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Adavhir of Green Vhirsk

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Adavhir of Green Vhirsk



"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Adavhir; Ada as a nickname
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Aggressively Heterosexual

BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2748
AGE: 26 as of Late Autumn 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler
WING: Chopin

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
PLAY-BY: Drizella (Cinderella)
EXPY SOURCE: Drizella (Cinderella)
Adavhir is as tall and gangly as a colt, standing at an even 6 feet in height, which is most certainly not what a lady's height should be. For her hair, she wears inky black hair swept behind her, accented by a pretty blue bow up front. Adavhir's skin stays stubbornly pale even under Semaca's sun, and her eyes are as brown as Semaca's mud. For her wardrobe, she enjoy green hues, and long pretty dresses. Granted, being a member of Chopin doesn't permit her such a luxury, which she heartily complains about. As such, she wears a white blouse and a green work-skirt, keeping her usual ribbon out of spite.

Adavhir was supposed to be a nice girl, a beautiful young lady, prim and proper. Adavhir is none of those things. Adavhir is a spiteful woman, hating others for possessing what she cannot attain: beauty. Grace, poise, charm; all of it eludes her where others display such talent in droves. Jealousy colors almost every interaction, her bitterness unable to be concealed. And she's unwilling to conceal it. Adavhir demonstrates a cruel nature and bad temper, more than a little eager to destroy what brings happiness to others; who should be happy where she cannot? Seeing her own reflection as ugly and recalling how often she was told of her unworthiness, she is more than happy to destroy what brings others joy; why should others be happy where she cannot?

Selfish and greedy, Adavhir won't hesitate to do what is necessary to secure what she wants, no matter how simple and petty her desires are. Rather dim-witted and dull, she's a conversationist that shines about as bright as an ancient spoon. Though she finds her half-sister Adella utterly intolerable and her main target for such spite, Adavhir hosts some sort of odd affection for D'vir, even as she envies what her elder sister has and resents her for leaving Adavhir to be responsible for marrying to uphold her family. For Adavhir, Vhirsk is like a little sister she never had. While she had to mind and tend her sisters, she could get away being a bit shrewish toward her younger sisters. Vhirsk doesn't run to hide behind her mother's skirts in face of Adavhir's "wrath," and a part of Adavhir enjoys this side of interactions regarding her green.

Perhaps a better woman lies under such an ill-tempered countenance that Adavhir demonstrates, waiting for her family, friends, and wher to bring her forth. Perhaps not.

Vladivir - father - living
Dhagmar - mother - living
D'vir of Blue Cainhurth - dragonrider - elder sister - living
Adella - Candidate - younger half-sister - living
Other Siblings/Half-Siblings - other younger sisters
BIRTHPLACE: A Ruathan cothold
HISTORY: TW: sexism
Adavhir was born to cothold leaders Vladivir and Dhagmar, second after her elder sister Dhavir. Numerous other younger sisters followed, and not a single son, much to her parents' woe. Even from a young age, Adavhir had demonstrated an immense sense of entitlement, being a daughter of her cothold's leaders. At times, she was shrewish at best and a terror at worst. It seemed a hobby or even a passion of hers, to be horrid to family, friends, and acquaintances alike. Adavhir was never terribly bright, and not at all talented, and her parents despaired of ever finding her a match once she came of age, after they had an idea to see eldest Dhavir married first. Fortunately, she could rely on her elder sister Dhavir to uphold her parents' mounting expectations.

Unfortunately for Adavhir, Dhavir was unexpectedly Searched and unceremoniously sent away, after a litany of failed attempts to find her a match. That left Adavhir abruptly in her parents' sights. A part of her never forgave her parents for sending Dhavir away, and another never forgave Dhavir for going. Dhavir had failed time and time again, all her potential suitors and said suitors' discerning parents finding some flaw in her. Adavhir was no better; perhaps she was worse, in her parents' eyes. Not a single match went according to her parents' careful plans. Turns of this saw Adavhir growing ever more ill-tempered and snappish. While one part of her delighted in being fawned upon like a Lady, and another offended that none of these suitors saw her as a fit match, a quiet part of her wondered...what it would be like to be in control of her fate.

