"Hmmm... there's something written on that fish."
RETIRE INFO: Retire Minato, Adopt Charoth
NAME: Minato
ORIENTATION: Romantic Asexual
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2751
AGE: 18 as of Early Spring 2769
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
WING: Chopin Squad
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Black
PLAY-BY: Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
Minato tends to have a rather gloomy expression on his face regardless of his mood. He stands at 5'9", though he may gain a couple more before he's reached his final height. He has grey eyes and short black hair that is unkempt at the front despite the occasional effort he puts into attempting to neaten it. His bangs perpetually cover his right eye unless forcibly pinned out of the way. When standing at rest, his tendency is to shove his hands in his pockets. Not one to be too in to fashion, he wears what he needs to wear for the day.
While he appears perpetually gloomy, Minato is a comforting beam of moonlight on a cloudy night. He is very expressive, just in his own quiet way. He is content to watch and observe, taking action when needed. While not a Harper in any sense, he enjoys music and will stop to listen to anyone who is making it, even if they're just whistling a tune while they work. He has a rather dark sense of humor that can be disconcerting to others who aren't expecting it. He doesn't always realize it when he's making people uncomfortable, but will always apologize when it's pointed out to him.
His specialty lies in begin a comforting presence rather than offering sage advice. He doesn't pretend to have all the answers, but if he can point someone in the right direction he's more than happy to do so. While he enjoys what he does and is proud of being a rider, sometimes he wonders if he could be doing more. Is there another task he would be better suited for? Should he be in a different wing, a different Weyr? This doubt plagues him from time to time, but he knows he has a place right where he is.
Father: Mitono
Mother: Nayaleni
Older Sister: Itolaya
Younger Brother: Onmito
Younger Sister: Yalnae
BIRTHPLACE: Small Cothold in Telgar territory
Minato was born second out of four children to a pair of kind farmers. He was loved as much as his sister before him and his siblings after him and wanted for nothing. Theirs was a modest living, working the land by day and seeing to the needs of their children by night. Minato didn't mind the hard work. He enjoyed cultivating the land and watching the crops grow, as much for the sense of accomplishment as knowing his family and others would be fed thanks to his efforts.
His childhood and teens were fairly mundane, spending most of it on the farm. It wasn't a terrible existence, not when they had everything they needed. Unfortunately, it wasn't to last. As the years went by, the crops began to do poorly, and failed altogether in 2763. Hoping for a miracle, the family tried one more year, but the result was the same. Without the land to live on, there wasn't much hope for them where they were, and thus migrated to Telgar Weyr.
Not long after they arrived, Minato was Searched by a Telgar dragon. Intrigued by the prospect of Impression, he accepted and became a candidate. He didn't mind the wait for his dragon, the months between clutches being spent learning his new craft and how to best prepare should he be chosen. He waited a turn before transferring to Semaca Weyr out of a desire to help the newest Weyr however he could. Most of his time was spent with candidate lessons and chores, but whatever time he could spare he used helping wherever he was needed. As time passed, he began to wonder if he ever would Impress, but he needn't have doubted; he Impressed to Charoth in the fall of 2767 and couldn't have been happier.
Weyrlinghood was fairly straightforward and passed without much trouble. The trouble came after with the floods. Though the Weyr is a mess, for Minato and Charoth, the only solution is to clean up and forge ahead, something they are more than happy to help with.