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Weyrling K'xei of Green Euraroth

    Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:30 am
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Weyrling K'xei of Green Euraroth



NAME: K'xei or Xei (Kioxei)
PRONOUNS: he/him/his

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2748
AGE: 18 as of Fall 2767
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr

EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'7", petite
FULL APPEARANCE: Xei has never been handsome or especially attractive...but he's always been cute. With a round, youthful face, Xei has trouble convincing others that yes, he's nearly nineteen. He doesn't mind as much as he used to, but it can get a little annoying. It doesn't help that he's rather short for the male average, with a petite, almost delicate-looking appearance. While quick on his feet, agile, and graceful, Xei is also incredibly weak, and cannot lift much. When moving, he has low endurance, but is hardly incapable of the tasks he has to do.

With pale skin that burns easily and a natural flush to his face, he is not well suited towards sunny days. His eyes are a shade of olive green, light enough to be striking. His hair, however, is certainly black. Despite being mostly straight, it is worn in a shaggy style, just past his shoulders. His bangs are long, often swept to the side out of his face. When his current task would be difficult with his hair down, he pulls his hair back and pins his bangs. Usually, however, he just wears it down, though he will occasionally do strange styles, just to throw people off.

PERSONALITY: puts on an act, fun-seeking, rarely cares about others, clingy/needy, doesn't care what others think of him (except when he does), distrusting, barriers, poor communication, curious, inquisitive, likes challenges, immature, innocent/youthful persona, cheerful, energetic, excitable, insulting, easily bored, theatrical, but also with an angry side

The only times that Kioxei is willing to show genuine emotion are when he is with someone who has managed to win his trust, or he is angry. It takes very little to frustrate him, and he has poor control of his anger. When truly provoked, he loses control of his persona entirely, and is prone to yelling, cursing, and fighting. Usually, however, he is able to put on an act, as though he is a bright and cheerful man with childlike glee and excitement. He acts as though he is youthful, innocent, even naive--always happy--but in a somewhat overdramatic way. His behaviors, body language, and words are theatrical and exaggerated. His interests and persona are immature. He probably likes fart jokes. That said, otherwise, he’s more mature than he seems. To those who get to know him, getting through his barriers, he is intense, passionate, and even affectionate. He responds well to stress, largely because he does not let himself become vulnerable to it, but when he opens up to someone, they have the ability to truly change how he feels.

Kioxei acts as though everything is a game to him, as though he's just after thrills and fun. In reality, this is an act. Sure, he likes messing with people and having fun--even at the expense of others--but he's more interested in preserving himself and the few that he cares about. He exaggerates this part of himself, crafting a persona to protect himself from getting hurt. He hides behind childish action and an interest in anything that can hold his shifting attention. Curious and inquisitive, Kioxei likes a good mental challenge. Puzzles, tricks, mysteries...he views them all as fun games, even if they have serious consequences. Everything seems to be a game to him, at least upon first meeting him. In truth, he is a little more serious than he acts. Sure, games are fun, and puzzles are interesting, but he's still human, you know? He understands consequences, he understands harm--he just doesn't seem to care. This is largely, but not entirely, the persona of innocence and youthful glee that he crafts for himself. He's cheerful and bright, a bit overwhelmingly so, the kind of energetic and excitable person who livens any room. This doesn't mean he's nice or pleasant to be around. He's happy, sure, but his gleeful voice is usually insulting others. He's blunt about others' flaws, and loves mocking and making fun of them. Usually, this is with the intent to actually upset or emotionally harm them. Still, at least he sounds cheerful and energetic while being a huge jerk.

Although he hates boredom, he is easily bored. Nothing really entertains him for long. He gets obsessive about interests, but quickly grows bored with the very same interest that once consumed all his time. One day, Xei is forgetting to eat and sleep because he's so fascinated with something; the next, he throws it away.

While it is rare for him to get close to others, he will often have one or two people he cares about. Of course, he's attracted to interesting people. Although he doesn't care about people easily, when he does care, he gets clingy and needy. While able to brush off insults from others with a casual "don't care," these few people have the ability to truly hurt him. Other than these people, he doesn't care what others think of him, even to an extreme. In general, he is distrusting. People are out to hurt him--even those he cares for (though he can't help but be slightly vulnerable to them), so why trust others? Why let them hurt you, when they're all selfish and cruel? Perhaps he's a bit bitter in this regard, but he seems cheerful enough about this "fact." He puts up many barriers between himself and others, mostly out of fear of getting hurt. It could take turns to get to his core, to see him at his most vulnerable, and thus far, few (if any) have seen this side of him. Communication is not Xei's thing, after all. Genuinely expressing emotions and asking for what you need, rather than relying on mind reading and weird hints? Sounds fake.

-X'xai of Brown Horaeth (Nb parent)
-Riorchori (harper, father)
-K'chori of Green Yeutroth (brother)
-Rixikxa (Sister)
X'xai and Riorchori were harpers in love, who went through their apprenticeship together. When X'xai attended a hatching that their little sister was standing for, a brown dragon crawled towards the stands, Impressing to them. Fort Weyr wasn't where the two had seen themselves living, but they happily picked up and moved there. They had one child--their first born, Kixkichori, and not long after, X'xai found themselves pregnant again, this time with a girl, Rixikxa. For a while, that was their family. Kixkichori was a quiet child, who kept to himself, and seemed uninterested in most things, while Rixikxa was loud, energetic, and a huge troublemaker. Five turns after her birth, another child came their way--Kioxei.

