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N'eth of Green Azoth

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    Thu May 31, 2018 1:00 am
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N'eth of Green Azoth

"By the first egg, how am I supposed to deal with you idiots?"


RETIRE INFO: Retire both
NAME: N'eth, Sane N'eth
GENDER: Cis Male
PRONOUNS: he/him/his

BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2736
AGE: 34 as of Early Fall 2770
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider, One Sane Man
WING: Daylight

EYES: Green
HAIR: Messy brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6' even, lanky but fit
PLAY-BY: N'eth (Chronicles of Pern)
N'eth is a man who looks like every stereotype that a greenrider should be. He's always well-kept and well-dressed. He looks good and he makes himself look good. He makes sure his hair is always this weird, well-looking mess and he is always pretty easy to spot coming. He doesn't look terribly fit, but he is a strong man in his own right. He has some lines and wrinkles already, and some dark circles from just dealing with the other Chronicles in his class. They're a family but boy they give him headaches. He enjoys wearing a little bit of pink on his person now and then, usually on a shirt or a little patch on his flight jacket.

Somehow, despite the best efforts of his class, N'eth is somehow the sane one. He is not entirely immune to their strangeness and their idiocies, but he does a lot better than a lot of others. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, and he spends most of his time babysitting his friends. After all, they are a mess in their own right, and he needs to make sure someone is keeping an eye on them. That is usually him. Actually, it is pretty much always him. Great. Well, he's determined to bear the burden because if he wasn't keeping an eye on them, then they'll probably get killed. He knows that it's a thankless job, but someone's got to do it.

When he isn't mothering his classmates, N'eth is a friendly, jovial sort of man who really just likes doing his thing and letting people smile. He doesn't mind that he rides green. Azoth is a handful but she's his handful, and he's pretty content just being a greenrider. He's already achieved his dream of riding a dragon, everything else is just extra. If he wasn't constantly watching others, he'd be a pretty good candidate master. But his hands are full. He likes to knit in his spare time too. Scarves and mittens are not unusual for him to just make an excess of.

FAMILY: Neferet of Green Bizuth (father), Paalla (mother, weaver)
Nemetham's life began as one of very little note. Born to a greenrider father and a weaver mother, he lived a life as many weyrbrats do. His existence was rather unremarkable, just like him. He took interest in weaving and fabrics, developing a good work ethic and an enjoyment of working with the cloth and threads. It evolved into a love for knitting and sewing, one he carried with him well into candidacy.

Impression was the farthest thing from his mind, but he was encouraged to stand simply to try it out.

He impressed almost immediately. Azoth was a stunning green, even if she was smarmy and a jerk sometimes, but she was his. Unfortunately, weyrlinghood meant that it was time for him to grow... and it meant his classmates were the utter nightmares of themselves. It was a mess, but he grew fond of them and resolved to take care of them because they clearly couldn't take care of themselves.

