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Zol'ar of Brown Daronath

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Zol'ar of Brown Daronath

Zol'ar of Brown Daronath
"You know Z, your cluelessness is kinda cute."


NAME: Zol'ar
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Greyromantic Pansexual

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2753
AGE: 21 as of Summer 2774
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Brownrider
WING: Stormlight Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'3" and Scrawny
PLAY-BY: Dito (Drakengard 3)
Zol'ar suffers from a youthful appearance even as he ages, making him look several Turns younger than he actually is. With rounded cheeks and larger eyes, he may never quite rid himself of his youth, and is a far cry from a chiseled or grizzled man. In fact, until he speaks, sometimes he can be mistaken for a young lady instead. This is not helped by his slender figure and thin brows, though he does keep his black hair cut short, never letting it grow past his shoulders. His eyes are light brown and skin is pale, though has enough of a natural tan to avoid burning too badly while working in the sun.

Zol'ar is, very generally, an amiable, laid-back individual, and comes off as an optimist. He can also be cunning and manipulative when the situation calls for it. Even with his friendly personality, he is a very difficult person to actually "get close" to. He doesn't share a lot of personal details, even if he doesn't really have anything to hide, and although someone may consider him "a friend," he may not share the same sentiment in quite the same way. This can easily lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

Despite having lived within a Weyr for a decade or more, he still retains a great deal of traditionalist values from his initially Holdbred upbringing and, until moving to High Reaches, parental influence.

Although he will fight if he has to, he prefers to be a pacifist, and will impassively allow someone to yell at him. When provoked into actual combat, he is ruthless. Thoroughly stubborn, he'll stick with something to the end, even if things start to go south or toward directions that may result in issues with authority. He's also a bit lazy, doing anything he can to avoid doing any sort of extra work.

He dislikes cursing and tries to avoid it when possible, which is why it annoys him so much when his dragon does so. He's terrified of tunnelsnakes.

Zoldre - Mother
Arnum - Father
BIRTHPLACE: Telgar Cothold
HISTORY: Warning: Slight Homophobia
Born in a small Telgar cothold near Telgar Weyr proper to a Mastercrafter and his wife, Zol'ar (born Zoldrar) grew up well and coddled by his parents as an only child. Due to a complication with his birth, it was deemed unsafe for his mother to have another child. The young boy was raised lovingly and well-educated by his father, when he had time. At eight Turns old the small family moved to the Weyr proper as his father chose to volunteer his services, where Zol'ar continued to live with his mother rather than be delegated to the creche with the other children.

Zol'ar found the Weyr's traditions strange, and the openness to unusual attractions became a tense subject between himself and his parents as he began to explore his own romantic inclinations as a teen. Although his parents hammered home that the correct way of things was a man and a woman, they would deign to accept him for being attracted to men as well. It didn't ruin things between them, at the least.

Luckily, growing up in Telgar made him more open than his parents, even if he was still influenced by their choices, such as, when Searched at fifteen hoping he would Impress to a bronze or a brown, rather than a blue, green, garnet, or white. Telgar wasn't known for the same classist regime as Benden, but he didn't want his parents to look down on him for his dragon, too. As fate would have it, a turn later he would find himself bonding to a beautiful baby dragon--a brown, named Daronath. Although his dragon's mind was immature, the two were close from the get-go, and worked hard through Weyrling training to pass near the top of their class.

Finally classified as an adult, Zol'ar and Daronath opt to transfer Weyrs--looking further west. Initially they considered Fort, the more traditionalist of Weyrs, with their Weyrleaders and gold, but instead set their sights on... High Reaches. Despite its poor past, things had been looking up (egg theft aside) recently. They had some sort of council in charge, too, and weren't in the tropical jungle area of Semaca.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:11 am, edited 27 times in total.
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  • Spring 2774 ; Zol'ar is hit in the chest by a falling piece of firestone and is bruised by it (Mild).
Last edited by Tyto on Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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NAME: Daronath
BIRTHDATE Spring 2769
AGE: 5 as of Summer 2774

LENGTH: 42 ft
HEIGHT: 11.5 ft
COLOR: Brown
HEX CODE: #582C15
Daronath is an average brown as far as size goes, but quite handsome in looks. A rich chocolatey shade, with creamy wing membranes and coppery brown over the back of his wingsails. Over his nose is dipped in the same creamy colour, and a stripe of bars runs from just behind his headknobs and then along to his tail in a gradient from cream to copper. Although his size is average, his wings are built narrow and his body sleek for surprising maneuverability. Simply said, he's very zippy for a brown.

A rather innocent dragon, even by dragon standards, he is unassuming and often easily fooled. Adult jokes tend to fly over his head, and even grown he doesn't understand why words can be "bad," so sometimes one may find curses added as "flavor words" to his speech, much to the annoyance of his rider. Daronath worries deeply for the safety of others and does his best in everything to try and protect as many people and dragons as possible. He's easily impressed, especially by older dragons, and looks up to them, regardless of their past actions. This makes him susceptible to being taken advantage of, especially since Daronath, contrary to his rider, considers everyone a friend. Just like his rider, he is a pacifist.

To his rider, he is a friend and companion, though doesn't understand why Zol'ar dislikes his flavour words. Daronath isn't clingy like some dragons, but likes to sit with his rider and enjoys doing any sort of task together. He would certainly try to volunteer for extra work to spend time with each other if he didn't think Zol'ar would be upset with him.
Last edited by Tyto on Sun Mar 07, 2021 3:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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