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A'tomi of Garnet Hyliath

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A'tomi of Garnet Hyliath

A'tomi of Garnet Hyliath
"Lavenders blue, dilly, dilly
Lavender's green
When you are king, dilly, dilly
I shall be queen
Who told you so, dilly, dilly
Who told you so?
'Twas mine own heart, dilly, dilly
That told me so.
- Lavender's Blue


NAME: A'tomi
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Panromantic Pansexual

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2746
AGE: 28 as of Summer 2774
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Garnetrider
WING: Stormlight Wing

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Red-Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'6" and Petite
A'tomi is a slight young woman with brown hair and grey-blue eyes. She looks a bit frail and has a youthful face free of scars; she's been lucky when fighting Thread not to suffer any marking injuries. Quite thin and looks to have little muscle mass to her, she's stronger than she appears but still quite lightweight and easily picked up and carried around if the need arises (though not recommended). Her hair is kept short, chin-length in the back and just near her eyes at the fringe.

Clothing-wise, she wears typical rider leathers, though cooler weather will see heavier sweaters and bulky clothing which only accentuates the fact that she looks rather small. She wears a small necklace around her neck with a tiny pendant which once belonged to her mother, the only physical reminder she has from home.

A gentle and kindly soul, A'tomi leads with her heart rather than her head. Luckily, she's not been put in any positions of power, as while she would make decisions based on what she thought to be good for everyone, she's a bit of a pushover and could be led astray by the words of those she trusts. She's humble for her own skills and helpful for others, putting their needs above her own to even the detriment of her own wellbeing on more than one occasion. If a task requires something to be done, she will work on it until it is finished. However, she can be quite forgetful and would probably lose her head if not secured tightly to her neck and frequently has to write things down to avoid forgetting them... but then still sometimes forgets the context of things she wrote down or where she put her reminders.

She can also be stubborn and rather childish, not above tantrums or silent treatments if she believes she has been wronged in some way.

A'tomi likes to sing but has no formal training--she has a natural talent, but being a Rider takes up all of her time.

FAMILY: Numerous direct and extended family members.
BIRTHPLACE: Cothold in High Reaches territory
Born Asatomi in the spring of turn 2746, she grew up in a loving cothold full of her extended family. She was a middle child but no less loved than those before or after her and grew up well adjusted. As the cothold consisted mostly of her direct and extended family members, some moving off and returning with spouses as she grew, they were largely self-sufficient save for what couldn't be grown or raised on their land. They traded with nearby cotholds and kept to themselves, not particularly bothered by the Weyr for more than its protection.

As such she was raised conservatively but with a wonder for dragonriders, occasionally seen flying in the sky high above them, and when riders came to one of the neighboring Holds as they were trading, she was overjoyed to be Searched on the spot.

It took two long Turns for her to Impress to Hyliath. Garnets were still rather new at the time, with only two having hatched at High Reaches. While initially horrified by having impressed a non-traditional colour, the newly-named A'tomi quickly discovered she could not hate her dragon. Hyliath was sweet and gentle, and now a part of her as much as her own two hands. Their relationship was a little rocky for the first sevenday or so as they tested their new bond, but thereafter the pair became quite a team.

Despite the rockiness of the Weyr as a whole, with stolen eggs and ripplings of renewed conflict with Fort, A'tomi and Hyliath remain loyal to their patron Weyr. A'tomi does not believe that High Reaches stole the eggs, though how they appeared in the sands she does not have an answer for. Hyliath, despite her differences with Terminath, was saddened for the loss of her sister.
Last edited by Tyto on Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:50 pm, edited 29 times in total.
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  • Summer 2771; Bonds to Tea, the green firelizard.
  • Early Fall 2771; Threadfall, A'tomi bruises the top of her foot (Mild)
  • Early Fall 2772; A'tomi's left shoulder is caught by an unexpected strand of wind-blown Thread, scoring her (Moderate)
Last edited by Tyto on Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:06 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Name: Hyliath
Birthdate: Early Summer 2764
Age: 10 as of Summer 2774

Birthplace: High Reaches Weyr (Heroes)
Dam: Gold Vilketh (Benden)
Sire: Bronze Virenth



Final Size-
Length: 38ft
Height: 9.5ft
Wingspan: 59ft
Color: Garnet
Hex code: #53009c

This dragon is hard to miss! Hyliath is such a bright color that it is really hard to not see her, she practically glows. She is a slender, dainty dragon and she looks far more fragile than she is. Lean, thin limbs and narrow wings, Hyliath is an agile flier, graceful as the best of them. She is not the fastest dragon, but she makes up for it in her flexibility. She is a bright, bold magenta-pink all over, and there may be jokes that she could never hide because of her bright color. Her ridges are a pale lavender, and her markings are a bright, vibrant, royal purple. The purple curls over her nose like an ornate piece of jewelry, and across her chest as if she is wearing an elaborate necklace. The color crosses her knobs and her last toes like they're wrapped in string, and there are triangle markings on her feet. There's one more swish of color over her tailfork.

Hyliath presents herself as a fine, fair ruler, a dragon who should be leading and should be a gold... but she isn't. She's good at organizing and leading others, but the burden of an entire Weyr would not rest well on her shoulders. She is a gentle, compassionate dragon, one who maybe takes on too many problems at once and works herself to exhaustion. Moderation is key, and something she'll need to learn. She is very dedicated to ensuring that everyone is safe and at peace, and isn't afraid to get into the thick of it. She does not like violence, and will not resort to it unless she has no other options.

To her bonded, Hyliath is maybe a little over-protective, but very caring. She knows when to back off, usually. There's a good streak of humor in her, and she may enjoy the occasional prank. Everything can't be serious all the time, of course! She is sweet, there's no part of her who doesn't want the best for the world and for her human. She also loves music. Sure, she can't sing and has no musical talent at all, but she loves to listen, and will rock her head in time with the tune. She is good friends with Kinlath and Impath, though she may be a little at odds with Terminath and Midath.

Voice: Hyliath's voice is light and carefree, and very easy to listen to.
Last edited by Tyto on Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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BIRTHDATE Summer 2771
AGE: 3 as of Summer 2774

Color: Green
A simple mint-green firelizard with bright lime green, spindly blob markings.

Slightly skittish, but affectionate. Somewhat of a glutton, she'll usually try to eat something before realizing it isn't food. This does sometimes include fingers, so watch out!
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