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Ha'tosa of Bronze Ramasth [WIP][ADPT]

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Ha'tosa of Bronze Ramasth [WIP][ADPT]



"Bring it on."
-Kuzco, Emperor's New Groove


NAME: Ha'tosa; originally Hatitosa
GENDER: Masculine
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: Polyamorous Pansexual

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2750
AGE: 25 as of Early Spring 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Holder, Wingrider
WING: Mazurka

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
PLAY-BY: Kuzco (Emperor's New Groove)
EXPY SOURCE: Kuzco (Emperor's New Groove)
Ha'tosa will swear up and down that's he's six feet tall, not 5' 11" in height. Often, he'll wear shoes that boast a small heel to insist that he is, in fact, not 5' 11" tall. Otherwise, he has an average build for someone of his absolutely six foot height and his lifestyle as a dragonrider. Black hair hangs straight to his shoulders, dark brown eyes set between a rather large nose, his skin a warm tan color. Regarding his wardrobe, Ha'tosa will never forget or completely abandon his roots, choosing his clothing to be very fine in every possible circumstance. Being a dragonrider has forced him to be a little more careful to choose more practical clothing, but he'll never stop resenting such a necessity.


SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Pfft, you think you're good enough for me? That's cute, really!
BIRTHPLACE: A Minor Hold of Igen Province
HISTORY: TW: death/loss
Hatitosa was born to doting parents, his Hold's present rulers, which saw him as its apparent heir. From birth, he was pampered and spoiled, as much as a Minor Hold could offer. Sadly, Hatitosa was orphaned at a very young age, as wild seas claimed both his parents' lives on voyage. While he was still heir, he was much too young to rule, which saw a regent ruling in his place and teaching her young charge what he would need to succeed until he would come of age to step up to his seat.

But Hatitosa would never sit where his parents sat, and governed a Hold as they did. While his regent managed business affairs and taught him how to someday manage them himself as Holder, she knew little of how to care for and raise a child, and subsequently agreed to his every want. Alongside a small host of serving staff, she saw that young Hatitosa was spoiled and pampered, his every single whim catered to and seen to fruition. As a result, this led to him growing to be very selfish, entitled, and self-centered.

Unbeknownst to such a inwardly-focused boy as Hatitosa, his regent and caretaker grew greedy; she did not want to relinquish her newfound seat of power to her charge after all, as she'd sworn to his parents. And so, as dawn broke on Hatitosa's eighteenth Turning, where he'd be named Holder by right, he was betrayed. Forced from his home by his regent's guards, who once were and would've been his to command, he was exiled in disgrace on hastily crafted falsehoods. Burning in his indignation and spite, even as he gathered himself to depart, Hatitosa swore he'd return and kick that old bat off his seat.

But as fate or what cosmic forces compelled events on Pern would see it, Hatitosa would never even see to his Hold of birth again, even in passing. Trying to figure a way to live in a world that was almost alien to someone raised in an environment as he'd been, he was caught by surprise as a dragonpair of Igen rode Search to his Hold and its nearby cotholds. It wasn't long before this dragon found Hatitosa and selected him as a worthy Candidate. Hatitosa accepted in short order, proclaiming himself her obvious and most worthy choice above everyone else in these parts. Though her bonded was notably hesitant to Search him in face of such callous arrogance, his dragon was certain and didn't falter in her choice in Hatitosa.

Candidacy was a trial. It was blasphemy and an insult that Hatitosa be expected to work and learn as all his classmates did; that he was not recognized and respected for who he was. But it was laid out for him: get in line or pack your things. Knowing deep down that he had nowhere else to go and nothing waiting for him beyond Igen Weyr's walls, he begrudgingly did as he was told, though he resented every day of it. As days passed into weeks into Turns, Hatitosa did not Impress, watching those he saw as inferior and unfit to even shine his boots be matched and move on to be weyrlings. It was infuriating! Where was his bronze dragon?!

At last, in Hatitosa's twentieth Turn, two Turns after he'd been unceremoniously ejected from his Hold, he Impressed. A small egg shuddered for some time before its occupant decided to exit at last. From such a small egg emerged a rather large hatchling, a bronze by his warm hues and subtle gleam under egg goop. Head low and tail dragging, he crept to find someone he would Impress to among Igen's Candidates. As a different hatchling's antics upon hatching had Hatitosa's attention, he almost missed a soft voice reaching into his mind. Wondering who had spoken, he looked down to see this bronze looking into his eyes. Hatitosa gladly greeted his bronze, who introduced himself as Ramasth, and bundled him off to be fed. At last, he'd be afforded what respect and honor as he deserved!

Ha'tosa soon found that while his Ramasth had a gorgeous bronze hide and a size to challenge even a small queen, his shy and cowardly nature brought Ha'tosa's grand plans for power in Igen Weyr to a screeching halt. How was he supposed to rise in rank to a position that suited someone like himself while Ramasth tried to hide in his shadow? This massive and glorious bronze, a dragon to be prized and sung about for ages, was a trembling scaredy-cat. In simple terms, he couldn't. Weyrlinghood was trying as Candidacy had been, but Ha'tosa and Ramasth pulled through somehow. Joining a Threadfighting wing in Igen's forces, they did as they were trained to do.

But it was enough for Ha'tosa. Every day was like every day before; monotonous, repetitive, boring. After five Turns of it, he was sick of it. But what could they do? Word had since reached Ha'tosa of distant Semaca, a Weyr that had pulled itself together from nothing amidst a harsh and dangerous jungle. Ramasth was afraid, as to be expected. But Ha'tosa was about to refuse a chance at adventure and intrigue far from all he'd known. It took some persuading for Ramasth to agree, but at last, they applied to transfer to Semaca, settling down into Mazurka in short order. What awaited them here?


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Last edited by Agenothree on Sun Jun 04, 2023 8:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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NAME: Ramasth
BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2770
AGE: 5 are of Early Spring 2775

LENGTH: 56 ft.
HEIGHT: 14 ft.
WINGSPAN: 84 ft.
COLOR: Bronze
HEX CODE: #e8e2bc
Pushing what most see as Pern's largest bronzes, Ramasth is an absolute giant at his adult size. Boasting a massive wingspan, an impressive height to his shoulder, and an incredible length from nose to tail, he's a dragon that is hard to miss, no matter how much he would rather be. Wearing a hide in a shade most see as a classic bronze, his wings are a paler, almost golden bronze in comparison. This same light bronze paints him from nose, down his belly, and along his tail; it also decorates him in stripes along his neck, legs, and brow ridges.

Ramasth might appear a bronze worthy of leading a Wing or even his Weyr, but his disposition is exactly not what a leader needs. Very shy and even skittish, he'd rather keep his head down and his voice soft.

Ramasth depends on his bonded very much. Looking to Ha'tosa for most of his decisions,

Voice: Despite his massive size, Ramasth speaks in a voice that more matches his demeanor. Speaking very softly, rarely in more than a whisper, his voice sounds like a small boy, nervous and unconfident, almost hesitant to be heard at all.
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