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[RFR] M'run of Green Filoth

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[RFR] M'run of Green Filoth

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NAME: M'run, born Mirun
PRONOUNS: he / him / his
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, prefers women

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2728
AGE: 46 (Summer 2775)
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
WING: Chopin Squad

EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'1" - Average height, lean muscle
People often speculate that M'run has trader blood running through his veins. With his tanned skin and curly black hair, he certainly looks the part. His eyes are so dark they're nearly black, and almost always twinkling with some sort of mischief. M'run is a troublemaker, and it shows. His hair is generally pinned back in an attempt to keep it out of his face, but it has little effect. It's always getting in his eyes when he puts a riding helmet on, despite his best efforts.

M'run favours loose, comfortable clothing. Especially in the southern heat, he tends toward lighter colours and rolls his pant legs up whenever he can get away with it. His left leg is heavily scarred from the knee down - the aftermath of meeting a particularly nasty tangle of Thread. He walks with a limp because of it, though he gets around fine.

His age is starting to show in his face, with the slightest hint of wrinkles around his eyes. It doesn't stop him from considering himself quite the dashing figure, an opinion he claims is shared by many. He keeps his facial hair cut short, limiting himself to a small goatee that's just starting to go grey around the edges.

Put simply, M'run is a troublemaker and ladies man. He's of the belief that rules are made to be broken, regardless of who thought them up in the first place. He'll follow the ones he thinks are worth it and is always looking out for the little guy, but has little regard for restrictions he doesn't agree with. He'll shut up and listen when there's real danger to other people on the line (like in Threadfall), but will complain heartily once the moment has passed.

M'run considers himself to be quite the ladies man, and is more than a bit of a flirt. His default interaction set is "flirting", though he will back off if you make it clear his attention isn't wanted. He's always on the lookout for a more serious relationship, but never seems to find one - he blames himself and his own wandering eyes more than any fault in his partners. He always makes his intentions about a relationship clear, not wanting to lead anyone on.

If there's an emotion M'run doesn't feel, it would have to be self-consciousness. Years of being poked and prodded by various healers after Threadfall has left him basically immune to potential embarrassment. This extends even to his scarred leg - he's always willing to field questions about how it happened and stress the dangers of Thread.

Daughter - Mitina
Daughter - Malleny
Son - Remarun
Mother - Minora
Father - Fimirun
BIRTHPLACE: Small hold near Nerat
M'run, like most, isn't weyrbred. He grew up an only child to the Lord and Lady of a small hold just outside Nerat. His parents always wanted more children, but had put an end to that idea when his mother Minora nearly died during childbirth. Instead they brought in fosters, so M'run always had someone around to get into mischief with. He often wished for siblings when he was very young, but realized by the age of ten or so that it was an impossibility.

Having amassed temporary siblings from all over the local area, M'run quickly gained an interest in travel. There was little he wanted more than to explore all of Pern, and see as many new places and new people as he could. He was always the first to greet a new Harper when they arrived, and was an eager student of new songs and stories from all over Pern. He was actually recommended for apprenticeship when he was twelve, but his parents denied him the opportunity. He needed to carry on their line, something no foster child could truly do.

At fourteen, dragons came on Search. He was, of course, impossibly excited for the opportunity to Impress. A dragon meant freedom, and the ability to travel wherever he wanted! His parents tried to deny him his right to try his luck at Impression. Never one for rules, M'run promptly ignored them, and was flown to Benden Weyr. He didn't manage to Impress his first time on the sands... or his second, or his third! Year after year, he watched the other children from the weyr be chosen by dragons and meet their lifelong partner.

On his fourth try at Impression, the right dragon had finally appeared. Filoth was the last egg of her hatching, but at long last Mirun became M'run. The now-seventeen year old was ecstatic. The thing he'd wanted for so long was finally in his grasp! Well, provided Filoth had the same ideas about travel as her rider. M'run quickly brought his mischief to the weyrlings, establishing quite a reputation for himself.

