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Ellisa of Green Brettath

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Ellisa of Green Brettath

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NAME: Ellisa
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
ORIENTATION: Demiromantic Greysexual

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2754
AGE: 19 as of Fall 2774
OCCUPATION: Greenrider
WING: Aurora Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'5" and lean
EXPY SOURCE: Chané Laforet (Baccano!)
Ellisa is a fair-skinned young woman with light brown eyes and black hair. As of Impression, she wears her hair short, just above her shoulders. She is average in height, but with delicate features, giving her an almost fragile appearance--but don't let it fool you, she's quite able-bodied. She's made up of lean, wiry muscle, some of which was built after coming to the Weyr. Ellisa doesn't tend to wear any jewellery or make herself up to be more than she is, though she does like to dress in... dresses. When possible, at least. She considers herself feminine and likes to appear traditionally so.

Fiercely loyal and protective of those she cares for, Ellisa is willing to sacrifice herself and more for their sake. Her self-worth is not particularly high, stemming from a need to be seen as useful to those she cares for. If she's not useful, she's not worthwhile. This does make her overly ready to act, though she is slow to genuinely trust someone. Despite this, she's confident and feels she knows what her path is in life, even if it's just to follow at the heels of others above her.

Outwardly, she is not particularly emotive, often coming off as indifferent and leading others to sometimes perceive her as frigid or distant. This is not usually the case, her expressions are just generally more subtle and controlled. It's a hard habit to break, a holdover from when she was at her home Hold. She does tend to brood a bit, especially when alone. She dislikes violence, especially for violence's sake, but isn't afraid to get her hands dirty if she has to, and has trained hard in self-defense since coming to the Weyr.

Born without the use of her voice, she generally communicates through the written word or gestures, though has been learning sign language since coming to the Weyr.

With the harshness of her parents’ treatment whilst growing up, she has become rather rude and insensitive when it comes to others outside of her inner circle. While not as outright obvious as those who are able to speak, her body language is well and clear.

FAMILY: Mother, Father, Sister
BIRTHPLACE: Minor cothold in Fort territory
HISTORY: Warning: Ableist behavior
The firstborn daughter to the cothold's "Lord," one would think that she'd have everything she could ever want. And she did, for the first few Turns of her life. Until her parents realized she would never speak, that is. After that, they tried for a second child, and Ellisa's sister was born when she was five. After that, she was second fiddle. Her parents were raising an heir in her sister, who was "actually functional," as her parents would often tell her.

Unfortunately, her parents only paid attention to her after that point when she made herself useful, and she was punished for being "too emotional." As a result, she came to see her worth as what she could provide to others. She wasn't neglected by any means, not exactly. Her parents still tended to her needs, and other family members gave her adequate care, but she wasn't given much attention by the ones who mattered most to her.

At seventeen she was Searched, and her family was more than happy to see her off. After all, if the Weyr wanted a person who "couldn't communicate like a 'normal person'" who were they to stop them? Not to mention, she'd be more useful to them at the Weyr as a dragonrider. Bring honor to their family, attention to their cothold.

Ellisa was disappointed when she didn't Impress at her first Hatching, or the following. It wasn't until she'd been at the Weyr for nearly two full Turns that she finally bonded to Brettath. The two make an odd pair, a dragon lacking confidence and a rider who can't speak, but they get along well.
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NAME: Brettath
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2773
AGE: 1 as of Fall 2774


LENGTH: 25ft
HEIGHT: 6.25 Ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #3b5f50
FULL APPEARANCE: Brettath is small and adorable. She has a round face, big eyes and stubby little limbs that somehow just manage to make her cuter. Her features have a youthful quality to them that will never entirely go away. Her flying skills aren't particularly advanced and flashy, but she is fully capable of keeping up and doing her job. The top of Brettath's hide is a dark green, fading to a paler color along her wingtips. Her belly is a pale green.

PERSONALITY: Brettath is a green who is used to being overlooked and ignored. After all, there are so many flashier greens than her, therefor someone clearly would forget her. She is lacking in confidence, feeling rather foolish and forgotten among her siblings. She would ideally like someone to care for her and someone she can care for in return, even if that person ends up only being her rider. She is a green with a brilliant imagination, and would fall for every one of Zoth's boasts as truth, as she is also rather naive and sees the world only in shades of goodness. Nothing bad would ever happen, surely. After all, the world is good and only good people are in it. It's probably a good thing she is not trusted with marks, or responsibility.

To her rider, Brettath is the damsel that needs saving. She wants them to know how much she adores them, and she is very affectionate. She will need help building up her confidence and being taught that the world is not bubbly pies and rainbows, but she'll get there one day. Beneath all of her insecurities is a lust for adventure, to see the world and really find who she is under all of the worrying. She has little nicknames for friends, such as calling Vesseth the "Blue Wanderer" or Zoth the "Mighty Prince."

VOICE: Brettath's voice is young, and lacking confidence. She is rarely so bold, but her voice is pleasant to listen to.

Clutch: The Kingdoms Edge (Vessels)
Damn: Gold Serapheth (Tuckal)
Sire: Brown Jitteboth
Hatching Number: 14 of 16
Impression Number: 14 of 16



The Lost Damsel Egg
Your own journey must begin, for none can make it for you.
A small green egg with the image of a silver maiden wandering a lonely path across its shell. This egg feels young, if a little eager and naive.
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April Fool's 2023


NAME: Autumn
BIRTHDATE Winter 2774
AGE: Newborn as of Winter 2774

Although slightly less metallic than others of her color, this gold is hardly bothered. Her hide is yellow-gold, with her wings going from bronze-gold, yellow-gold, to orange-gold.

Very smart, as far as firelizards go, she is in need of fairly consistent stimulation or she becomes "bored" and makes her own--from rearranging items in Ellisa's sock drawer to stealing parchment and delivering it to random humans. She'll make a good messenger firelizard some day, but for now she's just learning.
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