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Deng of Green Engsk

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Deng of Green Engsk

Deng of Green Engsk
"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Deng
PRONOUNS: He/Him/His, but he’s not particularly fussed over pronouns

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2755
AGE: 20
OCCUPATION: Greenhandler
WING: Chopin

EYES: Grey
HAIR: Black, slightly wavy
PLAY-BY: Dan Heng (Honkai Star Rail)
EXPY SOURCE: Dan Heng (Honkai Star Rail)
FULL APPEARANCE: Deng, while attractive enough, isn’t a man who particularly stands out. His appearance is kept neat, for the most part, though he only ever seems to wear his handler’s leathers. Deng doesn’t really have a casual set of clothes, and can very rarely be seen dressed down. However, his standard leathers are well taken care of and soft, a testament to his desire to keep things neat and orderly so far as his clothing is concerned.

While he’d prefer if it could lay flat, his hair is just the slightest bit wavy, a fact that aggravated him to no end. It’s still kept brushed and neat as he can manage, but those black locks of his will always be the slightest bit wavy, giving his hair a more messy look. This is the only part of himself he does not manage to keep neat and clean at all times. His skin is soft and on the paler side, and in general he tries to not let so much as a spec of dust ruin his looks.

PERSONALITY: Deng has a hard time expressing his emotions. Seemingly blank and cold, he’s not really the kind of person to have many friends, mainly due to his own inability to come off as anything but blank. His voice is a consistent monotone, and his responses are usually awkward at best. He still cares of course, he just doesn’t know how to express that. When one gets closer to him, he reveals a rather sassy side to his personality, being able to banter with the best of them. This requires him to be rather comfortable with the person in question, though, which is rare.

Deng tends to take things more seriously than most, and isn’t the best at detecting sarcasm in strangers. While he’s still capable of breaking rules, he prefers to follow them, and gets frustrated when the people around him don’t show the same regard for the rules. He doesn’t necessarily lash out when this happens, but his frustration can get very visible in the form of shorter, more clipped responses and a refusal to look at the person in question.

Deng is not a fan of seeing other people hurting, for all that he seems indifferent at times. He gets perhaps a little too invested in helping at times, to the point of causing himself physical or sometimes emotional hurt. He rarely takes care of himself emotionally besides the bare minimum, believing that there’s no real point in pampering himself. Physically, while he takes care of his looks, he doesn’t always allow himself to heal from injuries or illnesses quite as much as he should. Why would he lay around when there’s work to be done?

FAMILY: None that he is currently in contact with.
HISTORY: Deng was born in a rather small minor hold, to a family that was anything but warm. Growing up, he was expected to keep his feelings and emotions to himself, and thought it rather normal to not share these things with anybody. His parents would still provide for him, but they were more than a little detached from their son on the emotional side of things.

Deng didn’t have many friends because of this, and many saw him as an odd, distant child. He learned to keep his feelings from showing on his face, his voice a perfect monotone, so that his parents never had a reason to find fault with him. There were no physical punishments for messing up, but he really didn’t like the way his parents yelled. It was rather hypocritical of them, but Deng couldn’t do much about it.

Years passed in this way, and Deng chose to study under a smith when he was old enough to apprentice. The man was far from a specialized crafter, doing whatever the hold needed, but his work was beautiful enough to catch Deng’s eye. His mentor’s forges quickly became a form of escape for him, and he seemed to spend more time there than at home. This wouldn’t last forever, though. While his parents approved of his diligence, Deng felt as though it wasn’t quite enough. He genuinely cherished his time with his mentor, but something else was calling him.

By the age of 17 turns, he’d resolved himself to leave, and ended up finding himself on a boat to Semaca (after a heartfelt thanks to his mentor). This boat was a pirate ship, and something about it caught his eye. They were planning on selling wher eggs. In a stunning display of recklessness he’d never shown before, he purchased one of the eggs himself upon arrival to the somewhat new Weyr. He hadn’t originally intended to do it, intending to continue his craft, but something about the eggs seemed right.

When his egg hatched, an eye-catching green tumbled out, quick to snap but just as quick to accept the bond. He’d sealed his fate at the Weyr, and after joining their ranks, he was officially a wherling. As a hold kid, there was a steep learning curve. He hadn’t had much of a chance to learn much about whers, beyond their bonding method, and many things took a lot of trial and error to figure out. He did get it eventually, though, and found that his Engsk was a very reliable companion. She was patient with him, though not gentle, and seemed all too wise for a rather young wherlet.

