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Orist of White Osyth

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Orist of White Osyth

"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." Mark Twain


NAME: Orist
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Aromantic Asexual

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2742
AGE: 31 as of Summer 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Whiterider
WING: Chopin Squad

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'10" and Thin
Orist is a tall, gangling sort of man. He is notably thin with limbs that look like they might be too long for his body. Whether he simply never grew into them or this is an illusion cast by his weight it is difficult to tell. But he definitely looks awkward at first glance. He can usually be found standing like he's trying to withdraw into himself, shoulders hunched to make him shorter and hands tucked close to his sides. Clearly this is someone who doesn't want to be noticed, even if he can't exactly help it.

His hair is a messy black mop on his head, with a loose braid in the back to keep the longer of it contained. He doesn't like people touching his hair, so it's rare to find him freshly-trimmed unless he does it himself. His eyes are a darker blue but somewhat striking. Clothing-wise, he opts for plain colours that don't stick out.

Orist is quiet, to the point of seeming cold, but this reflects insecurity rather than pride. Used to thinking of himself as the lowest on the Benden totem pole, Orist is truly at ease only around Garnets, uniques, and mutations, and his fellow whiteriders. He's mildly anxious most of the time when interacting with others, always fidgeting with his hands, and is most comfortable overall when simply left to his own devices. His few Turns at Semaca have opened him up somewhat, although he remains overly eager to please and struggles to speak to bronzeriders as equals. He still has a strong desire to be needed, but more in a "wishes to be useful" way than seeking "a reason to be kept around." He's a bit of a pushover, easily coerced into things, and has a very meek personality overall, even before his time at Benden.

Orist is gentle and caring, soft-spoken and warm-hearted, and loves interacting with younger members of the Weyr, from dragons, whers, and firelizards, to humans and animals. He's admittedly still rather spineless and cowardly, rarely, if ever, standing up for himself or others, more likely to just stand by and let something happen rather than fight for or against it. He likes soft things like fabrics and music and singing but dislikes sad songs or tales, believing the world has too much sadness in it already to hear more. Orist would like to learn how to play a string instrument, but is too bashful to ask to be taught.

BIRTHPLACE: Telgar Cothold
HISTORY: Warning: Mentions of Abuse
Born in a Telgar Cothold, Orist was the only child of a pair of beast-farmers. He didn't have a very eventful childhood, raised alone with his parents, he had no siblings and didn't get into much trouble as a child. He was Searched at fifteen to Telgar, transferring at sixteen to Benden for a clutch. Instead of transferring back after the fact, he was kept on by the more traditional Weyr, unwittingly coerced (guilted) by "friends" into staying on at Benden.

At seventeen (2760) he would Impress--though not to a bronze or a brown as everyone had been assuring him. Not even a blue, which would have been perfectly fine, or a green. He wouldn't have minded being beneath the metallics or browns. Instead, he was bonded to... a white. Now, White dragons weren't bad in his book, having spent time at Telgar he didn't understand Benden's disdain for them. Not initially, at least. But through Weyrling training, he was subject to snide looks and sneers from Benden's other riders, reminded of how strange and useless his dragon, and by extention he, was. He was only good for serving the higher colours, far below even greens and blues. He took the brunt of verbal and sometimes, though less frequently, even physical abuse for any action viewed as a transgression, until the first Garnets began appearing a Turn later (2761). Then, Garnets were added to the "strange and unusual" pile, below him and his white, lumped in with the very rare unique dragons and chimeras. By then, the damage had been done and Orist had been molded into a subservient rider, fearful of those ranking above him.

When Alayna and Wyzeth disappeared shortly before graduation, Orist tried to find out what happened, though there was no information he could glean as a whiterider. He was told she transferred, and while he didn't particularly believe them, he couldn't argue it.

In 2764, Benden riders attacked Fort Weyr during a touching, kidnapping two riders. Orist was not among them, but heard about it from the others at the Weyr. He was horrified by what they had done, but felt he could do nothing to help the kidnapped riders. Not long after, they were threatening to execute one of them--again, Orist could do nothing but watch as those above him did as they pleased. When eggs started disappearing from the sands in 2765, he wondered for their whereabouts, but privately was glad to know they had been freed from Benden's tyranny. He was most of all horrified to find out that Alayna was still alive and had been kept drugged, stashed away in Benden where no one could find and help her.

Benden finally faced repercussions for their actions in 2767, after Alayna spoke about her experiences.

Despite the handful of changes in the Weyr, it wasn't until a few Turns later, in 2769, that Orist was "freed" from his subservient position: finally gathering up the courage to transfer to Semaca. He helps to rebuild the budding Weyr after the flooding, and slowly begins to heal from his past at a Weyr that doesn't view the colour hierarchy as all-encompassing.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:53 am, edited 40 times in total.
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  • Early Fall 2772 ; Orist's left arm is a little scratched up from moving some unfinished lumber around (Mild).
  • Spring 2774 ; Orist scrapes his left elbow on the dining hall table while leaving breakfast. (Mild)
Last edited by Tyto on Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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NAME: Osyth
BIRTHDATE Spring 2760
AGE: 14 as of Summer 2774

Birthplace: Benden Weyr (Heroes)
Dam: Gold Nuuth (Benden)

LENGTH: 25ft
COLOR: White
HEX CODE: #85838d
Osyth is a dragon made of layers. Almost like watercolour, her hide is a mix of white, grey, and darker grey. There's no real rhyme or reason to her patterning, other than perhaps a calico sort of look as if mimicking the colouration of a housefeline. Size-wise, Osyth is quite small for a White, but still within the normal range for small. She has no noticeable scars on her hide, her small size making her quick and nimble in the air.

A very blunt dragon, Osyth can easily cause social harm without meaning to. She doesn't see a reason for beating around the bush, preferring to make her opinions known to someone outright. She can be playful, though, and is very curious, often sticking her nose into things that may not be the best idea to. This has caused some problems for her and her rider in the past, but unlike her rider she has not been cowed by the harsh treatment of Benden.

When speaking, she rarely raises her voice, and likes to talk in riddles.
Last edited by Tyto on Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:00 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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