He was shuffled around the various Weyrs because of his mischief, always happy to receive a new assignment. It meant he got to see more of the world, meet more people, learn more about other cultures. M'run wasn't pleased that no one seemed to actually trust him anywhere he went, but it was better than being cooped up in one place his entire life. Of course, that came to an end when Thread started falling - he was recalled to Benden to join the wing he had originally trained with, and to be closer to his family.

And for a few years, everything was genuinely pretty okay. Flying Thread sucked, as he'd always known it would. And the weather was miserable. But he enjoyed his duties, and had managed to escape major injury. But all good things must come to an end - in his 31st turn, he made a mistake. Came out of between wrong, right into a clump of thread. His left leg was heavily scored, and most of Filoth's side. They were out of commission for months, recovering. And to be honest, the rider never fully healed. They did the best they could, of course, but the Thread had gone too deep. The muscles were permanently injured. He would walk with a limp for the rest of his life.

M'run coped. He still flew Thread. He had mating flights, took partners, had children. He lived his life. But the weather up in Benden steadily got harder to deal with. He was getting older, his joints a little stiffer, and his leg more painful in the cold. He needed somewhere with warmer weather, where he could go about his daily life in less pain. He'd heard rumours about a place called Semaca Weyr, south even of Ista. And he was tempted.

At forty six, he was tired of being tempted and doing nothing about it. So he requested a transfer. And he moved south, to give this "living somewhere warm" thing a try for the first time in nearly thirty turns.
Last edited by loreasaurus on Mon Oct 02, 2023 2:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Fort Weyr High Reaches Weyr Semeca Weyr
Thila of Blue Luninth
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NAME: Filoth
BIRTHDATE Spring 2746
AGE: 29 as of Summer 2775

LENGTH: 30ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #86aa56
Filoth is on the larger side for a green, with an interestingly coloured hide. It's almost dark lime in colour, like the fruit that grows in her rider's homeland. M'run swears there's a subtle striped pattern across her back, but he's the only one that ever sees it. Her left side is heavily scarred across her lower neck and down her front leg, with a conspicuously person-shaped clear spot where M'run had been sitting. The scars have faded with time, becoming almost silvery on the green hide.

Filoth is, in nearly every way, the typical green. She's as flirty as her rider and nearly as open about it, boldly teasing every blue and brown that catches her fancy. She'll even toss out a few compliments for the bronzes, though she tends to keep well out of their way. In stark contrast to M'run, however, she's heavily focused on appearances - both physical and social. She's constantly reminding him to actually mind his manners, and to keep his mouth shut when he disagrees with decisions. Like a rather annoying, incredibly specialized conscience, really.

She's chatty, willing to talk to just about anyone that will give her the chance. Her conversations generally don't have much in the way of substance - she prefers to keep things light unless required otherwise. She's not much of a risk taker, but is always happy to go on an adventure if it doesn't seem particularly dangerous.
Fort Weyr High Reaches Weyr Semeca Weyr
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    Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:31 pm
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All right, this will need some work.

Does M'run's flaw (I assume it is him not following the rules) ever actually come back to bite him? It does not appear to affect him in his history save for no one trusting him for what seems to be no reason. Please clarify or further strengthen this.

M'run would not have an elided name prior to impression.

His history needs a lot of work, possibly an entire rewrite.

If he is the only child of a lord holder pair, he would not be allowed to be a rider. He would be kept at the hold, no ifs ands or buts. I suggest removing the Blooded aspect entirely.

We do not allow search at 14. The youngest we allow a character to be searched is 15.

The Interval War would still be going on when he impressed. Since this was a major event, and one he would have been involved in, he would not have been allowed to transfer around and see the world. He would have remained on the bottom rung if the Benden hierarchy, as greenriders were not particularly highly valued at Benden. The war is not mentioned anywhere in his history, and he is not young enough to have escaped it entirely.

Benden in particular has a lot of history that is not touched on, such as keeping Alayna of Gold Wyzeth hostage, kidnapping a Fort Whiterider, and the collapse of the leadership due to a criminal network. I would highly suggest moving him to somewhere like Igen or Telgar, where there is no involved and heavy history to need to adapt into his profile.

If you have questions or need suggestions, please ask in the character creation channel on Discord. Once edits are made, please post in this thread. Thank you!
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