Adavhir was a woman fond of dresses and pretty things, as even daughter of cothold leaders' would, on a meager allowance. Nothing caught her eye at market...until clattering wheels assaulted her ears. Turning, about to offer a sharp word and an insult, she caught sight of something that could put even Pern's most delightfully sparkly fabric to shame: wher eggs. It was an impulsive decision, but she marched up and demanded a wher egg, dropping all her marks into this merchant's hands. Humoring this young woman, she was permitted to select an egg, and she of course selected what she thought was this clutch's largest and shiniest egg for herself, positive it would yield what every girl dreamed for: a gold.

A gold was absolutely not what emerged from that egg. Out burst a bright and excited little green, eager to meet her new bonded and what world awaited them. Too shocked to do much but blink, she followed instructions on how to bond her new wherlet. Before she knew it, Vhirsk was introducing herself formally, in her mind. Adavhir had no choice but to go home bearing her new green and face her parents' ire, especially her mother's. As she expected, her mother was incensed and at a loss of what to do. No man would want an untrained wherhandler as a wife! Adavhir, at last, decided to do what she thought she'd never, ever do.

Adavhir made a decision for herself.

Being bonded to a wher was almost permanent, as far as Adavhir was aware. And she had no intention of hurting this friend she'd acquired, to please her mother. Both women got what each wanted: Adavhir would depart to train herself how to be a respectable wherhandler, but what her mother didn't need to know was that Adavhir had no intention of returning. Vhirsk had shown her that life had more in store than she'd thought. Finding a mentor in an older female wherhandler of this very same caravan she'd bought Vhirsk from, she packed her things and left in less than a sevenday since Impressing.

Adavhir hated being away from her soft hay-stuffed mattress and sick of her nicest dresses getting stained, but Vhirsk was there every step she took, to cheer her on and encourage her to keep it up. Both were declared a fully-fledged wherpair at long last, and free to depart from watchful caravan eyes. But where would they go? Home wasn't an option. It took all of a single look from her mother on even a brief visit to convince Adavhir to depart and offering nothing but an ill-tempered insult on her way. For Turns, they stayed close to this familiar caravan, nowhere else to go. But a thought occurred to her... Where had Dhavir ended up? It took some investigating, but she found her elder sister had Impressed after all, and was a dragonrider of Semaca. Dragons... That was something Adavhir had dreamed of, time and time again. But Vhirsk was a wher, and that was that.

Finding transport to Semaca, Adavhir and Vhirsk presented themselves and applied to Chopin Squad. Upon acceptance, Adavhir sought out D'vir...and found her half-sister Adella had gotten herself here too? Great...

Last edited by Agenothree on Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:35 am, edited 4 times in total.
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NAME: Vhirsk
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2768
AGE: 6 as of Late Fall 2774


LENGTH: 11.5 ft.
HEIGHT: 4 ft.
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #69deb1
Vhirsk may be small in stature, but she is incredibly compact and rather strong, even for a green; so much muscle stored in one body. In regard to her hide, Vhirsk is a beautiful pale green for her base hue, upon which is scattered hundreds of small dots of an even paler green. Almost like "points" on her head, wings, paws, and tail, a darker shade of evergreen paints her.

Vhirsk may look sweet and gentle...and she is. An utter sweetheart, it's her delight to be close to others, strangers and family alike. It's her nature to pour her heart into everything she does, no matter how big or small her task. More like a very large dog than a wher, she is very cuddly and affectionate, even to strangers. Such friendliness allows her to be a great first introduction of whers to those who might not know much of such beasts...even though her bonded isn't very sociable. Regrettably, Vhirsk is rather bratty. Where something doesn't go her way, she can be very petulant and whiny, capable of throwing tantrums that put Adavhir to shame.

To her bonded, Vhirsk is a little sister like no other. Vhirsk will return as much as Adavhir throws her direction, and even more. Vhirsk enjoys gently teasing her bonded, finding Adavhir's responses most amusing. Such a strong bond of love ties both human and wher together, even as they look like they'd rather never see each other again. Often, they bicker to and fro, seeming more like children than grown beings. Sharing more in common than they appear, Vhirsk is always present to keep Adavhir on track and tell her she's being too mean...and to let another round of bickering begin. Vhirsk loves music and birdsong, finding both very soothing to hear. In addition, she loves activities such as dressing up and crafting flower crowns, as much as a wher can.

Voice: Vhirsk sounds like a very young girl, her voice high and ringing, a gentle lilt to it. Screaming and screeching both mentally and verbally are common occurrences once something upsets her enough to cause a tantrum, and such sounds are audible near across Semaca's jungles.
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