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Ygbir of Blue Pothecath

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    Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:27 pm
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Ygbir of Blue Pothecath


"Why don't we just wait 'till it rains? That's how I clean myself." - Rigby, Regular Show


NAME: Ygbir
GENDER: Cis male
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual, Aromantic

BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2755
AGE: 22 as of 2777
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
WING: Chopin Squad

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown, kept short and messy
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'2", Scrawny
PLAY-BY: Rio Waida
EXPY SOURCE: Rigby (Regular Show)
Ygbir is a short man, who is convinced that one day he'll get taller, even though he is already at his full height. His build is thin with little muscle, barely having enough to get through his tasks as a rider. His skin is tan and generally clear. He keeps his face clean shaven, as any attempts at growing facial hair are scraggly and pathetic. Always messy, his hair is brown and on the shorter side, so even when he does not style it (which is always) it's not in his eyes.

Clothing wise, Ygbir isn't one for style. He wears whatever he grabs first from the pile of garments he keeps in his room, even if it's dirty or torn. Even on special occasions, he doesn't wear nice clothes, but he'll at least make sure what he does pick out is clean. Generally he has a cheap and shabby air about him.

To say Ygbir is immature would be an understatement. He's lazy, selfish, and becomes easily frustrated when presented with an obstacle. Often instead of persevering, he tends to give up before putting much effort in. If there is an obvious shortcut to a task, he will take it. He would always prefer to slack off than to just do his work, and he can often be found sneaking food from the kitchens or playing games instead of doing the tasks assigned him.

In terms of intelligence, Ygbir isn't terribly smart, either. He is easily outwitted in a debate, and has trouble following more high-brow conversation. He's been swindled out of his marks more than once, and would easily let it happen again. He frequently comes up with awful ideas, which he doesn't hesitate to act out. This has gotten him into trouble more than once. He is cowardly, and useless in a fight.

Of his few redeeming qualities, Ygbir is loyal to his friends. If a friend is truly in danger, he can muster up the courage to help them, but only in the most dire of circumstances. He is generally outgoing and outspoken, and does not have trouble striking up a conversation with strangers, provided they do not take it to too academic of a topic.

Father, Ygaril - Weyrfolk
Mother, Biratrice - Greenrider
Younger Brother, Biragar - Weyrfolk
TW: Parental favoritism
Ygbir was born to a Greenrider, Biratrice and her Weyrmate Ygaril, a drudge of Benden Weyr. He was raised largely in the creche, though his father did visit often to monitor how he was learning and getting along with the other weyrbrats. Often, Ygbir did not meet the expectations of his father, who held high hopes that one day his son would be a rider like his mother.

When he was 5 turns old, his younger brother was born, and some of the heavy expectations from his father were shifted to his brother, Biragar. Though this was a bit of a relief for Ygbir, he also resented the fact that his brother was the golden child, so much so that even Ygbir's friends often preferred to play with Biragar.

At age 10, with the official founding of Semaca Weyr, Biratrice and Ygaril uprooted their family and moved to the southern continent to help build the weyr. Not knowing what else to do with himself and certainly not wanting to dedicate himself to a craft, he enrolled in candidacy at age 15, hoping to spend plenty of turns without having to get a real job while appeasing his father's desires for him to be a rider. As a gift for becoming a candidate, his father purchased him a flit egg, which hatched into Knobber. Ygbir would tolerate the flit, wishing his father had bought him something that required less work to care for.

Aside from dealing with a cranky firelizard, the years of Ygbir's candidacy were of little note, he did just enough to get by, though he occasionally was given extra chores for slacking off too much. He fully planned to coast like this until he aged out, but his plans were thrown off when at age 18, he Impressed blue Pothecath.

Turns out, Pothecath was a great friend, and just the dragon Ygbir needed. The pair were well suited to each other, even if they could bring out the worst in each other when competition is involved. After graduating from weyrlinghood, they opted to join Chopin Squad, as it didn't require them to actively risk their necks to service the weyr.
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NAME: Knobber
BIRTHDATE Winter 2765
AGE: 10 as of 2777

COLOR: White
Knobber's body is a gradient displaying the various shades whites come in, with his head and forelimbs black, fading to gray in his torso, then white along his lower body and tail. Along the grey and white portions of his body, he has black spots, like soot from a fire was dumped on him. He is small and stocky for a firelizard, with short but powerful limbs.

Knobber is a mean flit, no question about it. He doesn't care for strangers, or most people for that matter, and prefers to spend his time observing others from a distance, ideally from above. Even his bonded is largely kept at a good distance, he only approaches when tempted with treats, and even then that's not a guarantee to get him within arm's reach. Despite his dislike of people, he is very protective of his bonds, and will attack someone if they present any kind of threat to them.
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NAME: Pothecath
BIRTHDATE Winter 2773
AGE: 4 as of 2777

LENGTH: 31ft
Pothecath is on the smaller side for blues, but no less striking for it. He's a deep midnight blue. Down his sides and on the leading edges of his wings are sky blue markings that look like the stitches used to sew two pieces of leather together. His head is a lighter color, the top half in sky blue and the bottom half so pale it's nearly white, bisected by a royal blue line that also covers the top half of his nose.

Pothecath is a calm, rather unassuming dragon. He doesn't like to make himself the center of attention. He's not shy, he simply prefers not to become a spectacle like some of his siblings. He tries to make sure other people remain relatively even-keeled as well, though he's more likely to step aside than to push the issue when things start getting out of hand. He does like most people, and tries to be helpful when he can, so long as his help won't end up harming someone else indirectly.

Beneath the tranquil surface though, Pothecath is a surprisingly fierce competitor. Games and competitions bring out the worst in him. He won't quite stoop to cheating, but he'll do almost anything else in his power to win. He can get downright rowdy when he's competing, cheering on teammates and even taunting opponents—something he'd never dream of doing at any other time. He just gets swept up in the excitement. It doesn't matter if he's having a contest of strength with a dragon not fully-grown and a quarter of his size, he won't ever hold back.

Pothecath will always be his rider's greatest supporter. He'll always be there for them. Even if he disapproves of their actions from time to time, he will support them. He just might not actively help them. He wants to be in harmony with those closest to him, and tries to just go with the flow.

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