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Erugo of Green Peorith

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Erugo of Green Peorith

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NAME: Erugo
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2751
AGE: 24 as of Spring 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Greenrider, Apprentice Tanner
WING: Chopin Squad

EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'9" and Average
PLAY-BY: Vincent Law
EXPY SOURCE: Vincent Law (Ergo Proxy)
A man of average height and build, Erugo isn't much to look at. Not to say he's decisively unattractive, he's just not particularly remarkable. His hair is short and messy, usually sticking up at odd angles, and dark, nearly black shade of brown. His skin is pale with only a faint tan in the summers, and his eyes are green, though in some lights can appear a bit more blue.

As far as clothing goes, he typically wears browns and rustic colors, only practical garments.

Erugo possesses quite a humble personality. Behind this gentle character, he is a thoughtful, determined, and strong person. Beyond this, he is also a victim of self-doubt and uncertainty, as a result of a particularly poor memory. He writes everything down whenever possible and keeps journals to remind himself of the days' important happenings. He's notorious for forgetting things like dates or meetings if they aren't written down or given to him in writing.

Whenever possible, he refrains from committing violent acts, preferring to escape from conflict altogether or serve as the pacifist in a tense situation. More likely, he'll excuse himself or outright flee the situation rather than deal with it. This aversion includes social conflicts, not just physical ones, which can irreversibly harm his relationships as he prefers to avoid rather than confront. That said, in worst-case scenarios, such as being backed into a corner, he will stand up for those he cares about--physically or verbally.

He has some trouble acknowledging his faults, though not in an arrogant sort of way. He knows he's human and has faults and will make mistakes, but he doesn't like thinking that he's done something wrong or that there's "something else" wrong with him.

FAMILY: Erunna - Mother (+28) ; Goran - Father (+30)
HISTORY: Warning: Life-altering Injury
Erugo was born to a pair of Holders who worked in the fields of Igen hold. He had no brothers or sisters and was doted on by his parents as an only child. They worked hard to provide for him, and saw to it he even received a very basic education from a local Harper. As he grew, he had hopeful future ahead of him, even with his not-so-stellar memory. He picked up a Craft as soon as he was able, his parents spending their hard-earned Marks to see him trained under one of the Hold's Tanners.

Eventually he was Searched to his patron Weyr--and his parents saw him off with may well-wishes, knowing that even if he didn't Impress he would have far more opportunities in the Weyr than the Hold. A better education, more opportunities to pursue crafts--the sky was the limit. And as luck would have it, he bonded! Two Turns after he arrived, at nineteen, he bonded to his wonderful green. Life was excellent, he had a wonderful lifepartner, a craft to fall back on, but luck would not remain on his side forever. One fateful day, during Weyrling training, he suffered a serious head injury. While not visibly scarred from the incident, he now suffers from even worse memory problems and he requires frequent breaks when performing long physical exercises. Threadfall is tough and it is an exercise in both rider and dragon to make sure they make it out of between safely.

With trouble recalling even his family's names and faces, he had little inclination to remain in Igen. When Peorith and her "class" reached five Turns, he chose to transfer to Semaca, where he saw himself as potentially being "more useful." Not to mention, what he knew of their workings even he with his poor memory could be useful even if he could no longer fight Thread. After all, he could pick up a new craft, or make himself useful with drudgework.
Last edited by Tyto on Mon Jul 03, 2023 5:43 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Last edited by Tyto on Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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NAME: Peorith
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2770
AGE: 5 as of Spring 2775

Birthplace: Igen Weyr (Windsweep)



LENGTH: 27ft
WINGSPAN: 37.75ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #cad494
Peorith is a lovely little green, with long legs and short wings for her size. Even if she's a little disproportionate, it doesn't seem to bother her at all, and she's quite nimble in the air and surprisingly graceful on land. Her hide is a yellow-green more on the pale side, with spots speckled at random from her nose to her tail. Her spots range in an almost gradient from mint green to deep, nearly-black green from nose to tail. Her wingsails are mint green.

A friendly green, she far from lacks for companionship of others. Dragons, humans, they're all really the same to her. As long as someone is kind, she figures she'll get along with them just fine. She's very much a positive force in the lives of those around her, always looking on the bright side and being supportive even when she's suffering her own issues. She's quite observant, even able to pick up on subtle cues and tones of those she speaks with to help her determine an individual's comfort level with a topic or suggestion. It's sometimes her who remembers things between the rider-dragon pair, so long as something has happened within the last day or so--but she does remember his journals at least.

Peorith iss also quite skittish, however, easily startled by typically minor things. She's terribly afraid of things that scuttle or crawl, like tunnelsnakes and silkspinners, and even trundlebugs aren't quite safe enough for her despite their harmless nature.
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