Eventually, the pair graduated from wherlinghood, and Deng chose to join Chopin. It appealed to him the most, and his smithing experience would hardly go amiss there. Now at 20 turns, Deng has settled into his new life as a handler with his beautiful Engsk.
Last edited by Kitarial on Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:18 am, edited 9 times in total.
High Reaches
Blue of Brown Prarirth
Cater of Blue Sprath
Chuuya of Blue Yask and White Chusk
Weyrling Fen of Blue Molloth
Tobirama of Blue Edolath
Shikamaru of Green Konoith
Fort Weyr
Enma of Garnet Enmask
Kiyoomi of Brown Chiyamath
Genma of Green Hanatarith
N’mi of Green Yuiryth
Seto of White Bruueyeth
Candidate Bede
Semaca Weyr
Sanvi of Bronze Sanvisk and Blue Sask
A’cheng of Garnet Quebeleth
S’ui of Brown Buetoth
Ridelle of Blue Pothecath
Sakura of Blue Kleeth
Deng of Green Engsk
Kazuyuki of Green Kazoth
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NAME: Engsk
BIRTHDATE Summer 2772
AGE: 3 as of Summer 2775



LENGTH: 12ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #69D571
FULL APPEARANCE: Engsk is a pretty shade of light green, with her top half covered in mossy green tiger stripes. While tall enough for a green wher, she’s rather average in terms of overall bulk. Not particularly large or particularly small, Engsk has just the right amount of welcoming plumpness. Not yet scarred by experience and time, her hide is well-maintained and oiled, giving her a very clean and pleasant look. Her face is on the rounder side for a wher’s, though with all the normal wrinkles one can come to expect from a wher.

PERSONALITY: Engsk is a very patient individual. She’s very good at keeping her cool around even the most obnoxious of people, though her calmness doesn’t always equal kindness. Much like her handler, she can be sassy and bold, all the while insulting someone with a perfectly stony face. Her words are one thing, but her expression (as far as a wher can have one) is often blank, as is the tone used to deliver said sass.

She mainly cares about Deng and his loved ones, and isn’t particularly warm to anybody else. However, with those select few she enjoys being around, she’s perfectly gentle and warm. To anybody else, she may as well be a brick wall for all she seems to care about what they have to say. She will never outright say this, but finds ways to make her distaste well known to those who can’t get the hint.
High Reaches
Blue of Brown Prarirth
Cater of Blue Sprath
Chuuya of Blue Yask and White Chusk
Weyrling Fen of Blue Molloth
Tobirama of Blue Edolath
Shikamaru of Green Konoith
Fort Weyr
Enma of Garnet Enmask
Kiyoomi of Brown Chiyamath
Genma of Green Hanatarith
N’mi of Green Yuiryth
Seto of White Bruueyeth
Candidate Bede
Semaca Weyr
Sanvi of Bronze Sanvisk and Blue Sask
A’cheng of Garnet Quebeleth
S’ui of Brown Buetoth
Ridelle of Blue Pothecath
Sakura of Blue Kleeth
Deng of Green Engsk
Kazuyuki of Green Kazoth
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Wher

What color/s does your character want?: Any
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: N/A
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: N/A

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?:N/A

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: An, though I’ve a slight lean towards female colors for him.
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: Yes
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?:I don’t feel as though he’d be a great match with anything timid, but otherwise I can see most things working.
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?:
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: Deng doesn’t really care about color, he just wants a wher he can work with. Personally, I don’t think a particularly timid wher would help him. He’d tolerate timidity and be patient with it, but I don’t think he’d be the best person for a wher like that to come out of their shell with.

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: N/A
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: He’s a wher candidate, he’s gonna have to at least cut his hand to impress no matter what. Injury is perfectly fine, though I’d obviously prefer non fatal.
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Mutations are totally fine! Can’t think of anything to be avoided.

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nope.
High Reaches
Blue of Brown Prarirth
Cater of Blue Sprath
Chuuya of Blue Yask and White Chusk
Weyrling Fen of Blue Molloth
Tobirama of Blue Edolath
Shikamaru of Green Konoith
Fort Weyr
Enma of Garnet Enmask
Kiyoomi of Brown Chiyamath
Genma of Green Hanatarith
N’mi of Green Yuiryth
Seto of White Bruueyeth
Candidate Bede
Semaca Weyr
Sanvi of Bronze Sanvisk and Blue Sask
A’cheng of Garnet Quebeleth
S’ui of Brown Buetoth
Ridelle of Blue Pothecath
Sakura of Blue Kleeth
Deng of Green Engsk
Kazuyuki of Green Kazoth
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