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Claus of White Valcath

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Claus of White Valcath

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NAME: Claus
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2755
AGE: 21 as of Summer 2775
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Whiterider
WING: Raindance Wing

EYES: Grey-Blue
HAIR: Light Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'10 with an average, sturdy build
PLAY-BY: Claus Valca (Last Exile)
EXPY SOURCE: Claus Valca (Last Exile)
A man of relatively average height, Claus has short, light brown hair and light, grey-blue eyes. His skin is largely pale, with a bit of tan that takes over during the summer months. His build is a little on the thicker side, while not being outright overweight. He's just sturdy. With no scars or marks to speak of, he's not an overall remarkable individual to look at. He considers himself average as far as looks go.

Clothing-wise, he wears undyed fabrics and leathers, leading to a lot of pale and brown shades. He dresses for function over fashion, and doesn't seem to care much about what is or isn't in style.

Although a generally easy-going person, he wishes to become a great rider someday. Maybe not someone to make the history books, but someone that others look up to. He's also an ambitious person who is true to his word; once he makes a promise to do something, he will see it through to the very end. He's reliable and skilled despite his young age, making a name for himself amongst those who can be turned to, especially in emergencies. It is his age which works against him sometimes, however, as he can be a bit too ambitious or naive due to his lack of practical experience.

As a person, Claus is a bit softhearted, going out of his way for those who are in trouble or suffering and trying to make things better for them. This of course can lead to problems, as not everyone wishes for assistance, and not everyone can be saved. He can also be stubborn, which makes for a bit of trouble when dealing with certain situations. He can butt heads with those around him and refuse to budge once he's set his mind to something, especially if it pertains to going against his personal code of honor.

FAMILY: Father, Bluerider (Deceased)
Mother, Weyrfolk (Deceased, Sickness)
Born and raised in Telgar Weyr, he was well aware of his parentage and quite close with both. Although his father died in Threadfall when he was six and his mother from sickness only half a Turn later, he grew up with stories of them (mainly his father) in the creche. His father was well-liked around the Weyr, and his mother spoke of him often to her son, as well as her friends and companions. Although sad that he would never get to have concrete memories of his parents, he treasured what he did have, and the few keepsake items that were passed to him from their belongings.

He had quite a few friends growing up, though there was a girl only a bit younger than him with whom he became particularly close. They lost their fathers in the same Threadfall, and bonded over their loss. Although he would enter Candidacy first, they had made a promise to fly as riders together when they grew up. As luck would have it, Claus would Impress during his sixteenth Turn to White Valcath, with whom he bonded quite quickly. Together they planned to take the Weyr by storm, working hard to make a name for themselves as reliable.

When they graduated Weyrlinghood, they opted to transfer to High Reaches, where the color of Valcath's hide wouldn't inhibit their chances at climbing ranks. After all, who said a White couldn't someday be Wingleader? Or Weyrleader? It would take time and effort, but they were willing to wait and work.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Aug 12, 2023 4:25 am, edited 9 times in total.
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NAME: Valcath
BIRTHDATE Spring 2770
AGE: 5 as of Summer 2775

LENGTH: 30ft
HEIGHT: 6.25 ft
WINGSPAN: 42.5ft
COLOR: White
HEX CODE: #dddddd
Valcath is a simple white, most of his body a plain white shade. His paws, front and back, are adorned in "socks" of black, with two stripes on the ankle and wrist. His face bears a thin stripe down the middle, running from mid-chest to between his wings. Under his jaw are four stripes. His headknobs are adorned with stripes that fork off from the main, with five rings along their length, and thick, dark marks around each eye making his eyes seem larger when closed--or smaller when open. He's quite big for a white, though his legs are a little stocky rather than lanky. This makes for strong take off and landing, and his wings and lean body make for quick maneuvering.

Valcath is a proud dragon, but one that gets along with his rider quite well. He is intelligent, for a dragon, and ambitious. He wants to be Weyrleader one day, even if he has no interest in flying after golds to do so. He's good at making friends and connections, friendly and warm but clearly always with a plan in mind. For a dragon he's good in a crisis; thinking on his feet comes easy. He has no problems with meeting new people or dragons or coming into new situations and hitting the ground running.

To his rider, he is a partner in crime. They both have things they want to do and plan on achieving it. Luckily, their goals usually align. When they don't is when there's a real problem, because he's just as stubborn as his rider, and just as unlikely to budge.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Aug 12, 2023 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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