (then Lyrsk), way back in 2713; and when Lyrne passed in 2745 to the Interval war, her father Mersen took up the bond (Lysesk).

When Mai was born in 2752, it was a fairly calm period in the world at large, and she had a couple of quiet years to grow up around the massive bronze wher. The two loved eachother right off the bat, and she'd often follow him around - she learned to walk by holding into his tail and letting him lead her from place to place. She was fairly oblivious to any perceived notions on how whers should be - who said they were chompy and violent and scary? Lysesk was a good boy!

Play time came to an end when Thread returned, and her father and Lysesk were needed for far more intensive duties than before. She tried her best to pay attention to her studies and keep herself occupied as she shifted to a different schedule than the one her father kept, but would often stay awake until he left at night (only to be half-awake for the following day). Trying to wake up early to make sure they came back all right was attempted once or twice before being dismissed as improbable, her mother simply didn't tolerate it.

As she grew, she focused what optional studies she could on whers, hoping to eventually follow in her father and grandfather's footsteps as another handler. While too young to bond to one, she still picked up what book-knowledge she could, in spite of her lack of patience for non-performed or hands-on learning.

It was Threadfall that got her father, half a turn past her eighteenth nameday - and only half a turn since becoming a Wher Candidate. The clump itself hadn't been enough to do him in, but the infection that followed left Lysesk unbonded again. Despite her mother's requests to let the wher go (Marille unfairly blamed the wher for the deaths of her significant other and father), Mai became Malyssk's third handler. The two hit it off immediately, even though Mai had a great deal to learn. Marille turned her back on the two, but as she'd never been particularly close to her mother, Mai took it as an opportunity to leave for other horizons - and away from the thread and war that had claimed Malyssk's last two handlers.

The two departed for Semaca hardly three days before Z'osh took over the weyr.

Since arriving at Semaca, Mai looked into joining the Weyr Guard as it reminded her a great deal of how she imagined her father's duties before Thread came back were. Furthermore, she's done what she can to learn how to take care of her elderly wher, and looked for assistance gaining the hands-on experience she hadn't had a chance to pick up.
Last edited by Kimikelo on Fri Nov 13, 2020 1:07 pm, edited 4 times in total.
    Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:19 pm
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NAME: Malyssk
BIRTHDATE Late Fall 2713
AGE: 56 as of Late Spring 2770

LENGTH: 16ft
HEIGHT: 5.5ft
COLOR: Bronze
HEX CODE: #a3986c
Malyssk is an old wher, and is covered in little nicks and dots of scars that have long since faded into almost invisibility. His hide is dominantly the color of well-polished brass, lightening toward his lower half and darkening along his wings. The top half of his hide is spattered with strange two-toned spots that extend from his head all the way to the middle of his tail. Dark colored marks ring the lower half of his eyes and drip down in almost tear-like shapes around his muzzle.

Malyssk's foremost downward-pointing fangs are much longer than they should be, giving him a sabertoothed appearance.

Despite being an old, grizzled wher, with an intimidating countenance - Malyssk is actually an incredible sweetheart. He loves young things, finding that spending time with them helps keep him on his toes and remember what it's like to be young. While dragonets and small humans are okay, his favorite are baby whers, and he'd love nothing more than to spend all of his time teaching them how to roughhouse and play-fight.

His patience does not extend to anyone who might threaten Mai, who he still considers a youngling. He also does not like loud noises. While he would vehemently deny it to anyone who dare suggest it, he is a little afraid of thunderstorms.
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