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Caethe of Brown Kaunith [WIP]

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Caethe of Brown Kaunith [WIP]

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NAME: Caethe
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2728
AGE: 47 as of Late Spring 2775
WING: Mazurka

EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'9", plump
FULL APPEARANCE: Caethe is a woman who has certainly aged well; she stands at a solid 5'9", with a decently plump, round body shape. Dark brown eyes are set into a healthy, medium-light brown skin tone, and her brown hair - with a notable presence of greys - is kept long and thick. Her sense of dress is often very formal, conservative and practical; she doesn't put too much stock into fashion and goes with whatever makes the most sense for a given situation, but she likes to keep herself looking presentable at the very least, whenever possible. She carries herself with a lot of confidence, but she's not very expressive in her body language.

PERSONALITY: At a glance, Caethe is cool-headed and collected; she remains calm and rational in the face of danger or stress, able to look at situations through an intelligent, practical lens. She is observant and perceptive, with a strong memory and keen sense of wisdom. That said, she is incredibly jaded and pessimistic, always assuming the worst possible outcomes in any given situation. She stays civil and professional with most people at a baseline, but she does not take any shit, and won't hesitate to call people out on their questionable behaviour. On the other end of the spectrum, there's a dry snarkiness to the way she talks, and she can turn the charm on when she needs to, even if she's flirting answers out of people. That said - she is definitely condescending. She acts as though she's above others, as she feels her age and experience makes her wiser and smarter, and therefore, she believes this means all of her opinions and actions are justified and that she's always in the right. She doesn't take young people seriously, unless they're her children, of course.

She is a very private person, keeping her cards incredibly close to her chest, rarely sharing anything about her personal life or history with anyone. Hypocritically, however, she constantly tries to poke information out of others - she is very calculated in how she interacts with others, and she isn't afraid to needle people for gossip, always getting in other people's business. She keeps a close eye on those she interacts with, since she doesn't trust others at all. While she remains civil, she isn't truly loyal to anyone other than herself, her children or her dragon; she acts first based on whether something would benefit either her or her kids, with everyone else - including the greater needs of the Weyr - often being given less of her consideration. Her children are her world, she is unwaveringly protective of them; all other duty and pretense will go out of the window if she feels they are threatened in any way. Family is the most important thing to her, above all else, and she is willing to face any possible consequences in order to protect her daughters.

- Father: A'caen, bluerider
- Mother: Thenahera, greenrider
- Ex-weyrmate: Lirashan, greenrider
- Daughter: Caelira (-23) (presently 24)
- Daughter: Ashaethe (-28) (presently 19)
CW: death
HISTORY: Caethe was born at Igen to two riders, more than likely as a product of flightlust seeing as she hardly saw them, entirely unattached to their daughter. Thus, she - much like many other Weyrborn children, spent her early years in the creche, and had no doubts about wanting to be a candidate as soon as she was old enough. She was a wise child, realising there was a duty to be done on Pern, and she knew even from a young age she wanted to be part of the force that kept Pern safe; knowing that even if Thread wasn't falling presently, it would eventually return, it always did, and it was good to be prepared. Creche life was fine, and even if candidacy was a sharp turn into reality she felt as though she could adapt easily to the new lifestyle.

During her time as a candidate, she met a boy named Lirashan, and they clicked fairly well, realising there were blossoming romantic feelings between them after some time, which were still only in the early teenage puppy-crush stage when they'd both impressed at age 17 and had to put their feelings on hold in favour of their new dragons. Kaunith was, possibly, the perfect dragon for her, she figured; she wanted something big and bold, with a strong personality, not afraid to face the world. If there were clashes of personality, she figured there was plenty of time for them to work it out together. Upon graduating, since there was no Thread to fight just yet - she'd returned to Lirashan's side, moving in with him. A few years had passed, and at age 23, she fell pregnant after his green flew and was caught by Kaunith. She decided to have the baby, a daughter named Caelira, who was placed in the creche - but, as if to spite her own parents, Caethe and Lirashan visited her as much as they could. When the girl was four, Thread started falling again, and she felt somewhat guilty that she couldn't see her daughter as much, but hoped she'd understand; she knew what she was getting into as soon as she'd applied to be a candidate.

