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Aodh of Garnet Aosk

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Aodh of Garnet Aosk



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NAME: Aodh
GENDER: Masculine
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: Antagonistic

BIRTHDATE: Late Autumn 2746
AGE: 30 as of 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Tailor, Squadrider
WING: Chopin

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
PLAY-BY: Seth (Fire Emblem)
Towering above most, Aodh stands at an impressive 6' 6" in height, all broad shoulders and strong musculature. Regarding his other features, his skin is relatively light despite his occupation, his eyes a fierce blue color, and his black hair kept neatly trimmed. Variety doesn't seem to be a strong suit in Aodh's wardrobe, though he certainly knows how to dress well for an occasion. Unless a Gather or other celebration is planned, he'll be wearing some gear suited to a wherhandler; finely-stitched leather and boots to match, sometimes accompanied by a brown cloak on top.

Aodh is a complicated man, but not one that's easily approachable. Aloof and distant to everyone, he sees little value in engaging others except in a professional setting and no longer than strictly necessary, making a point to otherwise avoid pointless fraternizing. Though he's known for being shrewdly patient and tolerant, he can be incredibly sarcastic and caustic once he's pushed too far, often giving little warning to what he's thinking before someone finds themselves facing his ire. Incredibly harsh and blunt, so much as to be be considered cruel by some, he seems to find it difficult to muster enough effort to be remotely polite. Some might call him lazy, some might call him an irredeemable forsker, but Aodh wouldn't bat an eye to both of these complaints. In fact, he doesn't seem to respect an opinion that isn't his own or from someone close to him, but input from someone of superior rank is also usually accepted. Seeing it as very important to respect his leaders, Aodh is one to follow orders and deviate as little as possible, unless he thinks he has a better course of action and will bring up his view.

Aodh is an odd man, hiding behind carefully maintained armor that few can see through. As his parents were a very strong influence in his life, his pride in his Craft often manifests as an air of superiority, something he maintains into today. But in spite of his parents' teachings dictating that it would be best to let others fail and focus on his own path, he does his best to help others find success, finding a strange joy in teaching others to be self-sufficient. Incredibly self-critical and strictest to himself than all others, he has a tendency to overanalyze everything; accounting for things that aren't really an issue, sometimes detracting from more important matters. Being a private man, he doesn't like questions into his personal life, quickly shutting down conversations where he feels necessary; permitting others to see too close would easily allow them to see where his flaws claim origin, to identify and exploit his weaknesses.

Aodh cares for his weyrmate at a core level, no matter how snarky he can get. But he can't help but get jealous should someone else occupy his weyrmate's focus too long, growing incredibly hostile and aggressive, whereupon he usually withdraws elsewhere until his nerves calm. Though rebuffing everyone else, he is very fond of being physically close to his weyrmate as often as he can, though he's loathe to admit his affectionate nature. Aodh is always ready to support his weyrmate should a fight be just, while there to calm all anger should they face a misunderstanding. Though reserved, he's a caring man, otherwise expressing his love through meaningful gestures and acts, gifts bringing less emphasis for him. Aodh is also incredibly close to Aosk, going to great lengths to make sure she is comfortable and happy. Very protective of his garnet, a threat to her is enough to get him to swing on someone, where little else could.

As of 2776, Aodh has grown increasingly withdrawn and almost hostile since separating from Hirshal, his first weyrmate, as though to protect himself from being vulnerable again, though he doesn't let it interfere with his duties.

Parents - Journeyman Tailors - living
Siblings/Half-Siblings - none to his knowledge - open tie(s)!
BIRTHPLACE: A small hold between Southern Telgar and and Big Bay
Aodh was born to Journeyman Tailors in a small hold between Southern Telgar and Big Bay Holds. While his parents thought themselves to hold importance and carried themselves as such, it was more realistic to consider that they were more talk than talent, something they wouldn't dare consider. Regardless, Aodh was destined to be a Tailor, being taught basic stitches and observing his parents before he entered Apprenticeship at eight Turns. But sewing wasn't all he observed from his parents. Both too proud and self-focused, they were a poorly-matched couple and fought behind closed doors, often about Aodh and how he should be trained, but they stayed together for some reason beyond him. It left him a quiet and reserved child, focused more on his studies than making friends.

Proceeding through Apprenticeship normally, Aodh was expected to graduate into practicing as a fully-fledged Journeyman. In spite of his tumultuous childhood, he took comfort and pride in his Craft; there was no better feeling than producing a fine piece of work. But it wasn't meant to be, as a dragon of Igen Weyr flew Search and landed in his small hold of no significance. It didn't take long for her to decide that Aodh would be an apt Candidate. Aodh took some time to consider, but he eventually said yes, where his parents insisted he wouldn't go; his place was here, a Tailor of utmost importance. But Aodh insisted he would go. It got heated, words were flung that could not be unsaid, but he left before supper. Heading for Igen Weyr, he began Candidacy, practiced his Craft as his secondary plan and solace, and didn't consider visiting or writing his parents.

It wasn't long that Aodh decided that he wasn't interested in being a dragonrider. Whers were much more familiar to him, beasts he recognized and understood. Being Searched at seventeen, he Impressed at his second hatching at eighteen Turns, a bright garnet emerging from her shell and naming herself his Aosk. Proudly entering wherlinghood, he had no idea he'd be meeting someone else who'd completely change his life. Hirshal was trouble in human form, not afraid to start a fight for a good reason or not. It was rare to find a moment where they didn't argue, but it rarely felt like an actual fight; it was almost like they were simply talking to each other, in a unique way. It persisted all through wherlinghood until graduation, whereupon they found themselves inseparable friends. Into being fully-fledged wherhandlers, Aodh and Hirshal seemed to possess a deep mutual understanding, somehow working well together as they tried to outshine each other. But they didn't quite hit that mark. Rather, they complimented each other; Hirshal was more suited to manage tasks requiring strength, whereas Aodh was analytical and used his wits to succeed.

