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A'len of Garnet Merith

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A'len of Garnet Merith

A'len of Garnet Merith
"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: A'len
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Panromantic Heterosexual

BIRTHDATE: Fall 2747
AGE: 26 as of Summer 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Garnetrider, Apprentice Harper
WING: Nocturne Wing

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'6" and slim
PLAY-BY: Tear (Tales of the Abyss)
A'len is a woman of average height and slim build. She has pale skin, bright blue eyes and long, straight light-brown hair which falls nearly all the way to her hips. Her features are somewhat youthful, giving her the appearance of being a bit younger than she actually is. She has a few odd scars but nothing large or outwardly disfiguring, though does have a small Threadscore on her left wrist. She likes to wear longer, flowing garments when appropriate to do so, but tends toward creams and browns as far as color.

A'len has a rather cold and serious demeanor, often putting her at odds with others with more laid-back personalities. She doesn't tend to like those around her and has difficulty making friends due to this. She has little patience for tomfoolery and takes everything quite seriously and literally. She's quite gullible due to this, thinking someone is being true to their word when they speak to her. She does have a soft spot for cute things, however, and when dealing with them one will see a softer side come out. She's also modest about her appearance and becomes embarrassed easily. She'll outright scold anyone she hears talking about her, especially if it's about her looks--be it positive or negative!

A softer side is hidden behind her serious and cold exterior, really only seen when dealing with children and small animals--or her dragon. While she rarely smiles in public, she will do so around her dragon, letting her guard down and relaxing. There's no real rhyme or reason why she's so guarded in most instances, no past traumas or incidents--it's just how she is. Despite her fondness for cute things, she isn't good at all with children or babies and never wants to have any of her own out of fear she'll treat them poorly without meaning to.

FAMILY: Older brother, status unknown
BIRTHPLACE: Telgar Cothold
A'len, formerly Arilen, was born and raised in a small cothold in Telgar territory. She was the second child to her family, with a brother ten years her senior. She had a perfectly average childhood for a Holdborn, raised alongside her brother in the fields. When she was six years old, her brother was Searched to Telgar, though he never wrote home to let the family know what happened and whether he Impressed. It wouldn't do much anyway, as none of them were literate--but it didn't stop Arilen from worrying about her brother and how he was doing.

At sixteen she was Searched as well, though when she arrived her brother was nowhere to be found. Asking around, she learned that he had transferred to another Weyr sometime after Impressing to a dragon. She herself ended up standing unsuccessfully for a few Turns before Impressing to Merith. In the time she was a Candidate, she picked up Harpercraft as a fallback should she not Impress, but since bonding to her dragon she has not pursued the craft further.

During her first Threadfall, a stray strand of Thread caught her wrist, leaving her with a scar and a healthy respect for riders who had suffered worse.

Some Turns after her dragon had matured, she decided it was time for a change of scenery, arranging transfer to Semaca Weyr. Although there were stories of pirates and news of political prisoners, she still opted for the tropical Weyr.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:40 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Garnet Merith


NAME: Merith
BIRTHDATE Spring 2765
AGE: 9 as of Fall 2774



LENGTH: 40.25ft
HEIGHT: 11ft
COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #dfc1c3
Merith is a very, very pale pink, nearly looking white in the right lights. Her wings are splotted with an almost salmon-y red. A red design decorates her eyes like a set of spectacles, extending back toward her cheekbones and swirling back up. Four dots of the same red are on each thigh, one large and three gradually smaller. Length-wise, she's quite average, a middling size for most garnets, with long legs and long wings making for easy gliding.

Contrary to her rider, Merith is a calm, laid-back dragon. She likes to interact with others and is generally pleasant to be around, exuding a serene presence. Her favorite activity is listening to Harper tales and songs, though sunning is a close second. Often she will converse with other dragons around the Weyr. Unfortunately she's a bit of a gossip, so secrets definitely aren't safe with her.

To her rider, she is a conscience. It is due to Merith that most apologies are voiced when A'len is in the wrong, and possibly the reason her rider has any lasting friendships to begin with. She listens and consults, and is wise beyond her years. She's also very motherly, adopting just about anything smaller than her, including humans other than her rider.
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