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V'lor of Brown Thanvialeth

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V'lor of Brown Thanvialeth

V'lor of Brown Thanvialeth
"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: V'lor
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Aromantic Asexual

BIRTHDATE: Fall 2741
AGE: 32 as of Summer 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Brownrider
WING: Nocturne Wing

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'9" and Slim
V'lor is a simple individual, with black hair and blue eyes. She'd probably be considered attractive, if not for the fact that she always seems to have her face pinched into a scowl. It doesn't seem to be for any particular reason, either; she's perfectly affable, just... always scowling or frowning. Her eyes are more grey on the blue spectrum, and not particularly expressive. They say eyes are the windows to the soul, but hers must have been replaced by mirrors, because she doesn't express herself much through them. Her hair is long, roughly chest-length, and wavy. Her pale skin used to burn easily in the summer of Semaca, but in her Turns at the Weyr sees her with a nice tan at summer's end. And freckles. So many freckles.

Height wise she's quite average, with a slight build that makes her look a little spindly. She doesn't have much bust to brag of nor curves, but that's just fine by her.

V'lor's personality can sometimes be perceived as callous. She's very serious and no-nonsense, her time with both her dragon (and his dramatics) and the necessities of keeping Semaca running, even as just another set of hands, hardening her. While never put into a leadership position outright, she will willingly step into the role until a task is complete. V'lor has no wish for power nor a desire to lead, but she'll fill the boots temporarily if she has to and then step down to let the real leaders take over. She's observant and forward and rather blunt, not always thinking her words through before speaking them. Although not afraid to apologize when she realizes she's made a mistake or hurt feelings, she does, in the latter cases, oftentimes need to be told that.

Toward friends she is more easygoing, but can still keep a lot of her no-nonsense attitude. She never takes any of her dragon's antics lying down, but doesn't chastise him as much as she used to either. She doesn't flirt and doesn't take well to flirting, either--she'll bluntly and plainly shoot down anyone who tries.

HISTORY: Warning: Brief Mention of Death
V'lor, born Vanalor, was born in Fort Weyr to a flight tryst between two riders. While her parents were fairly hands-off in her upbringing, they weren't neglectful and she did form a decent enough relationship with them while growing up in the creche. Being weyrbred, she grew up quite educated and openminded, not at all bothered or entranced by dragons. When she was old enough she joined the ranks of Candidacy of her own volition, not to follow her parents but for her own ambition. She didn't fit one particular skill or another as far as craft-trades, so getting out of Fort to explore the world meant Impressing a dragon... insofar as she was concerned at least.

Several disappointing Turns passed, hopping from Weyr to Weyr as Golds clutched but being left standing. She lost her parents in the Summer raid of 2761. She did not grieve as much as she thought she might, if only perhaps because her relationship with them was more friendly than familial. Still, she remembers them to this day as a pleasant pair, not weyrmates but on friendly terms for her sake. A Turn later, shortly before her twenty-second Turn, she would finally bond to her brown Thanvialeth, at Fort.

Through Weyrling training and beyond she remained at Fort, until autumn of 2764. When Vaugnairth is banished and several Riders leave, she joins them.

Despite the rough start to the new settlement and eventually Weyr, V'lor settled in surprisingly easily. She was--and still is--willing to do whatever grunt-work necessary to see the place thrive. While at Semaca, the Spring after its recognition, she finds a wild firelizard clutch and bonds to a little green.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:57 am, edited 21 times in total.
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NAME: Thanvialeth
BIRTHDATE Summer 2762
AGE: 12 as of Summer 2774

BIRTHPLACE: Fort Weyr (Cosmic)
DAM: Gold Keahith (Lanian)
SIRE: Bronze Eoreanth (M'rnei)

LENGTH: 49.75ft (49'9")
HEIGHT: 12.5ft (12'6")
COLOR: Brown
HEX CODE: #625A41
FULL APPEARANCE: While not the largest brown, Thanvialeth is impressive. He's a deep, earthy brown all over most of his body. He's stiff, all strength and muscles, but he's not very flexible, and not very fast. He might not be winning speed contests or a lot of flights, but he's certainly strong enough to take a hit or several and keep going. His face and the back of his wings are a bright, sandy, almost bronze-brown without the shine. He has darker, more of a faded goldenrod color down his ridges and curling in sculpted patterns around the top of his limbs, and on the arms of his wings.

PERSONALITY: Thanvialeth likes to present himself as an ancient, all-knowing and immortal being. Except, he isn't. He thinks he's a spectral and all-wise being, but in reality, he is a rude dragon who thinks that anyone who doesn't see his greatness or bows to his will is an idiot. He's a big, impressive brown! Surely he's going to be the most all-knowing and wise creature on Pern! Except he won't. He has the arrogance of a bronze and the pride of a gold, and he doesn't see anything wrong with that. He is selfish, and doesn't see why he should do anything that doesn't immediately benefit him.

To his rider, he's only less of a selfish jerk. He wants them to be in awe of how wonderful he is. He's prone to sulking, and being a big baby if he doesn't get his way. For as much of a jerk as he is, there is no better protector. He isn't going to let anyone push his human around, and if anyone tries, well, he's gonna get real angry real fast. He won't outright hurt people, but he has a pretty masterful string of insults at his disposal. He can let himself be rude, but if anyone else tries to be rude to his own human, then they don't deserve any respect. His moments of kindness may be few and far-between, but they're there, and only for his partner.

Voice: Thanvialeth's voice is deep, rumbling without being heavy. He likes flowery language to make himself seem more important.

Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:57 am, edited 3 times in total.
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NAME: Pinch
BIRTHDATE Spring 2766
AGE: 8 as of Summer 2774

COLOR: Green
Pinch, as she's known, is a simple mint green firelizard, with darker green tips. Yes, her little feet and snout and tail are all tipped in darker green--other than that, she has no remarkable markings or designs on her hide. She's on the smaller end for a firelizard, but this doesn't seem to bother her at all.

Pinch is a loud, boistrous firelizard who loves to sing. She'll follow Harpers around and sing with their tunes, whether they want her to or not. she can be bribed with treats to leave them alone, but is only quiet so long as she's stuffing her gob. Luckily for everyone, she's more liable to make herself a nuisance with the wild firelizard population than the Weyrfolk (too many humans swatting her away), but is still quite affectionate with her bonded. It's not unusual to see them spending downtime catching a quick catnap together.
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