War ended, thread came, and N'eth and Azoth only resumed their duties stronger. Thread was easier to fight than other Riders. Even with Golre's madness, and the rise of violent golds at Fort Weyr, N'eth wouldn't leave. His family was here, and he was alive. That was all he really wanted. There's always more to do, always. Besides, the Chronicles won't take care of themselves.
Fort Weyr
Senior Weyrwoman Tuckal of Gold Serapheth
[White Journey]
Weyrlingmaster Lexien of Brown Mikazuchith
Hollow of Brown Bysalth
Ni'all of Brown Calyptrath
Wa'en of Brown Galahath
Alphinaud of Green Koth
Playne of Green Iosefkath
Vartin of Amethyst Vartisk
and Garnet Varsk
[Bone Otani]
Journeyman Scribe Urianger
Semaca Weyr
Hecate of Almandine Cabadath
D'ryu of Bronze Cyroth
Persephone of Green Amauroth
[Brown Bitey] [Blue Paladin]
Quatre of Green Wynleth
[White Sandrock]
Majima of Brown Majimask
Weyrling Ke'ro of Green Ossabhath
Candidate Pierrick
Dragonless Time
Journeyman Carpenter/Sailor Wojchek
High Reaches Weyr
G'li of Bronze Ereborth
Lelouch of Blue Isith
[Gold Banshee]
Lobelia of Blue Imeterth
Datte of White Tarith
[Green Illium]
Weyrling Zoh'tof Brown Lannith
Lanselot of Brown Selosk
JM Healer Vallauris
[Gold Aether]
Holder Xander
[Bronze Siegfried] [Blue Laslow] [Green Peri]
Wherling Mori of Gold Morsk
Weyrbrat Viola
[Garnet Ultima]
Candidate Clive
[Gold Phoenix] [Brown Ifrit] [Blue Ramuh]
[Green Garuda] [Green Shiva]
Weyrfolk Daosea
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Location: The Churning Mists
    Thu May 31, 2018 1:01 am
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NAME: Azoth
BIRTHDATE Spring 2752
AGE: 18 as of Spring 2770



LENGTH: 25ft
HEIGHT: 6.25ft
COLOR: Green
She is the prettiest princess. Azoth is a small green, but she is stunning. She is a springy, bright green all over, with diamond patterns fading over her body as if some part of her is expertly patterned. She is speedy, and light on her feet, with narrow wings and a pointed face. She is absolutely dainty, without any fear or worry, though she is prone to spraining limbs. She's agile and quick, but she doesn't quite have the stamina to last an entire Fall. She is usually switched out and rotated with other greens bigger than her.

If N'eth is a good soul, Azoth is a sarcastic grump. She is smarmy and doesn't enjoy being around her siblings, finding them all dumb and a waste of time. It is something she tells N'eth frequently, that she is tired of him trying to be the smart one of the class and wishes they could just forsk off somewhere else. Of course, N'eth won't let her and that makes her rather perpetually grumpy. It's worse when she's proddy, when her mood feeds over to N'eth and they both get irritable and a little prissy.

That said, Azoth is pretty much done with everyone and everything around her. She has zero forsks to give at all times, and it is only through N'eth's constant poking that she is anywhere near functional. She would rather sit back and let others handle it. There's better things for her to do, such as doing literally anything except whatever her siblings are asking of her.
Fort Weyr
Senior Weyrwoman Tuckal of Gold Serapheth
[White Journey]
Weyrlingmaster Lexien of Brown Mikazuchith
Hollow of Brown Bysalth
Ni'all of Brown Calyptrath
Wa'en of Brown Galahath
Alphinaud of Green Koth
Playne of Green Iosefkath
Vartin of Amethyst Vartisk
and Garnet Varsk
[Bone Otani]
Journeyman Scribe Urianger
Semaca Weyr
Hecate of Almandine Cabadath
D'ryu of Bronze Cyroth
Persephone of Green Amauroth
[Brown Bitey] [Blue Paladin]
Quatre of Green Wynleth
[White Sandrock]
Majima of Brown Majimask
Weyrling Ke'ro of Green Ossabhath
Candidate Pierrick
Dragonless Time
Journeyman Carpenter/Sailor Wojchek
High Reaches Weyr
G'li of Bronze Ereborth
Lelouch of Blue Isith
[Gold Banshee]
Lobelia of Blue Imeterth
Datte of White Tarith
[Green Illium]
Weyrling Zoh'tof Brown Lannith
Lanselot of Brown Selosk
JM Healer Vallauris
[Gold Aether]
Holder Xander
[Bronze Siegfried] [Blue Laslow] [Green Peri]
Wherling Mori of Gold Morsk
Weyrbrat Viola
[Garnet Ultima]
Candidate Clive
[Gold Phoenix] [Brown Ifrit] [Blue Ramuh]
[Green Garuda] [Green Shiva]
Weyrfolk Daosea
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