Turns went by, but Aodh and Hirshal did nothing but grow closer. It was a slow thing, Aodh even slower to realize it, but realize it he did. How he looked forward to even meeting Hirshal's eye every day, how a single snarky grin from Hirshal was enough to make him smile in reply, how horribly he hated seeing someone else in Hirshal's company. But he said nothing, resolute in his decision that he permit Hirshal speak first. Perhaps he was afraid that what they had would be broken beyond repair should he say something about how he felt, but he wouldn't admit to such a ridiculous notion. As time went on, it was but a glance between them held a charge like nothing before, full of longing and something unspoken. It wasn't until they found themselves together during and after Hirsk's run that Hirshal found it within him to say something. Aodh revealed how he'd been waiting for Turns for Hirshal to speak first, in spite of feeling so strongly for him, but they didn't speak of it much more before they moved to considered themselves officially together.

It took a long while for Aodh and Hirshal to ease into being a couple, though nothing changed regarding how they argued and needled each other. Taking some time to really discuss how each felt, as difficult for both as it was, Aodh let his guard down and revealed how afraid he'd been speak first; to possibly lose Hirshal completely. There wasn't much said after that, but they weren't much for talking about feelings. Some things were best expressed wordlessly, as demonstrated through little gifts and other small gestures between them. It wasn't long after that Aodh and Hirshal moved in together, alongside both garnet whers. After more than ten Turns, Aodh found himself bonded to an amazing garnet wher and weyrmate to his beloved Hirshal; he couldn't be happier. In recent times, they'd both decided to transfer to Fort Weyr, seeing a change of pace in order for them.

  • Early Fall 2776: In wake of separating from Hirshal, Aodh requests transfer to Semaca Weyr.
Last edited by Agenothree on Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:35 am, edited 9 times in total.
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NAME: Aosk
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2767
AGE: 9 as of 2776



LENGTH: 14 ft.
HEIGHT: 5 ft.
COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #f8d0de
Decidedly average in her dimensions, Aosk is nothing special in regards to her size, though perhaps she compensates in every inch of her body being strong muscle; her movement is reminiscent of a large feline, her every step carefully calculated and oddly graceful. Standing too close to Aosk seems to bring a risk of going blind, her coat being an almost obnoxiously bright pink, lightening to flower-petal pink closer to her head. In comparison to her lighter-hued hide, her markings seem to belong more to a mighty warrior. Decorative "armor" runs along her shoulders, sides, and legs, even lacing down her tail in shades of bold magenta and crimson red.

Aosk is a wher whose pride knows no bounds. A wher who acts like she should've been born gold, she turns her nose up at everything and everyone she sees as beneath her notice, unwilling to expend an ounce of effort to even pretend to care for them. Displaying a very intense holier-than-thou attitude, she appears incredibly judgmental and critical toward everyone but herself and those closest to her, pointing out every tiny flaw and mistake. To make it obvious that she's always better than everyone else, she takes great pains to stay perfectly clean and on time to every occasion, often badgering Aodh into assisting in these efforts. Though she dislikes getting too dirty or exerting herself too much, she's always happy to show someone up by working that extra mile.

Few but Aodh gets to see her true nature through her mask: Aosk is a deeply insecure and anxious wher. Wearing her facade of entitlement like armor and her opinions her sharpest weapon, she repels everyone from looking too closely at her; to make light of her flaws both actual and those she perceives. Aosk is deeply dependent on Aodh, though she often tries to downplay and disguise it. Always in close contact to Aodh, even while they're apart, she's not truly content unless he's there in her mind, but it's even better to be near him in person. Aosk is very reliant on Aodh to protect and guide her, basing much of her decisions on observing what he does, especially in new situations. Despite her fearful nature, Aosk is a garnet of such potential; all she has to do is emerge from hiding in her handler's shadow, where she can shine so bright.

VOICE: Aosk sounds like a beautiful young lady, well-taught and well-bred. Under most circumstances, she affects a tone of haughtiness and syrupy-sweetness, punctuated by airy sniffs. After wearing down her walls enough, she lets go of her facade; she speaks very softly and rather shyly, almost girlish in her more gentle tone, though she always sounds a little tired.
Last edited by Agenothree on Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Wher

What color/s does your character want?: Open to all. Aodh would like a different color than garnet, but he won't absolutely refuse a second. A mutation color is also acceptable, but not necessarily his first selection.
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: Aodh is primarily seeking a wher that could be more confident and encourage Aosk to follow suit, as well as compliment his own driven nature. Otherwise, Aodh isn't terribly particular on personality.
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: Not a bitey little monster to manage, for Faranth's sake.

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: N/A

What color(s) are you willing for your character to Impress to?: All!
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: N/A
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: None!
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: None!
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: *shrugs* Aodh has specific goals and desires, but I do not. Match him as you see fit! <3

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: Nothing to note!
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Everything Major and below is fine! If an injury needs to happen or would be good to spice things up a bit, feel free to pick on Aodh. xD
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Yes to Impressing, but nothing to avoid!

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nothing comes to mind!
Last edited by Agenothree on Sun Oct 22, 2023 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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