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T'ken of Green Lulinth

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T'ken of Green Lulinth

T'ken of Green Lulinth
"Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure."
- Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist)


NAME: T'ken
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Bisexual

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2743
AGE: 31 as of Summer 2774
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Greenrider
WING: Raindance Wing

EYES: Light Brown
HAIR: Ash blond
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'3" and stocky
T'ken is a large man. Not necessarily in height, though he is a little above average, but in bulk. He's naturally built rather like a brick, with visibly sturdy muscle--clearly this is someone who does a lot of manual labor. His skin is tanned from the sun, and whenever shirtless he has visible tanlines from various shirt-lengths.

Expressive brown eyes adorn his face below thick eyebrows, with premature wrinkles (or laugh-lines, as he'd rather call them) visible in the corners. His hair is ash-blond and kept a bit on the longer end of short, falling slightly past his shoulders. His fringe is kept pushed back out of his face and the rest tied back in a low tail. Small scars fleck over his hands, forearms, and legs from the various trials of life. He's got large hands and thick fingers definitely not meant for any sort of dexterity, but that suits him just fine.

Friendly and optimistic, T'ken is the type of man who takes life one day at a time. He's easily an embodiment of "the now of dragon thought," as he often doesn't think about the consequences of tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day. He's a good soul overall, just not the brightest in that aspect--or perhaps he's an old soul, one who feels that what is important is what one does with their life now instead of focusing on what the future holds. Either way, he often acts on gut instinct and what he thinks is best at the time, which can lead to issues down the way--and punishments he willingly accepts. He means well and does his best to do what he believes to be the right thing at the time.

At the same time, he's nonconfrontational and hates fighting, and will do what he can to avoid it whenever possible. This can lead to more issues of course, however unintentionally, as he tries to please everyone in a conflict--which is an impossible task. He's a bit gullible, trusting others to be honest; even after all his time as a rider and being a part of High Reaches, he tries to see the best in everyone, believing that they are inherently good and if someone lies to him, it was for a good reason.

FAMILY: Various living relatives
BIRTHPLACE: (Very) Minor Telgar Cothold
Born Taraken to a pair of farmers near Telgar, T'ken grew up as the oldest of several siblings. He and his family got on well enough, as he grew up, not particularly wanting for food or supplies to get along. They weren't rich like Lord Holders, unless you counted in love and family, but they were happy. Education wasn't something Taraken had until he was Searched, learning to read and write at the Weyr at sixteen Turns.

He wasn't the only one of his siblings to be taken by the Weyr, but he was the first one to Impress, at seventeen Turns old bonding to a beautiful baby Green. He was a little saddened not to bond to a Bronze or a Brown at first, his rural upbringing leading him to believe those as "proper" for a young man. However, he was quickly smitten with his dragon and forgot all about the idea of having anyone else as his bonded. No one could be better for him than Lulinth.

Weyrlinghood was a struggle, his late education making some of the lessons more challenging--but if effort could be graded he'd have passed with flying colours at the top of his class. When he finally graduated, he remained at Telgar for a handful of Turns, learning the ropes of being a full Rider, before transferring to High Reaches. This was shortly before the supposed egg theft of 2770, though he still doesn't believe that High Reaches would steal eggs. Instead of returning to Telgar, he chooses to stay at High Reaches, wanting to help the broken Weyr get a better reputation. After all, the more good riders the better, right?
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:10 am, edited 21 times in total.
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  • Early Fall 2771; Threadfall, Lulinth slightly strains a muscle in her right wing (Mild)
  • Spring 2774 ; Lulinth collides with Spriggth, but gets off no worse than some scrapes on her tail (Mild).
Last edited by Tyto on Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Made by Fem for Secret Santath 2020


NAME: Lulinth
BIRTHDATE Spring 2761
AGE: 13 as of Summer 2774



LENGTH: 27ft
HEIGHT: 7.5 ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #19ae52
Lulinth is on the smaller side for Greens and of average build, though much of her height is leg. She has a tendency to trip over herself when she’s excited and has taken a tumble more than once. She has a graceful slope to her nose and neck. Her hide takes after that of a calico feline with splotches ranging from mint to dark green. There are light starry freckles splashed across her nose, forelegs, and hindquarters.

Lulinth is a dragon of adventure and thrills. With a story in her heart and her eyes on the stars, she can do anything she sets her mind to. Unfortunately, sometimes she sets her sights too high and comes tumbling back to earth. Her ego tends to get the worst of it and she’ll sulk for days when her plans go awry. Despite being grown, she’s retained some of her youthful innocence and naivety. She’s an optimist, always looking for a happily ever after, only to be crushed when things don’t work out. She still believes, though, and will encourage others with her bright spirit even when things seem bleak. Lulinth is a lover of stories and will seek out harpers whenever she can to press them for tales new and old of adventure.
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