A year later, she figured she didn't want to leave her daughter without her family, and even if she and her weyrmate couldn't be around as much - she'd give the girl a sibling to play with, and gave birth to her second daughter, Ashaethe, who hadn't had the privilege of her earliest years being in an Interval where her parents could fully dote on her. Yet, they still tried, in between dragonrider duties, to give their children some love and affection. It was hard to balance, certainly; and Kaunith, too, would show them his softer side and, if anything, show them that dragons are certainly nothing to be scared of!

The next few years were mere turns of fighting Thread, occasionally popping in to see the kids' growth and little else, but it was when Caethe's daughters were eight and thirteen respectively - when the latter was upon the brink of considering Candidacy - that their father died in Threadfall. It was hard to see Lirashan go, but after so many turns of Threadfighting she'd felt herself become something of a hardened soldier, fully aware of the real threat that was Thread. The children were a lot more devastated by this, but a year later, a new Weyr was born in the Southern continent; it felt like a good opportunity for a new start, so Caethe and her daughters moved, and settled.

The next ten years at Semaca were eventful, to say the least; from the very beginnings of the Weyr, it had been interesting to see the highs and lows of a growing community. She opted not to join a Threadfighting wing, finding that she had grown tired of the same practices, time and time again, it was an overdue

- born as a weyrkid at ista
- average weyrkid backstory
- became a candidate
- impressed at 16? 17?? something like that
- met a BooOOooOoOooOOOooy
- graduated weyrlinghood
- they KISSED?????!!!!
- she had a brown... he had a green... could i make it any more obvious
- gave birth to daughter #1
- oh but kaunith
- the struggles of being a mom:tm:
- 5 years pass??
- gave birth to daughter #2
- dad dies in threadfall
- so she wouldve been 33 when she moved to semaca......? ok so that's only 5 years after-- NO IT'S 37 i can count
- what happens in those... Ten Years ??? other than Moping?
- moved to semaca at age. fucking 37 i guess
- and then 10 other years of things happen
- i guess
Last edited by memerina on Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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NAME: Kaunith (Cow-nith)
BIRTHDATE Season ####
AGE: ## as of ####

LENGTH: 53ft
HEIGHT: 13.25ft
WINGSPAN: 79.5ft
COLOR: Brown
FULL APPEARANCE: Kaunith is big. He is certainly on the larger end for a brown, solidly proportioned and lean. His hide sports a multitude of browns; his wings fade from a deep auburn, through to a tawny orange, towards a muted sandy colour towards the tips. The majority of the base colour of his body besides his wings is a muted, rosy brown that fades into a rich, saturated, reddish auburn towards his underside. A series of triangular markings hang from the top of his head, across his spine, towards the tips of his tail, in the same shades of brown, but inverted from the base colours of his body. Each triangle has a little 'hole' in the centre, and there is a small brown spot in between the triangles.

PERSONALITY: Kaunith is certainly a polite, dapper dragon. He always greets everyone with the utmost respect and grace, using overly formal terms for every single human or dragonkin he encounters. He too is a friendly dragon, yet while he is very charismatic and personable, that's not to say he isn't also ridiculously overdramatic, blowing up every single inconvenience into a great tragedy - on the other hand, every little spot of positive news is obviously the best thing in the world. He is incredibly vain, and often comments on his own appearance or his own personal positives as though he wears them proudly like a badge of honour - he views himself as a great hero of Pern, who shall protect the humans of the land. He's also... a huge flirt. He likes to brag in general, but even moreso if there is a female dragon present.

To his rider, Kaunith is still incredibly polite - she's keeping him alive, after all! He is incredibly grateful to her for her service, often showering her in gratitude. Though he is not quite protective of his rider, not now she's in her forties, but he is incredibly protective of her loved ones. He knows how important it is to have a good family, whether or not they're actually related to you - and thus, he will oftentimes elect himself as 'Honorary Dad'. While it does mean he will try to look after the youth of the world as best as he can, it does also mean he will tell some of the worst jokes imaginable.
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