"lyrics or quotes here"
NAME: Mayra
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
BIRTHDATE: Early spring 2739
AGE: 36 as of winter 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Garnet Rider
WING: Nocturne Wing
EYES: Brown
HAIR: brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'2'' and heavyset
FULL APPEARANCE: She is somewhat bent over from the weight of life being carried on her shoulders. Her body starting to feel the very first strain of age. Swayback having taken a seat in her life giving her a bit of an odd gait in her walk.
Her eyes are still bright and clear. Her brown hair, she keeps long and tied back into a very tight bun. Which she will let loose during special occasions. She has put on some weight since her youthful days working on her parents farm. Years of depression, drinking and eating to cope with her feelings, caused the rider to gain some weight.
PERSONALITY: Mayla is about as stubborn as they come. Once her mind is set, no matter how wrong she is, she will see her tasks through. It doesn't matter if those tasks are set by herself or by the wing leader. Nothing will stand in her way. She learns through trial and error. When she gets it wrong, she will try try again, often the same way to the same outcome. Eventually trying a new approach until she finds success. If she wants to go visit a hold for some respite, unless you have clear reasons why she can't, you can expect Mayla will go. Once her mind is set. It's set.
She is inflexible in her thinking. It wont matter if you tell her the sky is blue. If she believes it's red. The sky is red. It's often through her Stubborn persist nature that Mayla is able to learn thing's such as reading and writing at a much older age. Refusing to give up on any form of learning presented to her. She is filled with a wonder and curiosity to learn as much as she can about pern. Often diving into singular subjects for weeks at a time until she feels she has learned all she can. This has its drawbacks, especially through her interactions among her peers. Causing frustrations when she insists that she's right even when she couldn't be more wrong.
Her thirst for knowledge doesn't just apply to subjects she finds interesting either. Anything that one would not find in every day life in a hold is information waiting to be consumed by Mayla.
Her obsessions don't end with knowledge of her surroundings. She has been known to allow people to consume her mind for lengths at a time.
FAMILY: Mother and Father both from a farming cothold nothing substantial about them. Three younger sisters.
BIRTHPLACE: Cothold near Benden ?
Mayla was born in a tiny cothold just outside of Benden. Too far away from the various hustle and bustle of the life that went on in the Weyr. Too busy keeping the farm moving with her father and her mother and her younger sisters. Mayla found she had little time to learn about life outside of her birthplace. Leaving her illiterate.
As she had reached her teenage years, Mayla met Beatty at the very first gather she was allowed to attend. The man easily swept her off her feet with his charms, being unaccustomed to the flirtatious nature of boys she fell hard and fast. It had been a night of memorable bliss she just could not forget.
Over the next year, she maintained secret visits from Beatty to her home. Where courtship had begun, Beatty had used much of this time to teach her how to read and write. Something that would have been abandoned by her parents due to their own illiteracy. Eventually the need to write became a necessity as Beatty entered Candidacy with his friends from the Weyr.
Not long after turning 16, Mayla herself had been searched by a bluerider. Bringing her to Brenden for a short duration. During her candidacy, which allowed her to be closer to Beatty, she was able to share the many studies and chores alongside him. Allowing the pair to grow closer together.
It was at the same clutching, were Beatty and Mayla stood side by side eager to impress a substantial dragon. Her head having been filled with the idea of impressing a gold. A pair of eggs had unexpectedly hatched simultaneous to one another. Two nearly identical garnets had stumbled side by side in tandem towards the lovers. Mayla was shocked when the more vibrant red of the two settled impression on her. She could feel her love for the hatchling explode in her unlike anything she had ever felt. Color aside Mayla had forgotten the more traditional views set around her. Her love for Reapirith forcing her to re-evaluate where she stood in her views. Realizing she no longer stood in harmony with Beatty and his views.
Her Weyrling days were not full of the joy of impression as they should have been. Impressing a garnet named Reapirith, was something her lover had viewed as stigma. Her relationship with the man had come to an end. Unable to move past the fate of the color she had impressed.
Thankfully, pity had been taken on her. As soon as she was able, Mayla found herself being transferred to Semaca Weyr. Where a rider of her color was far more accepted. Her heart still ached over the loss of such a deep relationship with her lover Beatty.
Years past, with seemingly no variation from day to day. Spending most of her time fighting thread and as a sort of transport for delivering important people from one place to another.
Mayra slowly found she was starting to forget Beatty and move on with her life. Content with just the company of her Garnet dragon. It wasn't until her late twenties that life had thrown another curve ball her way. Beatty had been transferred to Semaca, and not just anywhere in the Weyr, they shared the same wing. Being unsure of how to cope with the appearance of her past lover, whom she had never gotten over, Mayla found herself struggling to cope with her daily chores. Unable to cope with seeing the man who easily awakened those same feelings inside her. She still loves him deeply.