The three children were rather close growing up. Kixkichori felt like only his siblings could amuse him. Rix felt as though only her brothers could be fun enough. Kioxei felt similarly. They were weyrbrats at Fort Weyr, and had a rather uneventful childhood. Kioxei didn't get along well with the other children, despite being friendly enough. Even from a young age, he was insulting and rude, even if he was so in a cheerful sort of manner. For a period of time, he was bullied, but once his older siblings--who had no qualms about intimidating children five turns younger than them--stood up for him, he was more or less ignored by the other weyrbrats his age.

He had a close friend, Orai, at one point, at a young age, who he felt very close to. As they matured, he grew to rely on her more and more, until she became the one person he confided in, who he couldn't get by without. When she left to go to the healer crafthall to learn a craft, Kioxei accused her of leaving him behind. The two got into a big fight, and never made up. He still believes that she betrayed him--leaving him behind when he needed her most.

At the time, Kioxei didn't understand the conflicts going on between Fort and High Reaches. The tensions that had caused the conflicts predated him, and no one told him much about it. When X'xai was injured in an attack on Fort, when he was twelve or thirteen, he didn't much care that Golre had been killed. He cared more about his parent, as they were in critical condition from a wound to the head, and never fully recovered their mental processes.

As soon as they could, the children became candidates. K'chori Impressed at his second hatching, before Kioxei was old enough to stand, and Rix remained on the sands for a while. K'chori's dragon, Yeutroth, doted on her rider's siblings, and became a favorite of the two. Despite all of this, Kioxei never trusted his siblings, and never let himself feel vulnerable around them. He knew that if he did, they--like those who had bullied him--like Orai--they would jump on his weaknesses, or leave him alone. In a way, he wasn't wrong. Unlike Orai, who had wanted to pursue her own passions, despite her clingy and possessive friend, K'chori and Rix looked down on weakness and vulnerability. He couldn't ever be vulnerable with them--couldn't ever talk about how lonely he was. They would have just laughed.

When he was fifteen, shortly after he became a candidate, Rix left the weyr. No one knows where she went. She packed up, took her things, and left a cheerful note that gave no information. Unknown to him at the time, she went to join a caravan, and went to discover as much of Pern as she could, causing trouble wherever she went. When Semaca became a full Weyr, Kioxei immediately chose to transfer, as it sounded much more interesting than Fort, with all the boring struggles Fort came with. He met a fellow candidate soon after his transfer--Kessyn. Xei was immediately drawn to him, and had fun with the antagonistic pranks they pulled on each other. The pranks were stupid and inane, but eventually, the two became friends. Their little competition (mostly) ended, when they realized that together, they made a formidable team. It took a while, but eventually, Xei got fully attached to his friend. Sylki, Kessyn's sister, didn't care for him at first, and for a while, the two had an antagonistic, harsh relationship, but eventually, they learned to get along, for Kess's sake. Two turns after meeting, Xei felt that he could--almost--trust the man, and was certainly a clingy, needy sort of friend to him.

  • Impressed Green Euraroth, alongside K'syn and Titabeth
Last edited by Pan on Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
    Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:31 am
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NAME: Euraroth
BIRTHDATE Late Fall 2767 [Aegis Weyrling]
AGE: <1 as of Late Fall 2767



LENGTH: 27 ft
HEIGHT: 6.5 ft
WINGSPAN: 42.5 ft
COLOR: Green
FULL APPEARANCE: Euraroth is a riot of color, something that stands out in the memories of those who see her. Her body is a very bright green from head to tail tips. However, that is far from the most vivid part of her body. Along her legs, long swirls of dark forest green seem to creep up towards her chest, almost seeming to reach out as if to grasp at the world around her. The back of her wings are a soft ghostly green, as if swamp mist has crept along them to coat them thoroughly. And lastly, the underside of her wings - by far, the most detailed part of Euraroth's form. A multitude of green hues creates the vision of galaxies upon the underneath of her large wings, standing out as one of the most beautiful aspects of her.


PERSONALITY: Euraroth is a quiet dragon. Not in that she never speaks, but she is very content to keep to herself and only really contribute if she has something to say. She is not really keen on being a chatty sort, but she does not mind the company of her family. On the contrary, she is incredibly family-driven and is at her best when she has a large group to bond with and take care of. Or help at least. Even if she is not talkative and quiet, she is not anxious in crowds and finds that as long as others around her are busy, then she is content. Happiest in a group, this green.

To her rider, Euraroth has a problem: she is brutally honest, and she keeps secrets. She is their harshest critic, never sugar-coating her words, and she also keeps many things to herself. She would rather her rider be at their best, even if she is not. That is fine with her, because they are her family. She does not mind the pushback, or if they butt heads, she still adores them, and she has no problem taking critique as it comes. Still, getting her to spill the secrets she keeps will be a monumental task, even for her bonded.

When she does speak, Euraroth's voice is a kind sister, like a soft rainfall or a light breeze.

If anyone is going to be able to get Kioxei to grow and mature, it'll be Euraroth. This green is going to see right through his facades and get right to his heart.

The Every Star Clutch
Nebulaeth's First Clutch

Egg: Jupiter's Second
Class: Aegis
Inspiration: Europa
Info: Hiding who you are brings sorrow, my dear.
Much like the Faux Persephone egg, this shell is grey with red streaks. There's something secretive here...
Dam: Gold Nebulaeth of Liyanel
Sire: Almandine Cabadath of Hecate
Number: Hatched and Impressed ten out of twelve
Details: A gorgeous green, who hatched after K'syn's dragon, and caused Xei to mildly flip out.
Location: Semaca

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